frames- `` *-1 To get people 's attention these days , '' says *T*-2 Douglas Bailey , a political consultant , `` your TV ad needs *-1 to be bold and entertaining , and , [ARGM-TMP more often than not] , [ARG0 that] [rel means] [ARG1 confrontational] .
- Experts say 0 there is n't another state in [ARGM-LOC the country] where [ARG0 tests] [rel mean] [ARG1 as much as they do *?* in South Carolina] *T*-1 .
- Under the state 's Education Improvement Act , low test scores can block students ' promotions or force entire districts into [ARG0 wrenching , state-supervised `` interventions ''] that *T*-86 [ARGM-MOD can] [rel mean] [ARG1 firings] .
- [ARG0 Huge gains by her students in 1987 and 1988] [rel meant] [ARG1 a total of $ 5,000 *U* in bonuses over two years -- a meaningful addition to her annual salary of $ 23,000 *U*] .
- Mr. Sherwood speculated that [ARG0 the leeway that Sea Containers has *T*-1] [rel means] [ARG1 that Temple would have *-2 to `` substantially increase their bid if they 're going *-3 to top us] . ''
- `` [ARG0 * Just to say 0 the distribution system is wrong] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 anything] , '' says *T*-1 a Ministry of International Trade and Industry official .
- [ARG0 * Adopting a training-wage policy] [rel means] `` [ARG1 * getting beyond the nickel and diming of the minimum wage] , '' Mrs. Roukema said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 The Chicago company 's beverage carrier] , *-1 [rel meant] [ARG1 *-2 to replace cardboard trays at concession stands and fast-food outlets] , resembles the plastic loops used * on six-packs of beer , only the loops hang from a web of strings .
- In addition , he says *T*-3 *ICH*-2 , the buy-out business is under pressure `` because of the junk bond collapse , '' [ARG0 *] [rel meaning] [ARG1 that returns are likely *-1 to decline as the volume of junk-bond financings shrinks] .
- We now know that [ARG0 * holding drug makers liable where there 's no evidence that they or anyone else knew of any risks *T*-1] [ARGM-ADV only] [rel means] [ARG1 0 the drugs wo n't be available to anyone] .
- Takeover stock traders were puzzled *-1 by the Reliance filing and cautioned that [ARG0 it] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 Mr. Steinberg will definitely seek control] .
- Mr. Edelman declined *-2 to specify what *T*-1 prompted the recent moves , *-2 saying 0 [ARG1 they] are [rel meant] [ARGM-ADV only] *-4 to benefit shareholders when `` the company is on a roll *T*-3 . ''
- Moreover , junk professionals think [ARG0 Columbia 's huge third-quarter markdown of its junk portfolio to $ 4.4 billion *U* was n't enough] , * [rel meaning] [ARG1 0 another markdown could be coming] .
- In the case of copper , he said 0 *T*-2 , the upbeat mood of stocks was reflected *-1 in demand for futures contracts because [ARG0 a stronger economy] [rel means] [ARG1 greater buying interest for the metal] .
- Several ridiculous projects *ICH*-1 continue , including [ARG0 the `` New International Economic Order] , '' which *T*-27 [rel means] [ARG1 redistributionism from the West 0 *T*-2 to pay for everyone else 's statism] .
- Mr. Robinson of Delta & Pine , the seed producer in Scott , Miss. , said 0 [ARG0 Plant Genetic 's success in * creating genetically engineered male steriles] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-MNR automatically] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 it *EXP*-1 would be simple * to create hybrids in all crops] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel means] [ARG1 the rule that a player ca n't cut it after a certain age] .
- [ARG0 This] [rel meant] [ARG1 * returning to the golf course , where we watched a few French duffers maul the first tee while we sat under Cinzano umbrellas , me nursing an espresso and my ego *T*-1] .
- Oleg A. Grinevsky , the chief Soviet negotiator in the conventional-arms talks , argued that [ARG0 this] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 the Soviets would have *-1 to destroy some 1,800 tanks , while the U.S. would lose none because it has no light tanks in Europe] .
- Although manufacturers often are quick *-1 to call for lower interest rates , 60 % of the executives said 0 they would prefer that the Fed keep inflation-fighting as its top priority even if [ARG0 that] [rel means] [ARG1 higher rates] .
- [ARGM-ADV Although the action removes one obstacle in the way of an overall settlement to the case] , [ARG0 it] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel means] [ARG1 that Mr. Hunt could be stripped *-165 of virtually all of his assets if the Tax Court rules against him in a 1982 case heard * earlier this year in Washington , D.C] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 that] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters might not eventually get their hands on some of their projects] ; studios develop hundreds of movies but produce only 10 to 20 each year .
- But Judge Keenan said 0 [ARG1 that privilege] is [rel meant] *-1 to protect private utterances -- not litigation papers filed * with foreign governments , as Mrs. Marcos 's attorneys maintained .
- [ARG1 The law] is [rel meant] *-1 to overcome delays caused * by defendants ' use of foreign procedures * to block U.S. requests for records , Judge Keenan said 0 *T*-3 in his opinion .
