frames- `` Or if they feel 0 [ARG1 the wine] is [rel overpriced] *-99 and 0 they can get something equally good for less . ''
- The sell signal , which *T*-1 sent a bearish chill through the stock market , came when Renaissance 's computer found that [ARG1 stocks] were [rel overpriced] *-3 [ARGM-ADV compared with bonds and Treasury bills] *T*-2 .
- A few attorneys offer horror stories of jobs botched * by consultants or of [rel overpriced] [ARG1 services] -- as when one lawyer paid a consultant -LRB- not at Litigation Sciences -RRB- $ 70,000 *U* *-1 to interview a jury after a big trial and later read more informative interviews with the same jurors in The American Lawyer magazine .