frames- `` Anything 's possible -- how about the New Guinea Fund ? '' quips *T*-1 George Foot , a [rel managing] [ARG0 partner] [ARGM-LOC at Newgate Management Associates of Northampton , Mass] .
- `` It 's the classic problem of the small businessman , '' says *T*-1 Malcolm Davies , [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of Trading Alliance Corp. of New York] .
- Still , `` Much less -LCB- index-arbitrage activity -RCB- *ICH*-1 is done *-161 over here than in the U.S. '' said 0 *T*-2 Richard Barfield , chief investment manager at [ARG0 Standard Life Assurance Co.] , which *T*-258 [rel manages] [ARG1 about # 15 billion *U* -LRB- $ 23.72 billion *U* -RRB- in United Kingdom institutional funds] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Assuming that post at the age of 35] , [ARG0 he] [rel managed] [ARGM-MNR by consensus] , [ARGM-ADV as * is the rule in universities] , says 0 *T*-3 Warren H. Strother , a university official who *T*-2 is researching a book on Mr. Hahn .
- `` [ARGM-MNR The way] that [ARG0 we] 've been [rel managing] [ARG1 Campbell U.S.A.] *T*-2 can hopefully spread to other areas of the company , '' Mr. Baum said *T*-1 .
- `` If you continue *-2 to do this , the investor *ICH*-1 becomes frightened -- any investor : the odd lotter , mutual funds and pension funds , '' says *T*-3 Larry Zicklin , [rel managing] [ARG0 partner] at [ARGM-LOC Neuberger & Berman] .
- Traditional stock managers like *-1 to charge 50 cents to 75 cents for [ARG1 every $ 100 *U*] 0 [ARG0 they] [rel manage] *T*-2 [ARGM-PNC for big institutional investors] , and higher fees for smaller investors .
- The indexers charge only a few pennies per [ARG1 $ 100 *U*] [rel managed] * .
- Akio Yamamoto , [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of Nomura Investment Trust Management] , said that if the U.S. federal funds rate declines to around 8.5 % , institutions would acquire a clearer idea regarding the direction of the market and thus more comfortably participate in active buying .
- `` Whether you thought 0 the economy was growing weak or holding * steady , yesterday 's economic indicators did n't change your opinion , '' said *T*-1 Charles Lieberman , a [rel managing] [ARG0 director] at [ARGM-LOC Manufacturers Hanover Securities Corp] .
- Under terms of the new proposal , [ARG1 Equus] , [rel managed] * by [ARG0-by Equus Capital Corp. , Houston] , would pay $ 12 *U* cash and one new preferred share with a liquidation preference of $ 1.65 *U* a share for each of Tony Lama 's 2.1 million shares outstanding .
- Jerry Chapman , [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of WayMar Associates] , was elected *-1 a director of this business telecommunications software and systems concern .
- John A. Conlon Jr. , 45 , was named *-29 a [rel managing] [ARG0 director] at [ARGM-LOC this investment-banking company] .
- Five officials of this investment banking firm *ICH*-1 were elected *-69 directors : E. Garrett Bewkes III , a 38-year-old [rel managing] [ARG0 director] in [ARG1-in the mergers and acquisitions department] ; Michael R. Dabney , 44 , a managing director who *T*-100 directs the principal activities group which *T*-101 provides funding for leveraged acquisitions ; Richard Harriton , 53 , a general partner who *T*-102 heads the correspondent clearing services ; Michael Minikes , 46 , a general partner who *T*-103 is treasurer ; and William J. Montgoris , 42 , a general partner who *T*-104 is also senior vice president of finance and chief financial officer .
- Five officials of this investment banking firm *ICH*-1 were elected *-69 directors : E. Garrett Bewkes III , a 38-year-old managing director in the mergers and acquisitions department ; Michael R. Dabney , 44 , a [rel managing] [ARG0 director] who *T*-100 directs the principal activities group which *T*-101 provides funding for leveraged acquisitions ; Richard Harriton , 53 , a general partner who *T*-102 heads the correspondent clearing services ; Michael Minikes , 46 , a general partner who *T*-103 is treasurer ; and William J. Montgoris , 42 , a general partner who *T*-104 is also senior vice president of finance and chief financial officer .
