frames- [ARG1 Most contracts] are [ARGM-ADV simply] [rel nullified] *-1 by [ARG0-by an opposite trade] [ARGM-TMP before they come due] .
- The committee is formulating Hong Kong 's constitution for when it reverts to Chinese control in 1997 *T*-1 , and Chinese lawmakers said 0 the two can only return if [ARG0 they] `` abandon their antagonistic stand against the Chinese government and their attempt * to [rel nullify] [ARG1 the Sino-British joint declaration on Hong Kong] . ''
- [ARG0 DPC , an investor group led * by New York-based Crescott Investment Associates ,] had itself filed a suit in state court in Los Angeles *-1 seeking *-2 to [rel nullify] [ARG1 the agreement] .
- Dataproducts officials declined *-2 to comment , and said 0 they had not yet seen [ARG0 a suit] filed * in federal court by DPC Acquisition that *T*-1 seeks *-3 to [rel nullify] [ARG1 a standstill agreement between DPC Acquisition and Dataproducts] .
- The danger that Ms. Bogart seems *-2 to be courting *T*-1 here is one of obfuscation rather than rejuvenation , a vision so at odds with the playwright 's that [ARG0 the two points of view] [rel nullify] , rather than illuminate , [ARG1 each other] .