frames- [ARG0 Japan] not only [rel outstrips] [ARG1 the U.S.] [ARGM-LOC in investment flows] but also outranks it in trade with most Southeast Asian countries -LRB- although the U.S. remains the leading trade partner for all of Asia -RRB- .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG0 the number of stocks hitting new lows] [ARGM-MNR far] [rel outstrips] [ARG1 the number setting new highs] .
- [ARG0 Declining issues on the Big Board] [rel outstripped] [ARG1 gainers] [ARG2-EXT 1,141 to 406] .
- [ARGM-TMP Since 1978] , [ARG0 average annual growth rates for most pollutants] have [rel outstripped] [ARG1 the growth of GNP] .
- While [ARG0 rival ABC News] [rel outstripped] [ARG1 the competition] [ARGM-LOC in live coverage of the event] [ARGM-MNR by sheer luck] -- the network was broadcasting the World Series from Candlestick Park when the quake struck *T*-1 -- NBC News was unable *-2 to get its signal out of San Francisco for the first hour after the quake .
- [ARG0 Microsoft Corp. 's earnings growth] continued *-1 to [rel outstrip] [ARG1 that of most of its competitors and customers in the personal-computer industry] , as it reported a 36 % jump in fiscal first-quarter earnings on a 33 % revenue gain .
- [ARG0 Prices] have risen 5.9 % in the first nine months of the year , *-1 [rel outstripping] [ARG1 both the initial 3 % inflation goal set * by the government of Socialist Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez and the second , revised goal of 5.8 %] .
- Toy makers complain that electricity in Guangdong has been provided *-1 only three days a week in recent months , down from five days a week , as [ARG0 the province 's rapid industrialization] has [rel outstripped] [ARG1 its generating capacity] .