frames- GMAC screened the card-member list for [ARG0 holders] more than 30 years old with household incomes over $ 45,000 *U* who *T*-54 had [ARGM-NEG n't] `` [rel missed] [ARG1 any payments] , '' the Buick spokeswoman says 0 *T*-1 .
- `` So what if [ARG0 you] [rel miss] [ARG1 50 tanks] [ARGM-LOC somewhere] ? '' asks *T*-1 Rep. Norman Dicks -LRB- D. , Wash. -RRB- , a member of the House group that *T*-110 visited the talks in Vienna .
- It is most effective *-2 taken *-3 about a week after [ARG0 a woman] [rel misses] [ARG1 her menstrual period] up through the seventh week of pregnancy , when it is markedly less effective *T*-1 .
- But Merrill Lynch , in its statement about * pulling out of index arbitrage , suggested that [ARG0 the current debate] has [rel missed] [ARG1 the mark] .
- He assumed 0 the [rel missing] [ARG1 piece] contained a gene or genes whose loss *T*-1 had a critical role in * setting off the cancer .
- There also are reports from several labs , as yet unpublished * , of [rel missing] [ARG1 p53] genes [ARGM-LOC in tissue taken * from kidney , brain and skin cancers] .
- [ARG0 The company] has [ARGM-TMP already] [rel missed] [ARG1 its initial Oct. 1 target date for * completing the merger] .
- Ernst & Young said 0 [ARG0 Eastern 's plan] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel miss] [ARG1 projections] by [ARG2-by $ 100 million *U*] .
- Goldman said 0 [ARG0 Eastern] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel miss] [ARG1 the same mark] by [ARG2-by at least $ 120 million *U*] .
- Authorities in Hawaii said 0 the wreckage of a [rel missing] [ARG0 commuter] plane with 20 people aboard was spotted *-1 in a remote valley on the island of Molokai .
- Authorities in Hawaii said 0 the wreckage of a [rel missing] [ARG1 commuter] plane with 20 people aboard was spotted *-1 in a remote valley on the island of Molokai .
- [ARG0 A judge] must jump from murder to antitrust cases , from arson to securities fraud , without *-1 [rel missing] [ARG1 a beat] .
- But [ARG1 the thing 0 it 's supposed *-2 to measure *T*-1 -- manufacturing strength --] [ARG0 it] [rel missed] *-3 [ARGM-MNR altogether] [ARGM-TMP last month] . ''
- David Wyss , chief financial economist at Data Resources Inc. , Boston , said that [ARG0 the purchasers ' index] `` does [rel miss] [ARGM-TMP occasionally] , '' *-1 adding : `` When it misses one month *T*-2 it tends *-3 to miss the next month , too . ''
- David Wyss , chief financial economist at Data Resources Inc. , Boston , said that the purchasers ' index `` does miss occasionally , '' *-1 adding : `` When [ARG0 it] [rel misses] [ARG1 one month] *T*-2 it tends *-3 to miss the next month , too . ''
- David Wyss , chief financial economist at Data Resources Inc. , Boston , said that the purchasers ' index `` does miss occasionally , '' *-1 adding : `` When it misses one month *T*-2 [ARG0 it] tends *-3 to [rel miss] [ARG1 the next month] , [ARGM-DIS too] . ''
- Scott E. Hein Texas Tech University Lubbock , Texas [ARG0 Your Investment Dartboard article] [rel misses] [ARG1 the target] .
- In one of the most conservative , Republican states in the entire nation , the greening of Robert Redford 's neighbors is [ARG1 the real story] that [ARG0 Mr. Tomsho] [rel missed] *T*-1 .
- When the Engelken family got back from its trip up north *T*-3 , Mr. Engelken wrote it all down , *-2 just to make sure 0 [ARG1 no detail] was [rel missed] *-1 .
- [ARG0 Mr. Breeden] , *-1 [ARGM-NEG not] [rel missing] [ARG1 a chance * to press his agenda] , cited the earthquake .