- Mr. Pozen is the general counsel and a [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of Fidelity Investments in Boston] .
- Special Judge Galloway noted that [ARG0 Givens] [rel managed] [ARG1 horse-breeding] [ARGM-MNR in a businesslike way] : He kept detailed accounts , practiced soil conservation , enhanced his experience by *-1 consulting experts , spent several hours a day *-1 doing chores , and dropped the sideline when his best brood mare died *T*-2 .
- At the same time , though , [ARG0 it] must become more structured *-1 to [ARGM-MNR better] [rel manage] [ARG1 its growth] .
- Cancer patients needing prolonged radiation therapy , [ARG0 diabetics] learning * to [rel manage] [ARG1 their blood sugar levels] , and cardiac bypass patients are among those who *T*-1 spend time on cooperative-care units .
- As part of the transaction , Edisto agreed *-1 to give Mesa , [ARG1 an Amarillo , Texas , oil and gas partnership] [rel managed] * by [ARG0-by T. Boone Pickens Jr.] , a seat on its board .
- David R. Jackson , formerly vice president , [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of corporate communications for Maxwell Communication Inc.] , was named *-1 vice president and assistant to the chairman of this maker of alcoholic beverages and consumer products .
- Our commitment [ARG0 *] to [rel manage] [ARG1 these businesses] [ARGM-MNR profitably] will continue . ''
- `` Computers here are used *-3 for data gathering , '' says *T*-2 [ARG0 Roger J. Boisvert] , who *T*-1 [rel manages] [ARG1 the integrated-technologies group] [ARGM-LOC in McKinsey & Co. 's Tokyo office] .
- [ARG0 USAA , with 400,000 mutual fund accounts ,] [rel manages] [ARG1 more than $ 10 billion *U* , $ 2 billion *U* of which *T*-1 is in the stock market] .
- `` The profit locking-in is definitely going on , '' said *T*-2 Mr. Mills , [ARG0 whose firm] *T*-1 [rel manages] [ARG1 $ 600 million *U*] [ARGM-PNC for Boston Co] .
- [ARG0 Executives] who *T*-1 [rel manage] [ARG1 these funds] see the current debate over program trading as a repeat of the concern expressed * after the 1987 crash .
- [ARG0 Wells Fargo Investment Advisers] [ARGM-DIS , for example ,] [rel managed] [ARG1 $ 25 billion *U* in stock investments] [ARGM-ADV *-1 tracking the S&P 500 at the end of June] , according to Standard & Poor 's Corp .
- Mr. Price `` wanted *-1 to run the MTM business '' and may have regretted *-1 selling the company to TVS , suggested 0 *T*-2 Charles Denton , [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of Zenith Productions , a subsidiary of Carlton Communications PLC , London] .
- `` Most of us grew up *-2 believing in the axioms ` Haste makes waste ' and ` * Do n't cut corners , ' ideas that *T*-1 seem *-4 to run counter to the concept of [ARG0 *] [rel managing] [ARG1 speed] , '' says *T*-3 Dean Cassell , vice president for product integrity at Grumman Corp .
- *-1 Armed *-2 with this shared understanding and requisite background information , each department developed its specialized contribution to the proposal , *-1 submitting data and cost estimates on a [ARGM-MNR closely] [rel managed] [ARG1 schedule] .
- The successes achieved * at Federal Express , Union Carbide and Grumman suggest that [ARG0 *] [rel managing] [ARG1 speed] may be an underutilized source of competitive advantage .
- He says 0 [ARG0 he] wants *-1 to `` influence '' but [ARGM-NEG not] `` [rel manage] '' [ARG1 companies] .
- While such changes might sound minor , they are n't *?* : [ARG0 Merrill Lynch] [rel manages] or oversees [ARG1 some $ 300 billion *U* in retail accounts that *T*-2 include everything from mutual funds to individual annuities] .
- `` [ARG0 Their powerful members] [rel manage] [ARG1 them] . ''
- [ARG0 Crawford] evaluates health care plans , [rel manages] [ARG1 medical and disability aspects of worker 's compensation injuries] and is involved *-1 in claims adjustments for insurance companies .