- Although no specific agreements are expected *-228 , Mr. Shevardnadze said `` [ARG0 that] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 they will be without an agenda] . ''
- *-1 Asked *-2 if the Soviets , like Chinese officials , wo n't one day face a similar conflict between the desire * to liberalize economically and yet retain political control , Mr. Lee said , `` I would think that the Soviets face a deeper dilemma because they have been more in blinkers than the Chinese -- [ARG0 I] [rel mean] [ARG1 * keeping their people cut off *-3 from the outside world] . ''
- [ARG0 Japan 's recent political turbulence] , Mr. Lee said 0 *T*-1 , [ARGM-MOD may] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 Japan will slow market adjustments] .
- [ARG0 I] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 it is a normal adult relationship] .
- [ARG0 The new date] [rel means] [ARG1 that the tax will be officially repealed *-1 before the end of the current parliamentary term at the end of 1990] and *-2 guarantees its abolition even if the current center-right coalition loses the elections in December 1990 .
- [ARG0 That] [rel means] [ARG1 0 goods could be manufactured *-1 closer to customers , * saving shipping costs] , he said 0 *T*-2 .
- `` [ARG0 The collar] was penetrated *-1 on a number of occasions , '' * [rel meaning] [ARG1 0 securities firms figured out ways 0 * to conduct program trades * to circumvent the collar and use the Big Board 's electronic trading system *T*-2] , Mr. Phelan said 0 *T*-3 .
- But he said 0 [ARG0 this] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 he is satisfied with the market 's big swings] .
- Japanese steel companies are apparently focusing on domestic sales , but the official said 0 [ARG0 it] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-ADV necessarily] [rel mean] [ARG1 that local sales contracts are increasing that markedly] .
- [ARG0 This] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel mean] [ARG1 diminished issuance of derivative mortgage issues during the next few weeks] .
- That arrangement apparently has worked well , and Thomas A. Bologna , president and chief executive officer of Gen-Probe , founded * in 1983 , said 0 [ARG0 the sale of the company] [rel means] [ARG1 0 `` we will be able *-1 to concentrate on * running the business rather than always looking for sources of financing] . ''
- `` People say 0 they swim , and [ARG0 that] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 they 've been to the beach this year] , '' says *T*-1 Krys Spain , research specialist for the President 's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports .
- In an advisory letter , the department said that , starting Oct. 18 , loans could be limited *-1 to `` parties in [ARG0 interest] , '' which *T*-2 [ARGM-ADV generally] [rel means] [ARG1 active workers] but also includes retirees who *T*-3 continue as directors and 10 % shareholders .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-ADV despite the differences in what they say *T*-1] , [ARGM-ADV according to some analysts here] , [ARG0 economic constraints] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 the next president may not have many choices about what he does *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 The last federal execution before the Supreme Court 's 1972 ruling banning the death penalty] took place in 1963 , * [rel meaning] [ARG1 that the federal government did n't exercise its execution authority for eight years] .
- But `` [ARG0 safe] , '' in the definition of Marie Bass of the Reproductive Health Technologies Project , [rel means] [ARG1 0 `` there 's been no evidence *ICH*-1 so far of mortality] . ''
- `` [ARGM-ADV For a woman whose period *T*-487 is late] , [ARG0 * using RU-486] [rel means] [ARG1 no waiting , no walking past picket lines at abortion clinics , and no feet up in stirrups for surgery] , '' burbles *T*-1 health writer Laura Fraser .
- `` [ARG0 It] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel means] [ARG1 0 she will never have *-1 to know whether she had actually been pregnant] . ''
- [ARG0 That] [rel means] [ARG1 that the U.S. trade deficit was running closer to $ 75 billion *U* than to $ 95 billion *U* in 1988 , and $ 55 billion *U* -LRB- annualized * -RRB- rather than $ 80 billion *U* in the first quarter of 1989] .
- [ARG1 Trompe l'oeil painting] is [rel meant] *-1 to fool the eye , but Robert Lawrence Trotter , 35 , of Kennett Square , Pa. , took his fooling seriously .
- [ARG0 Termination] [rel means] [ARG1 that the agency 's insurance assumes the liabilities and pays the pension benefits already owed * under the plans , but workers do n't accrue new benefits] .
- `` But [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-ADV just] [rel mean] [ARG1 a great first and second quarter] [ARGM-TMP next year] . ''
- [ARG0 Such a change] [rel meant] [ARG1 0 the reorganization plan 0 the creditors had agreed on *T*-1 was no longer valid , and the two sides had *-2 to begin *-3 negotiating again] .
- [ARG0 That] [rel means] [ARG1 0 Eastern , a unit of Texas Air Corp. of Houston , can go forward with its pitch for creditor approval as early as today , when it is expected *-2 to deliver a revised reorganization plan to the committee *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 It] [ARGM-ADV just] [rel means] [ARG1 that Hong Kong would become a less exciting place] . ''
- [ARG0 I] [rel mean] , [ARG1 0 these folks are so uptight that they blame pretty Kate for the fact that when she was a teen-ager *T*-1 , someone tied her hands behind her back , thrust her head into a gunny sack , brutally raped and beat her , and then left her to die in a cold-storage room] .
- `` [ARG0 This] [rel means] [ARG1 0 Nestle is now in the candybar business in a big way] , '' said *T*-1 Lisbeth Echeandia , publisher of Orlando , Fla.-based Confectioner Magazine .
- [ARGM-DIS Still] , [ARG0 this] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 that either the government or the ANC is changing stripes -- or that either has moved significantly closer to the other] .