- As for Mr. Levy at St. Gillian , he says 0 he will maintain his credit lines with the various Campeau stores unless [ARG0 they] [rel miss] [ARG1 a payment] .
- But now that [ARG0 Congress] has [rel missed] [ARG1 the legal deadline for * meeting the Gramm-Rudman targets] , the White House said 0 it has returned to its original view that a capital-gains cut should be part of the deficit-reduction bill , on which Congress continues *-2 to work *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Christopher Cox 's Oct. 13 editorial-page article `` Toward More Crippling Lawsuits ... ''] [rel misses] [ARG1 the point] .
- For the more than 43 million Americans with disabilities , the 1989 Americans With Disabilities Act provides the [rel missing] [ARG1 piece] .
- `` When Sears has a sale at a special price *T*-1 , '' the woman in the ad declares *T*-2 , `` it 's [ARG1 something] 0 [ARG0 you] do n't want *-4 to [rel miss] *T*-3 . ''
- [ARGM-CAU Because finance and services contribute 10 % to final business product] , [ARG0 *] [rel missing] [ARG1 these productivity improvements] depresses the overall growth rate by 0.15 % a year .
- [ARG0 The financial-services firm] , struggling since summer * to avoid a bankruptcy-law filing after *-1 [rel missing] [ARG1 interest payments on about $ 1 billion *U* of debt] , will retain the right * to regain the subsidiary .
- In addition , perhaps 5 % of registrants will come from a new category consisting of applicants [ARG0 whose academic credentials] `` *T*-1 [ARGM-MNR narrowly] [rel missed] '' [ARG1 *-2 gaining them admission in the first category] .
- `` Other people are making it overnight , and [ARG0 the rest who *T*-1 toil daily] do n't want *-2 to [rel miss] [ARG1 that opportunity] [ARGM-TMP when it seems *-3 to come along *T*-4] . ''
- And [ARG0 the in-and-outer] [ARGM-MOD might] [rel miss] [ARG1 the sudden spurts that *T*-1 account for much of the stock market 's gains over time] .
- Rep. Garcia , on trial for bribery and extortion , puts statements *ICH*-1 in the Congressional Record attributing [rel missed] [ARG1 votes] to `` scheduling conflicts . '' ...
- [ARG0 HealthVest] [rel missed] [ARG1 a payment to the group that *T*-1 was due in late September] .
- [ARG0 HealthVest] [rel missed] [ARG1 an interest payment to Bank of Tokyo] [ARGM-TMP on Oct. 1] .
- One old building , the Golden State Bank Building on Front Street , had its yellow brick facade sheared *-1 off by the shock of the quake , * leaving a wedge of its third floor open to the air , while [ARG0 piles of dusty bricks] tumbled to the street below *-2 [ARGM-MNR narrowly] [rel missing] [ARG1 rush-hour pedestrians and cars] .
- And [ARGM-LOC in that case] , [ARG0 the investor] [rel misses] out on [ARG1-on any major upside gain] .
- [ARG0 Your story] [rel missed] [ARG1 some essential points of the conference on `` The Global Environment : Are We Overreacting ? '']
- Ernst & Young said 0 [ARG0 Eastern 's plans] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel miss] [ARG1 its projections of earnings before interest , tax and depreciation] by [ARG2-by $ 100 million *U*] , and that Eastern 's plan presented no comfort level , according to a source present at yesterday 's session .
- Experts from Goldman Sachs estimated 0 [ARG0 Eastern] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel miss] [ARG1 the same mark] by [ARG2-by $ 120 million to $ 135 million *U*] , the source said *T*-1 .
- Renaissance , which *T*-2 manages about $ 1.8 billion *U* , drew stiff criticism from many clients earlier this year because [ARG0 it] pulled entirely out of stocks at the beginning of the year and [ARGM-DIS thus] [rel missed] [ARG1 a strong rally] .
- And for [ARG0 those] who *T*-1 [rel miss] [ARG1 the message] [ARGM-TMP the first time around] , not * to worry : Three tiny batteries provide enough juice for as many as 650 replays .