frames- [ARG2 The recent explosion of country funds] [rel mirrors] [ARG1 the `` closed-end fund mania '' of the 1920s , Mr. Foot says 0 *T*-2 , when narrowly focused funds grew wildly popular *T*-1] .
- Not surprisingly , old-style money managers have been losing clients to giant stock-index funds that *T*-1 use computers *-2 to juggle portfolios so [ARG2 they] [rel mirror] [ARG1 the S&P 500] .
- A congressional staffer involved * in * drafting the sanctions says 0 [ARG2 they] are likely *-2 to [rel mirror] [ARG1 those 0 Mr. Bush enacted *T*-1 shortly after the massacre] .
- The solution devised * by the professor was * to hire [ARG2 six people] who *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel mirror] [ARG1 the actual jury] [ARGM-MNR demographically] , sit in on the trial and report their reactions to him .
- Japan 's Big Four securities firms posted [ARG2 first-half unconsolidated results] that *T*-1 [rel mirrored] [ARG1 softer performance as a result of slower turnover on the Tokyo Stock Exchange during July and August] .
- * To judge from [ARG2 novels] that *T*-1 [rel mirror] [ARG1 the contemporary scene] , we 're back in the age of anxiety .
- One reason for these hybrids is that indexing 's rapid growth is slowing , particularly for [ARG2 those `` plain vanilla '' funds] that *T*-1 [rel mirror] [ARG1 the S&P 500] .
- [ARG2 Indexing] for the most part has involved *-2 simply buying *RNR*-1 and then holding *RNR*-1 stocks in the correct mix * to [rel mirror] [ARG1 a stock market barometer , such as Standard & Poor 's 500-stock index ,] and match its performance .
- Analysts said 0 [ARG2 the company 's troubles] [rel mirror] [ARG1 those of the industry] .
- [ARG2 What *T*-1 's happening in photography] [rel mirrors] [ARG1 the popularity of black and white in fashion , home furnishings and cinematography] .