frames- Mr. Runkel says 0 he doubts 0 [ARG0 Mr. Kennedy] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel muster] [ARG1 enough congressional support * to reorganize the Justice Department] .
- [ARGM-PNC For a cloture vote * to stop the filibuster] , [ARG0 Republicans] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel muster] [ARG1 at least 60 votes] .
- Susan Rogin , a consultant to abortion-rights activists in the state , takes comfort from the fact that [ARG0 the state 's House abortion opponents] `` have n't been able *-2 to [rel muster] [ARG1 the votes 0 * to overturn a veto on abortion *T*-1] in 16 years . ''
- One Wang salesman who *T*-1 left the company in July recalls that when he tried *-2 to sell products to Eastman Kodak *T*-3 , [ARG0 he] worked `` *-4 to [rel muster] [ARG1 support from internal allies] , '' but `` those allies became skeptical as they saw the downtrend .