frames- The cash value is determined *-1 by [ARG0 *] [rel multiplying] [ARG1 the index number] by [ARG2-by a specified amount] .
- But he cautioned that Westmoreland 's third quarter is typically better than the fourth , so [ARG0 investors] `` [ARGM-MOD should] [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-DIS just] [rel multiply] [ARG1 the third quarter] by [ARG2-by four] '' and assume 0 the same rate of improvement can be sustained *-1 .
- [ARG1 The uncertainty] was [rel multiplied] *-1 by the persistent strength of the dollar , traders said 0 *T*-3 , and by [ARG0-by the U.S. trade deficit , which *T*-2 widened by 31 % in August from the previous month] .
- CNN executives worry that the network 's punchy but repetitive news format may be getting stale and wo n't keep viewers coming back as [ARG1 the alternatives *ICH*-1] [rel multiply] for news and information [ARGM-LOC on cable-TV] .
- A 190-point drop is n't likely *-1 to make much of a dent ; [ARG0 *] [rel multiply] [ARG1 that] [ARG2-MNR a few times over] , though , and it will *?* .