frames- But Robert Gabele , president of Invest\/Net , [ARG0 a North Miami , Fla. , company] that *T*-6 [rel packages] and sells [ARG1 the insider-trading data] , said 0 the proposal is worded *-4 so vaguely that key officials may fail *-1 to file the reports .
- An increasing number of big Japanese investors are buying up [ARG1 U.S. home mortgages] that *T*-175 have been pooled *-2 and [rel packaged] *-2 [ARGM-PNC for sale as interest-bearing instruments known * as mortgage-backed securities] .
- He argues that Michael Foods is misunderstood : `` This is a growth company in the [rel packaged] [ARG1 food] industry -- a rare breed , like * finding a white rhino . ''
- Last week a closely held New Jersey concern , Papetti High-Grade Egg Products Co. , rolled out an [ARGM-MNR aseptically] [rel packaged] [ARG1 liquefied] item called * Table Ready .
- Under the agreement , [ARG0 Westinghouse] will be able *-1 to purchase smaller combustion turbines from its Japanese partner , and [rel package] and sell [ARG1 them] with [ARG3-with its own generators and other equipment] .
- But some cosmetics-industry executives wonder whether techniques honed * in [rel packaged] [ARG1 goods] will translate to the cosmetics business .
- `` Just because upscale cosmetics look like packaged goods and smell like [rel packaged] [ARG1 goods] , it does n't mean 0 they are packaged goods , '' says *T*-1 Leonard Lauder , chief executive of Estee Lauder .
- `` Just because upscale cosmetics look like packaged goods and smell like packaged goods , it does n't mean 0 they are [rel packaged] [ARG1 goods] , '' says *T*-1 Leonard Lauder , chief executive of Estee Lauder .
- `` Just because upscale cosmetics look like [rel packaged] [ARG1 goods] and smell like packaged goods , it does n't mean 0 they are packaged goods , '' says *T*-1 Leonard Lauder , chief executive of Estee Lauder .
- The company said 0 [ARG0 it] will sell the water *-1 plain and with lemon-lime and cherry flavors and [ARGM-MOD will] [rel package] [ARG1 it] in [ARG2-in 28-ounce bottles and 6.5 ounce bottles as part of six-packs] .
- In addition to commercial markets , Digital 's new line targets the low end of the engineering and scientific supercomputer market , [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 it] 's [rel packaged] with [ARG3-with an optional supercharger , known * as a vector processor] *T*-1 .
- Sources close to the company and ad agencies that *T*-1 work with Meredith said 0 leading advertisers in consumer electronics , [rel packaged] [ARG1 goods] and automotive products were among those negotiating ad packages with the Meredith group .
- Tandy has added several new products *ICH*-3 to that line , including a laptop computer priced * around $ 1,000 *U* , and is focusing its advertising on [ARG1 the easy-to-use software] that *T*-2 is [rel packaged] *-1 with [ARG3-with its machines] .
- [ARG0 It] buys loans from lenders , [rel packages] [ARG1 some] into [ARG2-into securities for sale to investors] and holds the remainder in a portfolio .
- [ARG0 Fannie Mae , a federally chartered , shareholder-owned corporation ,] operates a secondary market for mortgage loans , *-1 buying loans from lenders , [rel packaging] [ARG1 some] into [ARG2-into securities] [ARGM-PNC for sale to investors] and keeping the rest in its portfolio .
- The chair is [ARGM-MNR a way] 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel package] [ARG1 massage] *T*-1 . ''