frames- `` It took Zhao Ziyang -LRB- former premier and party chief -RRB- 10 years *-2 to build a team of economists who *T*-301 understood how the Western economies work *T*-1 and now that team is part in exile , part being rusticated * and [ARG1 part] [rel missing] . ''
- The air-waybill number was changed *-1 en route , and paper work showing that the crates had cleared customs was misplaced *-2 , so it was a week before three of the four crates could be located *-3 in a bonded warehouse and [ARG1 the Gauguin] discovered *-5 [rel missing] .
- Under a microscope he could actually see that [ARG1 a bit of chromosome 13] was [rel missing] .
- In a report out last week , John Minna and colleagues at the National Cancer Institute say that [ARG0 about half the cells taken * from lung cancer tissue 0 they tested *T*-1] are [rel missing] [ARG1 this gene] .
- [ARGM-ADV What *-1 's more] , [ARG1 the seven mail personnel aboard] were [rel missing] .
- One was that , [ARGM-ADV despite his 62 regular-season wins over the past three seasons in the Land Beyond the Late News] , [ARG0 he] has been overshadowed *-2 by his more-muscular mates and [rel missed] out on [ARG1-on prizes that *T*-1 might have been his due] .
- A landslide engulfed a hillside slum in Sao Paulo , Brazil , and [ARG1 at least 20 people] , most of them children , were [rel missing] and feared *-1 dead .
- [ARGM-TMP During the 1984 Summer Games] , [ARGM-DIS for example] , ABC touted `` Call to Glory , '' but [ARG1 the military drama] was [rel missing] [ARGM-MNR in action] [ARGM-TMP within weeks] .
- Company officials said 0 [ARG1 22 workers] were [rel missing] and presumed *-1 dead .
- San Francisco Bay area officials said 0 [ARG1 nine people] remain [rel missing] [ARGM-LOC in the aftermath of last week 's earthquake] .
- A genetic probe showed 0 [ARG1 the hemoglobin gene] was [rel missing] , the researchers report 0 *T*-1 in the medical journal Lancet .
- The experiment , applicable to many genetic disorders , involved beta-thalassemia , a severe blood anemia resulting from a [rel missing] [ARG1 hemoglobin] gene .
- Apparently the officials did n't even know 0 [ARG1 the mural] was [rel missing] until 1980 , when a researcher found that the painting was in Mr. Hoelzer 's studio and questioned school officials about it *T*-1 .
- Since the crash , many futures traders have n't assumed large positions for fear that the S&P 500 market , with [ARG1 much] of its customer order flow [rel missing] , would dry up if prices turned against them .
- [ARGM-DIS Also] [rel missing] from [ARG0-from the Senate bill] is *T*-2 [ARG1 the House 's repeal of a law , called * Section 89 , that *T*-1 compels companies to give rank-and-file workers comparable health benefits to top paid executives] .