frames- The most common program-trading vehicles are futures contracts on Standard & poor 's 500-stock index -LRB- traded * on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange -RRB- ; the Major Market Index , [ARG0 a 20-stock index] that *T*-1 [rel mimics] [ARG1 the Dow Jones Industrial Average] -LRB- traded * on the chicago Board of Trade -RRB- ; and the S&P 100 options -LRB- traded * on the Chicago Board Options Exchange , and based * on 100 stocks selected * from the S&P 500 -RRB- .
- At one point , almost all of the shares in [ARG0 the 20-stock Major Market Index] , which *T*-109 [rel mimics] [ARG1 the industrial average] , were sharply higher .
- Mr. Phelan has had difficulty * convincing the public that the Big Board is serious about * curbing volatility , especially as the exchange clearly relishes its role as the home for $ 200 billion *U* in [ARG0 stock-index funds] , which *T*-145 buy huge baskets of stocks * to [rel mimic] [ARG1 popular stock-market indexes like the Standard & Poor 's 500] , and which sometimes *T*-146 employ program trading .
- While it was once expected that [ARG0 futures] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel mimic] [ARG1 stock prices] , traders now routinely check the futures markets in Chicago before they buy or sell stocks .
- [ARG0 They] [rel mimic] [ARG1 the brain] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 `` looking '' at an image , extracting the fundamentals -- boundaries , corners and lines -- and translating them into computer data] .
- The company expects the chips eventually to be used *-2 in [ARG0 devices] that *T*-1 [rel mimic] [ARG1 a whole range of computer memory equipment , including floppy-disk and hard-disk drives] .
- Some traders said that the closely watched Major Market Index , [ARG0 whose 20 stocks] *T*-1 [rel mimic] [ARG1 the Dow industrials] , did n't lead yesterday 's big rally .
- Shortly after 10 a.m. , the Major Market Index , a Chicago Board of Trade futures contract of [ARG0 20 stocks] designed * *-1 to [rel mimic] [ARG1 the DJIA] , exploded upward .