- [ARG0 That] [rel means] [ARG1 0 Unisys must pay about $ 100 million *U* in interest every quarter , on top of $ 27 million *U* in dividends on preferred stock] .
- He said 0 [ARG0 the move toward standard operating systems] [rel means] [ARG1 0 customers are n't locked *-1 into *-2 buying from their traditional computer supplier and can force prices down] .
- `` [ARG0 Global warming] [rel means] [ARG1 higher tides which *T*-1 will lower Venice by another 23 inches in the next 100 years] , '' Giovanni Cecconi of the the New Venice Consortium said *T*-2 .
- `` [ARGM-CAU Just because upscale cosmetics look like packaged goods and smell like packaged goods] , [ARG0 it] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 they are packaged goods] , '' says *T*-1 Leonard Lauder , chief executive of Estee Lauder .
- Since then , the government has left observers wondering if [ARG0 it] [ARGM-TMP ever] [rel meant] [ARG1 *-1 to join] .
- As we queasily start The search for replacements , we know 0 [ARG0 The new one] 0 we purchase *T*-2 in hopes 0 it will do , Despite every wonder that *T*-1 's stated *-3 , [rel Means] [ARG1 more speed , more graphics , more memory , too , But also more quickly out - dated] !
- And [ARG0 that] [rel means] [ARG1 0 42-year-old Michael Carpenter , president and chief executive since January , will for the first time take complete control of Kidder and try *-1 to make good on some grandiose plans] .
- In addition to *-3 giving a president powers * to rewrite [ARG0 spending bills] [rel meant] [ARG1 * to be written *-1 in Congress] , Rep. Edwards argues 0 *T*-2 , a line-item veto would allow the chief executive to blackmail lawmakers .
- [ARG0 This] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-ADV necessarily] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 larger firms have an advantage] ; Mr. Pearce said 0 GM works with a number of smaller firms 0 it regards *T*-1 highly .
- David Burnham , one of the authors , says 0 [ARG0 fewer trials] [ARGM-ADV probably] [rel means] [ARG1 a growing number of plea bargains] .
- `` [ARG0 Just because we 've got some realism back in the market] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 it 's going lower from here] , '' he says *T*-1 .
- He said 0 [ARG0 this improvement] [rel means] [ARG1 0 it is still possible * to reach the targeted current account surplus of four billion rand for 1989] .
- [ARG0 This] [rel means] [ARG1 0 the returns can vary a great deal] .
- [ARG0 That the motivation for the two-year reduction to 19.6 % is budgetary] does [ARGM-NEG not] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 it is not in the public interest] .
- [ARGM-ADV Depending on the size of the gain and the rate of inflation] , [ARG0 indexation] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel mean] [ARG1 a lower tax payment than * using the 19.6 % rate without indexation] .
- `` For a member of the Rothschild family , the return to Frankfurt is a very meaningful event , although [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD might] [ARGM-NEG not] [rel mean] [ARG1 as much to German banking as it means to us] , '' says *T*-1 Baron David de Rothschild , Elie 's younger cousin and a partner in Rothschild & Cie . Banque in Paris .
- `` For a member of the Rothschild family , the return to Frankfurt is a very meaningful event , although it might not mean as much to German banking as [ARG0 it] [rel means] [ARGM-MNR to us] , '' says *T*-1 Baron David de Rothschild , Elie 's younger cousin and a partner in Rothschild & Cie . Banque in Paris .
- `` We could have called ourselves the Academic Intellectual Society , but then everyone would have said , ` Oh , [ARG0 you] [rel mean] [ARG1 the nerd-and-geek club] , ' '' Leonid Fridman , SONG 's graduate-student adviser , told 19 attendees at the club 's inaugural meeting *T*-1 earlier this month .
- *-4 To understand [ARG1 what] [ARG0 Mr. Engelken] [rel means] *T*-3 , one must go back to a sunny October afternoon in 1951 at New York 's Polo Grounds stadium , where , it can be argued *-1 , the most dramatic moment in baseball history was played *-2 out *T*-5 .
- Earthquake insurance costs about $ 2 to $ 4 *U* annually for every $ 1,000 *U* of value , and [ARG0 high deductibles] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 it generally pays only when there is a catastrophe *T*-1] .
- But the agency specifically did n't rule whether AT&T had the right * to match offers by competitors if [ARG0 that] [rel means] [ARG1 * giving discounts not generally available to other phone users] .
- `` [ARG0 It] [rel means] [ARG1 that Sikes is serious about the deregulation of long distance] , '' said *T*-2 Jack Grubman , a telecommunications analyst at PaineWebber Inc. , who *T*-1 attended the FCC meeting .
- [ARGM-DIS So] [ARG1 what] does [ARG0 consensus] [rel mean] *T*-1 ?
- `` It does n't mean unanimous , '' he insists *T*-1 , though he implies 0 [ARG0 it] [rel means] [ARG1 a bipartisan majority] .
- `` [ARG0 It] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 unanimous] , '' he insists *T*-1 , though he implies 0 it means a bipartisan majority .
- They simply got carried away with *-2 interpreting [ARG1 what] [ARG0 the executive order banning assassinations] [ARGM-ADV really] [rel meant] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 This] does [ARGM-NEG not] [rel mean] [ARG1 that the Federal Reserve does not already play an important indirect role in the stock market] .