- For greater efficiency , [ARG0 employees at those locations] will be reorganized *-1 into teams responsible for * [rel managing] [ARG1 the properties under their jurisdiction] , Mobil said 0 *T*-2 .
- `` I 'm not saying 0 London covered itself in glory , but the events of the past week have certainly exposed Europe 's weaknesses , '' says *T*-2 Stewart Gilchrist , a director of [ARG0 Scottish Amicable Investment Managers] in Glasgow , Scotland , which *T*-1 [rel manages] [ARG1 about # 6 billion *U* -LRB- $ 9.63 billion *U* -RRB- in institutional money] .
- [ARG0 Management Co.] [rel manages] [ARG1 entertainers] and produces , markets and finances entertainment .
- [ARG0 Paul Lesutis] , who *T*-1 [rel manages] [ARG1 more than $ 3 billion *U* of investments] [ARGM-LOC at Provident Capital Management Inc.] , blames futures markets for * leading the way .
- Although index arbitrage is said *-1 to add liquidity to markets , John Bachmann , [rel managing] [ARG0 partner] of [ARG1-of Edward D. Jones] , says 0 too much liquidity is n't a good thing
- Louis Margolis , [rel managing] [ARG0 director] in [ARG1-in charge of equity options and futures] [ARGM-LOC at Salomon Inc.] , says that * trading baskets of stocks began in the 1970s , a decade before the advent of futures .
- [ARGM-TMP Four years ago] , [ARG0 she] was [rel managing] [ARG1 a film-processing shop] and was totally bored .
- `` A lot more of our customers are staying until our 10 p.m. closing time , '' says *T*-2 Christopher Brown , [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of Corney & Barrow Restaurants Ltd. , which *T*-1 runs five tony wine bars in the district] .
- `` People come to us *-1 saying 0 they 'd like *-2 to be back where they were *T*-3 a few years ago , in a more collegial atmosphere , with less tension , '' says *T*-4 Stephen Waterhouse , [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of Hanover Partners Ltd. , a financial district head-hunting firm] .
- `` We like *-1 to make our own judgments '' about Mr. Morishita , says 0 *T*-2 Christopher Davidge , Christies ' [ARG1 group] [rel managing] [ARG0 director] .
- Mr. Fournier said that as Navigation Mixte chairman , [ARG0 he] is prohibited *-1 by takeover regulations from *-2 organizing his own defense or doing anything besides * [rel managing] [ARG1 current company business] .
- The three [rel managing] [ARG0 general] partners would receive a `` significant '' number of Marsh & McLennan shares , said 0 *T*-2 Walther L. Kiep , a partner who *T*-1 would also join Marsh & McLennan 's board .
- From his new , million-dollar-a-year perch on Wall Street as a [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of Wertheim Schroder & Co.] , Mr. Coelho reports that many of his former colleagues have contacted him *-2 to find out how they , too , can pursue investment banking careers *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Managing] [ARG1 change] , he adds 0 *T*-1 , will require a lot more aid and a prominent role for the EC , especially in * dealing with the question of German reunification .
- Quantum Fund , based * in New York , is [ARG1 a $ 2.1 billion *U* investment fund] [rel managed] * by [ARG0-by Soros Fund Management] .
- International Business Machines Corp. made news this summer when [ARG0 it] landed an unusual contract * to [rel manage] [ARG1 all of Eastman Kodak Co. 's data-processing needs] *T*-1 .
- Kodak yesterday confirmed that it has entered negotiations with [ARG0 Maynard , Mass.-based Digital] *-1 to [rel manage] [ARG1 all of its voice and data communications needs] .
- [ARG0 *] Trying *-1 to [rel manage] [ARG1 exchange rates] [ARGM-MNR to some desired level] , he said 0 *T*-2 , `` would mean * diverting monetary and fiscal policies from their customary roles and thereby risking excessive inflation and unemployment and inadequate capital formation . ''
- Callum McCarthy , 45 , was named *-1 to the new post of deputy head of the corporate-finance division and a [rel managing] [ARG0 director] .
