frames- [ARG0 Mr. Ackerman] already is seeking *-1 to [rel oust] [ARG1 Mr. Edelman] as [ARG2-as chairman of Datapoint Corp. , an Intelogic affiliate] .
- Mr. Hollander was named *-118 chairman last week , *-118 succeeding Mr. Weekes , who *T*-147 was among the [rel ousted] [ARG1 directors] .
- Arthur B. Crozier , 34 , an attorney , was named *-122 secretary , *-122 succeeding John Virtue , who *T*-148 was another of the [rel ousted] [ARG1 directors] .
- [ARG0 China 's parliament] [rel ousted] [ARG1 two Hong Kong residents] from [ARG2-from a panel drafting a new constitution for the colony] .
- The vote in Ankara was boycotted *-1 by [ARG0 opposition politicians] , who *T*-125 vowed *-2 to [rel oust] [ARG1 Ozal] .
- The office also said 0 Mrs. Marcos and her husband were n't brought *-2 to the U.S. against their will after [ARG1 Mr. Marcos] was [rel ousted] *-1 as [ARG2-as president] .
- Staff lawyers for both sides were busy *-3 agreeing with one another about what [ARG0 the U.S.] could not do *T*-1 *-2 to [rel oust] [ARG1 the Panamanian thug] .
- Mr. Nye thinks 0 [ARG1 the UAL board] [ARGM-MOD should] be [rel ousted] *-1 [ARGM-ADV if it does n't move soon *-2 to increase shareholder value] .
- CBS pursues top sports `` *-3 to belie the fact that they are n't supporting affiliates , viewers and advertisers , '' charges 0 *T*-4 [ARG1 Thomas H. Wyman] , who *T*-2 was [rel ousted] *-1 as [ARG2-as chairman of CBS Inc.] [ARGM-TMP after Laurence A. Tisch bought a 24.9 % stake in the company and took over three years ago] .
- Their hope was that [ARG0 the catalyst] would seek *-1 to [rel oust] [ARG1 the board] [ARGM-ADV in a solicitation of shareholder consents] .
- Mr. Waggoner has been involved in a dispute with the board since [ARGM-TMP August] , when [ARG0 he] [rel ousted] [ARG1 all the directors] *T*-1 .
- [rel OUSTED] [ARG1 EXECUTIVES] over 50 years old take slightly less time than their younger colleagues *ICH*-3 *-1 to find a job -- 3.23 months vs. 3.26 for the juniors -- outplacement firm Challenger , Gray & Christmas finds 0 *T*-2 .
- One takeover expert noted that arbitragers could force a recapitalization through [ARGM-LOC the written consent process] under which [ARG0 holders] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel oust] [ARG1 the board] [ARGM-MNR by a majority vote] *T*-1 .
- He was [ARG1 only the sixth federal judge] [ARGM-TMP ever] [rel ousted] from [ARG2-from office] [ARGM-TMP after an impeachment trial] .
- It has reopened the bitter wrangling between the White House and Congress over [ARG0 who] *T*-1 is responsible for the failure * to [rel oust] [ARG1 Mr. Noriega] and , more broadly , for difficulties in * carrying out covert activities abroad .
- Officials familiar with the meeting said 0 Mr. Bush cited the policy as an example of the sort of congressional requirements 0 [ARG0 the administration] contends 0 *T*-1 contribute to the failure of such covert actions as this month 's futile effort * to [rel oust] [ARG1 Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega] .
- The board could eventually come under some pressure * to sell the company because [ARG1 its members] [ARGM-MOD can] be [rel ousted] *-1 by [ARG0-by a majority shareholder vote] , particularly since one-third of UAL stock is held *-2 by takeover stock speculators who *T*-3 favor a sale .
- [ARG0 Bush] conceded that the requirement did n't affect a decision * to lend only minor support to this month 's failed effort * to [rel oust] [ARG1 Panama 's Noriega] , aides said 0 *T*-1 .
- Your Oct. 12 editorial `` Pitiful , Helpless Presidency ? '' correctly states that I was critical of [ARG0 the Bush administration 's] failure * to have any plan *ICH*-1 in place * to respond in a timely fashion to the opportunities * to [rel oust] [ARG1 Manuel Noriega] presented * by the attempted military coup on Oct. 3 .
- The panel rejected a proposal *ICH*-2 pushed * by AMR Corp. , the parent of American Airlines , * to allow the Transportation secretary to block [ARG0 corporate raiders] from *-3 waging proxy fights *-4 to [rel oust] [ARG1 boards that *T*-1 oppose a leveraged buy-out] .
- [ARG0 President Carlos Salinas de Gortari] used the army *-3 to [rel oust] [ARG1 La Quina , who *T*-1 reigned for 28 years over a graft-riddled empire that *T*-2 made state-run Petroleos Mexicanos , or Pemex , one of the world 's most inefficient oil companies] .
- Roughly one-third of its stock is believed *-2 held *-3 by [ARG0 takeover stock traders] , who *T*-1 could vote *-4 to [rel oust] [ARG1 the board] if they become impatient .
- [ARG1 HONECKER] WAS [rel OUSTED] *-1 as [ARG2-as leader of East Germany] [ARGM-ADV amid growing unrest] .
- [ARG0 He] [ARGM-TMP then] [rel ousted] [ARG1 President Nicholas Ardito Barletta , a former World Bank official with close ties to the U.S.] , [ARGM-TMP after Mr. Barletta tried *-1 to create a commission * to investigate the murder] .
- East Germany 's Politburo met amid speculation that [ARG0 the ruling body] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel oust] [ARG1 hard-line leader Honecker , whose rule *T*-2 has been challenged *-1 by mass emigration and calls for democratic freedoms] .
- That skepticism would leave him with an even greater credibility problem *ICH*-1 should he return that *T*-3 would handicap [ARG0 him] in any effort * to [rel oust] [ARG1 the board] [ARGM-LOC in a proxy fight] .
- DPC , a group led * by the New York investment firm Crescott Inc. , also said 0 it plans *-2 to file preliminary materials *ICH*-1 with the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding a shareholder solicitation [ARG0 *] to [rel oust] [ARG1 Dataproducts ' board] .
- [ARGM-LOC In a widely publicized boardroom coup] , [ARG0 Mr. Fromstein] [rel ousted] [ARG1 Antony Berry] as [ARG2-as Blue Arrow chief executive] [ARGM-TMP in January] , [ARGM-TMP a month after Mr. Berry had forced Mr. Fromstein out as the $ 1 million-a-year *U* chief of Milwaukee-based Manpower] .
- First came *T*-1 his predictable fusillade : He charged 0 the Coalition of the Left and Progress had sold out its leftist tenets by * collaborating in [ARG0 a right-wing plot] aimed * at * [rel ousting] [ARG1 PASOK] and thwarting the course of socialism in Greece .