- Mr. Fournier said 0 [ARG0 the exceptional gain] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel mean] [ARG1 nearly twice as high a dividend *ICH*-1] [ARGM-TMP this year] [ARGM-ADV as last] .
- [ARG0 The combination of lower rates and fewer loopholes] has [rel meant] [ARG1 that the so-called average effective tax rate -- the rate actually paid * -- of the 250 corporations surveyed * reached 26.5 % in 1988 , compared with 14.3 % in the years from 1981 through 1985] , [ARGM-ADV according to the study] .
- [ARG0 That] [rel means] [ARG1 0 it 's unlikely 0 the company will surpass last year 's $ 4.9 billion *U* full-year profit , even though net for the first nine months was up 1.9 % to $ 3.52 billion *U* on revenue of $ 95.57 billion *U*] .
- Unless other rules are changed *-1 , the devaluation could cause difficulties for the people 0 [ARG0 it] is [ARGM-ADV primarily] [rel meant] [ARG1 *-4 to help *T*-3] : Soviets who *T*-2 travel abroad .
- [ARG0 * Trying *-1 to manage exchange rates to some desired level] , he said 0 *T*-2 , `` [ARGM-MOD would] [rel mean] [ARG1 * diverting monetary and fiscal policies from their customary roles and thereby risking excessive inflation and unemployment and inadequate capital formation] . ''
- The courts have not defined `` minimal amounts , '' but publishers , I understand 0 *T*-1 , take [ARG0 it] to [rel mean] [ARG1 about 50 words] .
- The name is supposed *-1 to connote feminine grandeur , but [ARGM-LOC in Japanese] [ARG0 it] [rel means] `` [ARG1 eyeglasses] . ''
- Ms. Bick , the NIH administrator , says 0 the business and scientific community is overreacting to what [ARG0 the agency] [ARGM-DIS merely] [rel meant] [ARG1 *T*-1 to be `` ideas for discussion] . ''
- In one garden roomette she implanted [ARG0 a 43-foot square glass cube] [rel meant] [ARG1 * to show off a plaid tile floor conceit , a `` zinc sink , '' a `` huge fishbowl with carp '' and a `` birdcage with cockatoos] . ''
- [ARG0 This] [rel means] [ARG1 0 Interior contacts can not be logged *-1 only on one day -- a Sunday that *T*-2 had already passed] .
- Congress may have lost any sense of discipline , but [ARG0 that] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 the country must learn *-1 to live forever with this mess] .
- He added that `` [ARG0 * having just one firm do this] is [ARGM-NEG n't] going *-1 to [rel mean] [ARG1 a hill of beans] .
- [ARG1 What] that [ARGM-MOD will] [rel mean] *T*-1 [ARGM-ADV for manufacturers] is anybody 's guess . ''
- Jerry Steinman , publisher of Beer Marketers Insights , a trade newsletter , said 0 [ARG0 Anheuser 's announcement] [rel means] [ARG1 0 `` everybody else in the industry is going *-1 to have a difficult time *-2 reaching their profit objectives] . ''
- Some experts now predict 0 [ARG0 Anheuser 's entry into the fray] [rel means] [ARG1 near-term earnings trouble for all the industry players] .
- Anheuser said 0 [ARG0 its new strategy] -- [ARGM-ADV *-2 started *-3 in some markets last month and expected *-3 to be applied *-1 soon in selected markets nationwide] -- [ARGM-MOD will] [rel mean] [ARG1 lower-than-anticipated earnings for the last half of 1989 and for 1990] .
- `` It *EXP*-3 's impossible * to overstate [ARG1 how much] [ARG0 this] [rel means] *T*-4 [ARGM-ADV to the families of these patients] , '' said *T*-1 Samuel Broder , director of the National Cancer Institute and a main developer of AZT .
- `` [ARG0 It] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 anything] -- it 's public-relations money . ''
- [ARGM-ADV While tape recordings 0 *T*-1 to uncover , say , infidelity are n't admissible in court] , [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel mean] [ARG1 leverage] [ARGM-LOC in a settlement] .
- [ARGM-MNR With its ability * to pick up rustlings and flapping wings] , `` [ARG1 it] was [rel meant] *-1 to be a toy for children for bird watching , '' says 0 *T*-2 Mr. Appel .
- [ARG0 Fiat 's rejection of partnership with Saab] [rel means] [ARG1 that the Swedish company , which *T*-1 announced last Friday that its pretax profit for the first eight months plummeted 49 % , will have *-2 to look for a partner among other car manufacturers as both Ford Motor Corp. and Fiat have turned down the offer] .
- With Mr. Icahn breathing down his neck , however , Mr. Corry may have little choice but * to sell at a weak price , even if [ARG0 it] [rel means] [ARG1 * losing some steel-related tax-loss carryforwards] .
- Israel has long claimed 0 [ARG0 Mr. Arafat] [ARGM-TMP never] [rel meant] [ARG1 *-1 to renounce terrorism] , particularly because he and his lieutenants reserved the right * to press `` armed struggle '' against the Jewish state .
- `` [ARG0 It] [rel means] [ARG1 0 we 're eating into the bread that *T*-1 keeps us going] .
