frames- [ARGM-ADV Along the way] , [ARG0 he] [rel meets] [ARG1 a solicitous Christian chauffeur who *T*-55 offers the hero God 's phone number ; and the Sheep Man , a sweet , roughhewn figure who *T*-56 wears -- what else -- a sheepskin] .
- That impressed [ARG1 Robert B. Pamplin , Georgia-Pacific 's chief executive at the time] , whom [ARG0 Mr. Hahn] had [rel met] *T*-4 [ARGM-TMP while *-1 fundraising for the institute] .
- [ARG0 The two men] are longtime friends and tennis partners , *-1 having [rel met] [ARGM-TMP about 25 years ago] .
- [ARGM-TMP When] [ARG0 Boyer] [rel met] [ARG1 Robert Swanson , an M.I.T.-trained chemist-turned-entrepreneur] [ARGM-TMP in 1976] *T*-1 , they saw dollar signs .
- `` I ca n't do anything score-wise , but [ARG0 I] like [rel meeting] [ARG1 the girls] . ''
- `` [ARG0 I] 've [ARGM-NEG never] [rel met] [ARG1 a ghost that *T*-1 could n't be explained away *-3 by perfectly natural means] , '' he says *T*-2 .
- At one point in the documentary , Mr. Sohmer , who *T*-1 is Jewish , says 0 he felt rejected *-3 by many of [ARG1 the Protestants and Southerners] 0 [ARG0 he] [rel met] *T*-2 [ARGM-LOC at Yale] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-2 Carrying the new message on the road] , [ARG0 Mr. Straszheim] [rel meets] [ARG1 confrontation that *T*-1 often occurs in inverse proportion to the size of the client] .
- [ARG0 Albert Engelken and Robert Thomson] had [ARGM-NEG never] [rel met] , [ARGM-ADV though for 38 years their lives had been intertwined *-1 in a way peculiar to the sports world] .
- And [ARG0 we] [rel meet] [ARG1 engaging crooks , such as Hassan `` the Head , '' famed * for his head-butting fights , his whoring and his hashish] .
- [ARG0 He] has [ARGM-TMP never] [rel met] [ARG1 Lynn Williams , the president of the United Steelworkers union] , and is n't active in the industry 's main trade group , the American Iron and Steel Institute , which Mr. Roderick served *T*-1 as chairman .
- [ARG0 The two] [rel met] [ARGM-TMP more than 30 years ago] , [ARGM-TMP when Mr. Simmons worked for Commercial Bank & Trust Co. of Midland , Texas , where Mr. Bush was an organizing director *T*-1] .
- Like the Long Island matron in the theater district the other day who *T*-1 swore to a stranger that [ARG0 she] [ARGM-TMP once] [rel met] [ARG1 Liza Minnelli] .
- If directors or producers phone me and say 0 they know ` Liz , ' I know 0 [ARG0 they] 've [ARGM-NEG never] [rel met] [ARG1 her] .
- John Spencer Churchill , a nephew of the late Sir Winston Churchill , former prime minister of Great Britain , is n't that impressed with [ARG1 most name-droppers] 0 [ARG0 he] [rel meets] *T*-1 .
- With the $ 3 million *U* received * from investors , he took frequent junkets with friends to exotic locales and leased an expensive BMW for [ARG1 his girlfriend] , whom [ARG0 he] [rel met] *T*-1 [ARGM-LOC at the shop where he got his custom-tailored suits *T*-2] .
- Mr. Paul quickly became more aggressive in his collecting , with the help of George Wachter , [ARG1 a Sotheby 's expert in old masters] whom [ARG0 he] [rel met] *T*-1 [ARGM-LOC at an exhibition of the Guterman items] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel met] [ARG1 Mr. Bush] [ARGM-TMP in the 1950s , when the president was a young oil man in Midland *T*-1 and Mr. Allday was a lawyer for an oil firm *T*-1] .
- He takes his wash to the laundromat , [ARGM-LOC where] [ARG0 he] [rel meets] [ARG1 a punky French girl who *T*-1 dupes him into * providing a home for her pet piranha and then promptly steals his car and dumps it in Dieppe *T*-3] .