frames- The next time 0 you hear [ARG0 a Member of Congress] [rel moan] about [ARG1-about the deficit] *T*-2 , * consider what Congress did *T*-1 Friday .
- `` [ARG1 I 'm too old 0 *T*-1 to waste a weekend , but that 's what I did *T*-2] , '' [ARG0 the 48-year-old Mr. Juliano] [rel moans] *T*-3 .
- But we still hear [ARG0 him] [rel moaning] [ARGM-TMP at night] [ARGM-CAU because the Navy has a few ships left] , and * to satisfy him the Navy 's sea lift forces were given *-1 to a new Air Force bureaucracy in Illinois , its space operations to another command in Colorado , the frogmen to a new Army bureaucracy in Fort Bragg , and the Navy 's Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf forces to an Army bureaucracy in Florida .