- `` [ARG0 It] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel means] [ARG1 0 if you have a real drop-off in orders , production will likely fall off very quickly because there is less 0 *T*-1 to keep things going] . ''
- If [ARG1 the program] is [rel meant] *-1 to provide a subsidy , * collecting the debt defeats the original goal .
- In contrast , [ARG0 a student loan program] that *T*-2 was [rel meant] [ARGM-ADV solely] [ARG1 *-1 to correct capital-market imperfections] would allow loans for any student , regardless of family income , at market or near-market rates .
- [ARG1 Federal credit programs] date back to the New Deal , and were [rel meant] *-1 to break even financially .
- Hugh Zurkuhlen , analyst with Salomon Bros. , predicts 0 [ARG0 the shift] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 P&G 's sales growth in the second quarter will be `` in the double digits] . ''
- [ARG0 That] [rel means] [ARG1 that on days when prices are tumbling and sellers abound *T*-1 they must be willing *-2 to buy shares from sellers when no one else will *T*-3] .
- `` [ARG1 A great many federal regulations] are [rel meant] *-1 for larger entities and do n't really apply to small businesses , '' says *T*-2 Marian Jacob , a legislative aide to Sen. Wallop .
- [ARG0 That] [rel meant] [ARG1 0 no trading would occur in the final seconds , as a way of * making sure that last-second orders are n't subjected *-2 to a sudden price swing that *T*-1 would upset customers] .
- But [ARG0 that] [rel means] [ARG1 * paying the horse 's maintenance] ; on average , it *EXP*-1 costs $ 25,000 *U* a year * to raise a horse .
- But [ARG0 that] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-ADV necessarily] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 thrifts are discriminating against blacks] , the agency said 0 *T*-1 .
- The department 's Office of Thrift Supervision said 0 [ARG0 that] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-ADV necessarily] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 thrifts are biased *-1] , but conceded that it does n't have data about applicants 0 *T*-3 to determine why blacks are rejected *-2 more often *T*-4 .
- [ARG0 A pitched battle] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 Jaguar would fetch # 10 *U* -LRB- $ 16.02 *U* -RRB- a share , or about # 1.8 billion *U* -LRB- $ 2.88 billion *U* -RRB- ,] several analysts believe 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-ADV As conferees noted] , [ARG0 scarce capital] [rel means] [ARG1 0 the costs of control must be minimized *-1 through a broad menu of compliance choices for individual firms] .
- [ARG0 That] [rel means] [ARG1 simple , clear rules that *T*-1 secure the first large blocks of reduction , * deferring more complex issues such as risk] .
- [ARG0 It] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel means] [ARG1 use of quantity-based pollution limits such as transferable permits , rather than price-based limits such as effluent fees] .
- [ARG0 This] [rel means] [ARG1 `` tracking , '' whose main purpose *T*-1 is less * to permit the gifted youngsters to flourish -LRB- though that is clearly desirable -RRB- than * to ensure that the less gifted get the necessary grounding for further study or for * entering the modern world of work] .
- But [ARG1 what] do [ARG0 we] [rel mean] *T*-1 , [ARGM-DIS specifically] , [ARGM-MNR by `` creativity ''] ?
- [ARG0 This] [rel means] [ARG1 that no allowance is made *-1 for possible increases in output per unit of labor] .
- [ARGM-ADV By that] , [ARG0 he] [rel means] [ARG1 low-margin but low-risk products such as certain types of primary property insurance] .
- Several observers interpreted Mr. Dozen 's appointment as an attempt *ICH*-3 by Daiwa * to make its international operations more profitable while *-2 preparing the firm for the effects of [ARG0 the continuing deregulation] of Japan 's domestic markets , which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD should] [rel mean] [ARG1 increased competition] .
- But [ARG0 that] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 I 'm not going *-1 to get angry] . ''
- [ARG0 It] [rel means] [ARG1 0 it *EXP*-1 is virtually impossible * to fire or even transfer incompetent principals] .
- [ARG0 LDI] termed the paper `` non-recourse financing , '' *-2 [rel meaning] [ARG1 that investors would be repaid *-1 from the lease receivables , rather than directly by LDI Corp] .
- `` [ARG0 That] [rel means] [ARG1 that if the offense deals with one part of the business , you do n't attempt *-1 to seize the whole business ; you attempt *-2 to seize assets related * to the crime] , '' he explained *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 That] [rel means] [ARG1 huge travel bills] .
- Now they know who you mean *T*-1 and you know [ARG1 who] [ARG0 you] [rel mean] *T*-2 .
- Now they know [ARG1 who] [ARG0 you] [rel mean] *T*-1 and you know who you mean *T*-2 .
- Now that 's name-dropping , if you know [ARG1 what] [ARG0 I] [rel mean] *T*-1 .
- This year , the NFL also imposed an 80-player limit *ICH*-1 on teams going into training camp , down from 120 , in [ARG1 a move] [rel meant] * to trim payroll costs .
- -LRB- * Think [ARG1 what] [ARG0 these numbers] [rel mean] *T*-1 -- considering the headline space devoted * to hundreds of deaths in Lebanon , a small country of little strategic importance ! -RRB-
- They doled it out *-3 using the existing formula , however , [ARG0 which] *T*-1 [rel meant] [ARG1 that even those countries that *T*-2 could n't produce more received higher official allotments] .