- The guidelines could foil future arrangements similar to the deal behind Lithox Inc. , a Salem , Mass. , start-up , says 0 *T*-1 Robert Daly , a [rel managing] [ARG0 partner] of [ARG1-of TA Associates , a venture-capital firm] .
- L.J. Hooker is owned *-1 by [ARG1 Hooker Corp.] , Sydney , Australia , which itself *T*-3 is [ARGM-TMP currently] being [rel managed] *-2 by [ARG0-by a court-appointed provisional liquidator] .
- Leveraged funds in particular `` are still extremely vulnerable , because we 're still at the beginning of problems in the junk market , '' says 0 *T*-1 George Foot , a [rel managing] [ARG0 partner] [ARGM-LOC at Newgate Management Associates in Northampton , Mass] .
- The ferocious competition probably will drive some [ARGM-MNR poorly] [rel managed] [ARG1 properties] into bankruptcy or new ownership .
- `` We 've been opposed to '' index arbitrage `` for a long time , '' said *T*-2 Stephen B. Timbers , chief investment officer at [ARG0 Kemper] , which *T*-1 [rel manages] [ARG1 $ 56 billion *U* , including $ 8 billion *U* of stocks] .
- The Montvale , N.J. , unit said 0 the new operating structure `` creates [ARG0 a more focused and responsive organization] geared * to * [ARGM-MNR effectively] [rel managing] [ARG1 the size and scope of the unit 's current business] . ''
- `` But people do n't buy anything on expectation anymore , '' says *T*-2 [ARG0 Jack Utter] , who *T*-1 [rel manages] [ARG1 the high-yield fund of IDS Financial Services] .
- But Coniston , [ARG1 a New York partnership] [rel managed] * by [ARG0-by the firm of Gollust , Tierney & Oliver] , yesterday announced that `` in view of unsettled conditions in securities markets '' the offering would be postponed and restructured *-1 .
- Japanese managers ca n't expect Americans to behave as if they were Japanese ; [ARGM-DIS instead] , [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel manage] [ARG1 Americans] [ARGM-MNR as Americans] .
- He wanted your own unbiased , virgin opinion , '' says *T*-1 Mr. Johnson , now [rel managing] [ARG0 director] [ARGM-LOC at Georgeson & Co. , a proxy-solicitation and investor-relations firm] .
- In 1988 , for example , Boston Co. had an estimated pretax profit of at least $ 110 million *U* , while [ARG0 Shearson] [rel managed] [ARG1 net income of just $ 96 million *U*] .
- Moody 's Investors Service Inc. last week downgraded the long-term deposit rating of Boston Co. 's Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Co. subsidiary , to single-A-1 from double-A-3 , *-1 citing problems in the company 's `` [ARGM-MNR aggressively] [rel managed] [ARG1 securities] portfolio . ''
- Some [ARGM-MNR badly] [rel managed] [ARG1 partnerships] have burned investors , sometimes after they received advice from industry `` consultants . ''
- Axa would also maintain Farmers ' relationships with [ARG1 the insurance exchanges] that [ARG0 it] [rel manages] *T*-1 .
- Mr. Fried also is the [rel managing] [ARG0 partner] of [ARG1-of Albert Fried & Co] .
- Ronald B. Koenig , 55 years old , was named *-1 a senior [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of the Gruntal & Co. brokerage subsidiary of this insurance and financial-services firm] .
- `` The -LRB- paper -RRB- loss *ICH*-1 here is very small '' for these sub-underwriters , observed 0 *T*-2 John Nelson , a Lazard [rel managing] [ARG0 director] .
- [ARG0 Prime] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel manage] [ARG1 Ramada 's domestic franchise system] [ARGM-TMP when the sale closes *T*-1] .
- Meanwhile , American Health Partners , publisher of American Health magazine , is deep in debt , and Owen Lipstein , founder and [rel managing] [ARG0 partner] , is being forced *-1 to sell the magazine to Reader 's Digest Association Inc .
- `` Those kinds of issues always keep *-2 coming back , '' says *T*-3 [ARG0 Robert Beckwith] , who *T*-1 [rel manages] [ARG1 the Illinois Chamber of Commerce 's small-business office] .
