frames- The `` one-yen '' controversy first came to a head last week when the city of Hiroshima announced that Fujitsu won a contract * to design [ARG0 a computer system] 0 *T*-2 to [rel map] [ARG1 its waterworks] *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-DIS Instead] , [ARG0 they] [rel map] out [ARG1 a strategy in several phases] [ARGM-TMP from now until 1995] .
- [ARG0 An unmanned spacecraft , Magellan ,] already is heading to Venus and is due *-1 to begin *-2 [rel mapping] [ARG1 the planet] next August .
- [ARG0 Other U.S. and foreign officials] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel mapped] out [ARG1 plans] , [ARGM-ADV though they kept their moves quiet *-2 to avoid *-1 making the financial markets more jittery] .