- Some investors are skeptical of growth stocks because [ARG0 * investing in them] [rel means] [ARG1 * ignoring that maxim found * in the fine print of some investment advertisements -- that past performance is n't indicative of future results] .
- And [ARG0 the generally frail condition of Arizona 's lenders] [rel means] [ARG1 0 there is little capital available in the state * to shore up the economy and slow down the slide] .
- Bond Corp. said 0 [ARG0 the acknowledged losses] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 net asset backing is in the red to the tune of 53 Australian cents a share , vs. positive asset backing of A$ 1.92 *U* a share a year ago] .
- `` [ARG0 That] [rel means] [ARG1 stocks , bonds , money market instruments and real estate] . ''
- * Add it all up and [ARG0 it] [rel means] `` [ARG1 that the Fed has a little leeway 0 * to ease its credit policy stance without the risk of * rekindling inflation *T*-1] , '' said 0 *T*-2 Norman Robertson , chief economist at Mellon Bank Corp. , Pittsburgh .
- `` There are virtually no new projects , and [ARG0 that] [rel means] [ARG1 no new business for us] , '' he says 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 That] [rel means] [ARG1 0 the fund is n't obligated *-1 to pay anything , at least so far] .
- Other observers note that UAL 's board , having accepted a bid of $ 300 *U* a share , might hold out for a new bid much closer to the original level -- even if [ARG0 it] [rel means] [ARG1 that the management goes back to *-1 running the company for a while and lets things return to normal] .
- It reduces lawsuits from disgruntled employees and ex-employees , with [ARG1 all] 0 [ARG0 that] [rel means] *T*-1 [ARGM-ADV for reduced legal costs and better public relations] .
- It increases employee commitment to the company , with [ARG1 all] 0 [ARG0 that] [rel means] *T*-1 [ARGM-ADV for efficiency and quality control] .
- [ARGM-LOC In a large company] [ARG0 that] [rel means] [ARG1 many hundreds of complaints for personnel 0 *T*-1 to handle *?*] .
- [ARGM-LOC At current allocations] , [ARG0 that] [rel means] [ARG1 0 EPA will be spending $ 300 billion *U* on itself] .
- [ARGM-DIS Of course] , [ARG0 the greater volatility of the younger couple 's portfolio] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-DIS necessarily] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 those investments are riskier in terms of * meeting the holders ' long-term goals] .
- [ARG0 It] [rel meant] [ARG1 *-1 to convey our hope that the Senator and other members of the congressional left are broadening their dislike of Noriega *-2 to include other notorious Central American drug runners] .
- Like other zeros , they pay all their interest at maturity , [ARG0 *] [rel meaning] [ARG1 that buyers can time things so that their bonds pay off just when Junior graduates from high school *T*-1] .
- Florida and Wyoming have backed up their guarantees with the full faith and credit of the state governments , [ARG0 *] [rel meaning] [ARG1 that taxpayers will pick up any slack] .
- But [ARG0 that] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 `` half of the students attending Berkeley '' will be admitted this way] .
- But `` [ARG0 term] '' [rel means] [ARG1 just that] ; the policy is written *-2 for a specific time period only and must be renewed *-2 when it expires *T*-1 .
- It may also stipulate that the insured must pass another medical exam before renewal ; if you flunk -- [ARG0 which] *T*-1 [rel means] [ARG1 0 you need insurance more than ever] -- you may not be able *-2 to buy it .
- In times past , life-insurance salesmen targeted [ARG0 heads] of household , [rel meaning] [ARG1 men] , but ours is a two-income family and accustomed *-1 to it .
- [ARG0 One of the best deals] , [ARGM-DIS though] , [ARGM-MOD may] [rel mean] [ARG1 * skipping Christmas dinner with the relatives] .
- `` We 're strongly recommending that anyone who *T*-1 has eaten in the cafeteria this month have the shot , '' Mr. Mattausch added *T*-3 , `` and [ARG0 that] [rel means] [ARG1 virtually everyone who *T*-2 works here] .
- `` [ARG1 What] [ARG0 this] [rel means] *T*-1 is that Europeans will have these machines in their offices before Americans do *?* , '' the spokesman said *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 The inflation adjustment] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel means] [ARG1 that the maximum annual level of earnings subject to the wage tax that *T*-1 generates revenue for the Social Security trust fund will rise to $ 50,400 *U* in 1990 from $ 48,000 *U* this year] .
- [ARG0 This] [rel means] [ARG1 that the maximum yearly Social Security tax paid * by workers and employers each will rise $ 250.80 *U* next year to $ 3,855.60 *U*] .
- For reasons 0 he would n't elaborate on *T*-2 , he said 0 he 's sure 0 that schedule wo n't be met [ARG0 *-1] , * [rel meaning] [ARG1 less profit impact from the product for DEC in the next few quarters] .
- [ARG0 That] [rel means] [ARG1 that a corporation , after a specified amount of time has passed , can buy back its bonds by *-1 paying investors the face value -LRB- plus , in some cases , a sweetener -RRB-] .
- Instead , Mr. Beach says 0 *T*-1 , investors `` probably should be carrying a very high level of [ARGM-MNR cash] , '' by which [ARG0 he] [rel means] [ARG1 such so-called cash equivalents as money-market funds and Treasury bills] *T*-2 .