- `` It 's not a blanket commitment , it 's a case-by-case situation , '' says *T*-1 Albert Disposti , a [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of Merrill Lynch Money Markets Inc] .
- As part of the agreement , Goodson also terminated [ARGM-LOC the contract] under which [ARG0 Ingersoll] [rel manages] [ARG1 Goodson 's 66 newspapers] *T*-2 , *-3 ending a long association between the two companies that *T*-1 has turned increasingly bitter recently .
- [ARG0 The latter 's son , Ralph Ingersoll Jr. ,] took over the company and has been [rel managing] [ARG1 the Goodson properties] and acting as an agent in the purchase of newspapers for Goodson .
- It said 0 [ARG0 it] will buy back two million shares , or 18.4 % , of the total outstanding , and continue operations *-1 buying and [rel managing] [ARG1 real estate] .
- Ms. Minella and Ms. Strasser say 0 [ARG0 they] are [rel managing] [ARG1 their junk portfolios] [ARGM-MNR defensively] , [ARGM-MNR *-1 building cash and selectively upgrading the overall quality] .
- Furthermore , Mr. Smith added 0 *T*-1 , `` our contract with our pilots says that [ARG0 we] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel manage] [ARG1 our fleet operations] [ARGM-MNR with their advice] .
- `` The proposal , while well-intended , I think 0 *T*-4 can be dangerously misleading because the likely consequence would be *-3 to weaken *RNR*-1 , rather than strengthen *RNR*-1 the control 0 the SEC has exercised *T*-2 for 50 years over the financial adequacy and viability of broker-dealers , '' Michael Raoul-Duval , [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of First Boston] , said *T*-4 in an interview .
- Mark Page , New York 's deputy director of finance , said that investors ' concerns about the city 's financial health are `` unwarranted given [ARG0 our] proven ability * to [rel manage] [ARG1 ourselves] . ''
- There are also questions about whether [ARG0 a new and inexperienced mayor] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel manage] [ARG1 the city] [ARGM-MNR through what *T*-1 could become a financial crisis] .
- Barney Hallingby , [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1 research] [ARGM-LOC at Hambrecht & Quist] , also believes 0 earnings growth is beginning *-1 to play a greater part in investors ' buying decisions .
- [ARG0 Messrs. Lee and Bynoe] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel manage] [ARG1 the Nuggets ' day-today affairs] .
- Its survey of 96 firms , each with 100 to 1,000 lawyers , shows that [rel managing] [ARG0 partners] earned an average of $ 395,974 *U* in compensation and cash benefits in the firms ' 1988 fiscal years .
- [rel Managing] [ARG0 partners] who *T*-1 responded to the survey typically spend over half their time *-4 supervising their firms ' day-to-day operations and just a little more than a third of their time *-4 practicing law .
- `` Rascal Money '' -LRB- Contemporary Books , 412 pages , $ 17.95 *U* -RRB- , a novel by consultant and business analyst Joseph R. Garber , tells the story of an innovative , well-run , widely respected computer manufacturing company called * PegaSys as it faces a hostile takeover attempt by AIW , [ARG1 a much smaller corporation] that *T*-2 is [ARGM-MNR so incompetently *ICH*-3] [rel managed] *-1 as * to constitute a standing joke in the business world .
- Charles Lieberman , [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of financial markets reasearch] [ARGM-LOC at Manufacturers Hanover Securities Corp. , New York] , said 0 Hurrican Hugo shaved 0.1 % to 0.2 % *U* from personal-income growth , because of greatly diminished rental income from tourism .
- But the promotion is n't likely *-2 to alter a management style 0 Mr. Andersson describes *T*-1 as `` [ARG0 *] being the driving force leading the troops , [ARGM-NEG not] [rel managing] [ARGM-MNR by *-3 sitting back with a cigar *-4 waiting for people to bring me ideas] . ''
- The carrier has valuable trans-Pacific and Asian routes but [ARG1 it] remains debt-laden and [ARGM-MNR poorly] [rel managed] .
- The 10 7\/8 % notes were priced *-1 at 99.5 % *-2 to yield 10.958 % in [ARG1 an offering] [rel managed] * by [ARG0-by Bear , Stearns & Co. , Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. and Lazard Freres & Co.] , the company said 0 *T*-3 .
