frames- [ARG1 Items listed * as *-1 being in short supply] [rel numbered] [ARG2 only about a dozen] , but they included one newcomer : milk and milk powder .
- [ARG1 Such transactions] [rel numbered] [ARG2 670] [ARGM-TMP in the second quarter] , [ARGM-ADV up from 527 a year earlier] .
- [ARGM-TMP In the second quarter] , [ARG1 middle-market cross-border transactions -- deals under $ 100 million *U* each --] [rel numbered] [ARG2 619] and totaled $ 6 billion *U* , compared with 478 such transactions totaling $ 4.9 billion *U* a year earlier , the firm said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 Large cross-border deals] [rel numbered] [ARG2 51] and totaled $ 17.1 billion *U* [ARGM-TMP in the second quarter] , the firm added 0 *T*-1 .
- It *EXP*-2 is a certainty that [ARG1 Mr. Barre 's days] are [rel numbered] *-1 .
- The thrifts ' lawyers claim that [ARG1 the suits] , [rel numbering] [ARG2 700 to 1,000] [ARGM-LOC in Texas alone] , should be dismissed *-1 as moot because neither the S&Ls nor the extinct Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp. has the money 0 * to pay judgments *T*-2 .