- `` [ARG0 The fact that they did four-day matched sales] [rel means] [ARG1 0 they are not in a mood 0 * to ease aggressively *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-TMP Finally] , [ARG0 even the time-honored strategy called * `` value investing ''] [ARGM-TMP no longer] [rel means] [ARG1 what it once did *?* *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-TMP Now] , says 0 *T*-2 Mr. Biehl , [ARG0 value investing] [ARGM-TMP often] [rel means] `` [ARG1 * looking for downtrodden companies with terrible management that *T*-1 are in real trouble] . ''
- [ARG0 That] [rel means] [ARG1 0 investors have *-2 to focus on the quality of the debt that *T*-1 lies beneath the securities , as well as on the credit enhancement for the issue and the credit ratings 0 the issue has received *T*-3] .
- [ARG0 Just because Stamford , Conn. , High School did nothing when its valuable 1930s mural was thrown *-1 in the trash *T*-2] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 the city no longer owns the work of art] , a federal judge ruled 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-LOC In England] , [ARG0 this] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel mean] [ARG1 that the British Deloitte would lose revenue for its audit of GM 's Vauxhill unit] .
- `` [ARG0 That] [rel means] [ARG1 0 we can accept orders '' and begin *-2 getting back to normal] , says 0 *T*-1 Ms. Tharp .
- [ARG0 That] [rel means] [ARG1 * making sure that copies of vital computer software and company records are out of harm 's way] .
- `` I see a lot of evidence indicating a slower economy , and [ARG0 that] [rel means] [ARG1 0 my interest-rate outlook has a downward tilt] , '' said *T*-1 Garnett L. Keith Jr. , vice chairman of Prudential Insurance Co. of America , one of the nation 's largest institutional investors .
- `` If [ARG0 apartheid] [rel means] [ARG1 0 you want cheap black labor and all the comforts that *T*-1 go with it , but you also want *-3 to exclude the blacks from social and political integration] , then these are two contradictions that *T*-2 ca n't go on forever , '' says *T*-4 Mr. Verwoerd .
- But [ARG0 my father] [rel meant] [ARG1 it to mean real separation] , '' says *T*-1 the son .
- But my father meant [ARG0 it] to [rel mean] [ARG1 real separation] , '' says *T*-1 the son .
- [ARG0 * Focusing on beer , restaurants and hotels] [rel means] [ARG1 0 `` we can concentrate our skills and resources more effectively] , '' Peter Jarvis , Whitbread 's managing director , said 0 *T*-1 in a statement .
- The company has long struggled *-1 to deliver a strong mainframe-class product , and made a costly decision *ICH*-2 in 1988 * to halt development of [ARG0 an interim product] [rel meant] [ARG1 * to stem the revenue losses at the high end] .
- `` [ARG0 That] [ARGM-DIS obviously] [rel means] [ARG1 that we wo n't have enough for all of the emergencies that *T*-1 are now facing us] , and we will have *-2 to consider appropriate requests for follow-on funding , '' Mr. Fitzwater said *T*-3 .
- But of course the market could decide that [ARG0 the firm 's capital stock -- its assets --] [rel means] [ARG1 nothing] [ARGM-ADV if the firm is not producing profits] .
- By 1982 the ratio was 43.5 % , [ARG0 *] [rel meaning] [ARG1 that the market was valuing every dollar 's worth of the average firm 's assets at 43 cents] .
- He said 0 [ARG0 the tie-up] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 Jaguar could `` develop cars down range -LCB- in price -RCB- from where we are *T*-1 '' by *-2 offering access to GM 's high-volume parts production] .
- According to federal officials and drug-industry studies , nearly half of the 1.6 billion prescriptions filled * each year are n't used properly , [ARG0 *] [rel meaning] [ARG1 that money is wasted *-1 on some prescriptions and patients are deprived *-2 of the benefits of medication] .
- Nor is it a Hungary , where yesterday the parliament approved [ARG0 constitutional changes] [rel meant] [ARG1 * to help *-1 turn the Communist nation into a multiparty democracy] *T*-2 .
- Meanwhile , orders are being routed *-1 through Kingsford Products unit in Louisville , Ky. , but [ARG0 computer problems] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 they must be processed *-2 manually] .
- [ARG0 The difference of just 1.35 points on the scale , designed * by Charles Richter of CalTech in the 1930s ,] [rel means] [ARG1 0 the older quake was `` 10 to 20 times stronger] , '' says *T*-1 Lane Johnson , director of the University of California Berkeley Seismographic Station .
- Explains 0 *ICH*-2 a Sotheby 's spokeswoman , [ARG0 the statement] `` [rel means] [ARG1 exactly what it says *T*-1] .
- `` Now , they 'll have *-1 to increase their coffers *-2 to protect for the future and [ARG0 that] [rel means] [ARG1 rate increases] . ''
- `` [ARG0 Just because a particular element of the firm *ICH*-1 is down , '' such as stockbrokerage] , `` does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 the executive committee should be paid *-3 less] , '' he said *T*-2 .
- Mr. Craven said 0 [ARG0 his move to the chairmanship] [rel means] [ARG1 0 he will take a less active role in the day-to-day management of the group] , but he added that the merchant bank 's strategic focus remains unchanged .
