frames- Temple added that [ARG1 Sea Containers] is [ARGM-TMP still] [rel mired] *-2 in [ARG2-in legal problems] [ARGM-LOC in Bermuda , where the Supreme Court has temporarily barred Sea Containers from *-3 buying back its own stock in a case brought * by Stena and Tiphook *T*-1] .
- *-1 Taking over as chief executive officer in 1983 , he inherited [ARG1 a company] that *T*-6 was [rel mired] *-2 in [ARG2-in debt] and hurt *-2 by a recession-inspired slide in its building-products business .
- What *T*-1 comes out of the ballot box could be crucial in * determining whether Brazil finally lives up to the potential of the world 's eighth largest economy or keeps *-2 living up to its other , less enviable title : that of [ARG1 the developing world 's largest debtor] , teetering on the brink of hyperinflation , [rel mired] in [ARG2-in deficits and stagnation] , with huge economic inequalities and social discontent boiling under the surface .
- But it *EXP*-3 's just as plausible * to argue that if [ARG1 even David Boren] [ARGM-MOD can] get [rel mired] in [ARG2-in this sort of mess] , the problem goes beyond legal interpretation .
- Well , [ARG1 CBS] , *-1 [rel mired] in [ARG2-in the ratings cellar] and looking to sports as a way out , wanted *-1 to close the deal immediately and block its rivals from *-2 getting another chance * to bid .
- [ARG1 The proposal * to sell directly to the public] remains [rel mired] in [ARG2-in bureaucratic quicksand] .
- [ARG1 The project , known * as Lotus Mansion ,] has been [rel mired] *-1 in [ARG2-in controversy] .
- [ARG1 Hooker Corp. , parent of Bonwit Teller and B. Altman 's ,] is [rel mired] *-1 in [ARG2-in bankruptcy proceedings] and Bloomingdale 's is for sale by its owner , Campeau Corp .