- `` Mr. Hunt 's attempt * to squeeze the silver market 10 years ago is still indirectly *-2 to blame *-3 for today 's market depression , '' says *T*-1 Lesley Edgar , [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of Sharps Pixley Ltd. , London bullion brokers] .
- [ARG0 He] tried management consulting , traded in turquoise for a while , and [ARGM-ADV even] [rel managed] [ARG1 professional wrestlers] .
- Mr. Hauptman reckons that the best investment choice is mutual funds because [ARG1 they] are [rel managed] *-1 and over time have nearly kept up with the broad stock averages .
- But many others , who *T*-1 want *-3 to qualify for employee benefits and unemployment compensation , become tipsters for the IRS , says 0 *T*-4 [ARG0 Jerry Lackey] , who *T*-2 [rel manages] [ARG1 the IRS project 's force of nine agents in north and central Florida] [ARGM-LOC from Orlando] .
- In *-1 reaffirming the current monetary policy of * using high interest rates *-2 to fight inflation and shore up the pound , Mr. Lawson dismissed other approaches to [ARG0 *] [rel managing] [ARG1 the economy] .
- `` This tells you 0 [ARG0 AT&T] is serious about *-2 continuing *-3 to [rel manage] [ARG1 their cost structure] and is committed *-2 to 20%-a-year earnings growth , '' said *T*-1 Jack Grubman , an analyst with PaineWebber Inc .
- `` If the futures markets have a problem , then those products could have a problem , '' says *T*-1 John Zumbrunn , [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of Prudential Insurance Co. of America 's Investment Index Technologies Inc. unit] .
- `` [ARG0 Those] who *T*-1 [rel manage] [ARG1 ideology] and a large number of writers reacted badly '' to the restyled paper , says 0 *T*-2 Lai Nguyen An , a literary critic .
- [ARG0 She] [rel manages] [ARG1 it] [ARGM-MNR with the title of general-director] .
- Standard & Poor 's Corp. is reviewing debt issued * by 12 California counties , and `` there are potential isolated problems , '' said 0 *T*-1 Hyman Grossman , a [rel managing] [ARG0 director] .
- [ARG1 Assets] owned or [rel managed] * rose 20 % to $ 45 billion *U* , and mutual fund sales rose 45 % in the quarter to $ 923 million *U* .
- Mark Solow , senior [rel managing] [ARG0 director] [ARGM-LOC at Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co.] , says 0 the falloff in junk bonds may yet open new business opportunities *ICH*-1 to banks in * structuring takeovers .
- Dan Baldwin , [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of high-yield investments] [ARGM-LOC at Chancellor Capital Management] , said the Chicago & North Western offering was restructured *-1 in part because `` several large insurance buyers right now are demanding equity as part of the package .
- Asset-backed securities `` are an attractive investment compared to bank certificates of deposit or other corporate bonds , '' says 0 *T*-1 Craig J. Goldberg , [rel managing] [ARG0 director] and head of [ARG1-of the asset-backed securities group at Merrill Lynch Capital Markets] .
- The government will try *-1 to sell [ARG1 all the real estate] [rel managed] * by [ARG0-by the Federal Asset Disposition Association] in one fell swoop , said 0 *T*-2 William Seidman , chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp .
- [ARG0 Geoffrey Goodfellow] , who *T*-1 dropped out of high school back in the 1970s *-2 to [rel manage] [ARG1 a computer network at a California research firm] , says : `` Old network hands have started *-3 to turn off the network because they do n't have time 0 * to wade through the muck *T*-4 . ''
- Clinton Gas Systems Inc. said 0 it received [ARG0 a contract *ICH*-1] from Timken Co. , Canton , Ohio , * to [rel manage] [ARG1 the natural gas purchasing , scheduling and transportation activities] [ARGM-PNC for Timken 's seven Ohio *ICH*-2 and two Pennsylvania *ICH*-2 plants] .
- The three insolvent thrifts will maintain normal business hours and operations under RTC-appointed [rel managing] [ARG0 agents] , while the RTC tries *-1 to negotiate permanent resolutions .