- [ARG0 Failure * to pass the bill] [rel meant] [ARG1 that $ 16.1 billion *U* in across-the-board spending cuts took effect Monday under the Gramm-Rudman budget law] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] `` [ARG0 their present financial condition] [rel means] [ARG1 0 I 'd have a hard time *-1 convincing the vice president in charge of purchasing] . ''
- [ARG0 The per-share estimates] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 the consumer-products company 's net income , increased to between $ 69.5 million and $ 76 million *U* , from $ 47.1 million *U* the year-before period] .
- `` Whenever corporate profits are weak *T*-1 [ARG0 that] [rel means] [ARG1 0 capital spending is going *-2 to soften subsequently] , '' Mr. Harris said *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 Those changes in its condition] [rel meant] [ARG1 0 the reorganization plan previously presented * to creditors would have *-2 to be revamped *-1] .
- `` The intervention has been friendly , [ARG0 *] [rel meaning] [ARG1 that they really did n't have *-2 to do it] , '' said *T*-1 Maria Fiorini Ramirez , money-market economist at Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc .
- [ARG1 The move] was [rel meant] *-1 to keep a lid on interest rates and to boost investor confidence .
- `` I do n't know [ARG1 what] [ARG0 it] [rel means] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP over the long run] , but for the short term , it appears that gold producers are grateful for the $ 10 *U* or so that gold has risen *T*-2 over the past week or so , '' he said *T*-3 .
- He said that other participants in the conference `` do not believe that the rights of Americans should be guaranteed *-1 to citizens who *T*-2 are homosexual , '' but that `` [ARG0 I] [rel mean] [ARG1 *-3 to persuade you to the opposite view] . ''
- [ARGM-DIS However] , [ARG0 that] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 they can benefit from the vaccine] .
- With `` Planet News , '' [ARG0 music] [rel meant] [ARG1 * to accompany readings of Allen Ginsberg 's `` Wichita Vortex Sutra] , '' Mr. Glass gets going .
- And [ARG0 National Geographic 's smaller-than-average size] [rel means] [ARG1 extra production costs for advertisers] .
- `` [ARG1 The ad campaign] is [rel meant] *-1 to contemporize the thought of National Geographic , '' she says *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 A Rake 's Progress] [rel Means] [ARG1 * Branching Out]
- `` It was an overreaction to [ARG0 an event -LCB- the failure *ICH*-2 of a management and union group * to get bank financing for a takeover of UAL -RCB- that *T*-1 does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 that much] [ARGM-MNR to lots of stocks] ] . ''
- But the basic technology in the line is almost five years old , [ARG0 which] *T*-1 [rel means] [ARG1 0 it is long in the tooth , and competitors are rolling out strong products of their own] .
- Hydro-Quebec said 0 [ARG0 Maine regulators ' refusal * to approve the contract] [rel means] [ARG1 0 Central Maine Power has lost its place in line] .
- FMC Corp. and Baxter International say 0 unions also wo n't like [ARG0 plant relocations and needed restructuring] , which *T*-1 [rel means] [ARG1 layoffs] .
- [ARG0 That] [rel means] [ARG1 0 the NRDC and such groups no longer would have *-1 to spend as much money on litigation] ; taxpayers would bear the cost .
- Among Big Board specialists , [ARG0 the cry] was `` * Pull your offers '' -- * [rel meaning] [ARG1 that specialists soon expected *-1 to get higher prices for their shares] .
- `` [ARG0 It] [rel meant] [ARG1 that people were n't running pell-mell to the safety of bonds] . ''
- [ARG0 That] [rel means] [ARG1 0 two plants -- one in Scarborough , Ontario , and the other in Lordstown , Ohio -- probably will be shut *-1 down after the end of 1991] .
- [ARGM-ADV Certainly] , [ARG0 the recent drop in prices] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 Manhattan comes cheap] .
- [ARG0 This] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 0 they 're less likely *-1 to live alone] , [ARGM-DIS however] .
- But [ARG0 the economy 's slower growth this year] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel means] [ARG1 0 the outlook for corporate profits `` is n't good] , '' he says 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP On days like Friday] , [ARG0 that] [rel means] [ARG1 0 they must buy shares from sellers when no one else is willing *-2 to *?* *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 * Making computers smaller] [ARGM-TMP often] [rel means] [ARG1 * sacrificing memory] .
- Fed officials may protest that [ARG0 this] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-DIS necessarily] [rel mean] [ARG1 a fundamental change in their interest-rate policies] .
- [ARG1 What] does [ARG0 `` national ''] [rel mean] *T*-1 ?
- He is a co-author of `` National Service : [ARG1 What] [ARGM-MOD Would] [ARG0 It] [rel Mean] *T*-1 ? ''
- He adds : `` The junk market has witnessed some trouble and now some people think that [ARGM-ADV if the equity market gets creamed *-1] [ARG0 that] [rel means] [ARG1 0 the economy will be terrible] and that 's bad for junk .
- [ARG0 The carnage among takeover stocks Friday] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel mean] [ARG1 the end of mega-mergers] but simply marks the start of a less ambitious game , Wall Street 's big-time deal makers say *T*-1 .
- Sen. McCain said 0 [ARG0 he] had [rel meant] [ARG1 *-1 to pay for the trips at the time] but that the matter `` fell between the cracks . ''