- `` There 's a bottomless pit of dollar demand '' by Japanese investors , said 0 *T*-1 Graham Beale , [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of foreign exchange] [ARGM-LOC at Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp. in New York] , *-2 adding that purely speculative demand would n't hold the dollar at its recent levels against the Japanese currency .
- But the tax-preparation business simply has no more room 0 * to grow *T*-2 , says 0 *T*-3 Mark Cremonie , director of research for Capital Supervisors Inc. , [ARG0 a Chicago firm] that *T*-1 [rel manages] [ARG1 $ 6.5 billion *U*] .
- Martin H. Ruby , a [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of Capital Holding 's Accumulation and Investment Group] , also resigned *-1 to pursue other business interests , Capital Holding said 0 *T*-2 .
- Philippe Gras , a Renault [rel managing] [ARG0 director] , said 0 the new line will cover trucks of between 2.5 tons and 4.2 tons and will be built *-1 at Renault 's Bapilly plant in France and at DAF 's British plant .
- Or would he interpret it as instruction * to give more weight to these other objectives that the secretary represents *T*-1 -- low interest rates , short-run economic expansion , and stabilization of exchange rates at [ARGM-ADV internationally] [rel managed] [ARG1 levels] ?
- At the current price , the USAir holding represents 9 % of [ARG1 all the assets] that [ARG0 Mr. Steinhardt] [rel manages] *T*-1 .
- Mr. Templeton owns shares in several of [ARG1 the 33 funds] that [ARG0 his firm] [rel manages] *T*-1 , but only in three of the 10 available to U.S. investors , according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission .
- [ARG0 Michael Hicks] , who *T*-1 [rel manages] [ARG1 sales and trading] [ARGM-PNC for brokerage concern Societe Generale Strauss Turnbull] , said : `` It 's a nervous market .
- Lynn Staley , the Globe 's assistant [rel managing] [ARG0 editor] for [ARG1-for design] , acknowledges that the visages were `` on the low end of the likeness spectrum . ''
- Stephen N. Wertheimer was named *-2 [rel managing] [ARG0 director] [ARG1 *RNR*-1] and group head *RNR*-1 of investment banking in Asia , based * in Tokyo .
- The TVA bonds also `` served *-1 to remind the market that there will be even more new supply , '' said *T*-2 Lawrence N. Leuzzi , a [rel managing] [ARG0 director] [ARGM-LOC at S.G. Warburg Securities & Co] .
- [ARGM-TMP Before the 1987 crash] , [ARG1 an estimated $ 60 billion *U* in institutional money] was [rel managed] *-1 [ARGM-MNR under this hedging technique] .
- [ARG0 Goldman , Sachs & Co.] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel manage] [ARG1 the offering] .
- Output at Japanese-owned and [rel managed] [ARG1 plants] in the U.S. is due * to rise 42 % .
- The company said 0 the $ 3.1 million *U* reserve was created *-2 *-3 to reflect doubt about the collectability of receivables owed * to National Heritage by some of [ARG1 the real estate partnerships] 0 [ARG0 it] [rel manages] *T*-1 .
- Mr. Riccardo of Bear Stearns said that Schering-Plough Corp. 's expected profit rise of about 18 % to 20 % *U* , and Bristol-Meyers 's expected profit increase of about 13 % are largely because `` [ARG1 those companies] are [ARGM-ADV really] [rel managed] *-1 [ARGM-MNR well] . ''
- Stock prices `` would still have *-1 to go down some additional amount before we become positive on stocks , '' says 0 *T*-2 Mr. Terrizzi , president and [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of Renaissance Investment Management Inc. in Cincinnati] .
- The best thing 0 individual investors can do *T*-2 is * `` just sit tight , '' says *T*-3 Marshall B. Front , executive vice president and head of investment counseling at Stein Roe & Farnham Inc. , [ARG0 a Chicago-based investment counseling firm] that *T*-1 [rel manages] [ARG1 about $ 18 billion *U*] .
- In [ARG1 the pension accounts] 0 [ARG0 he] [rel manages] *T*-1 , Mr. Fleckenstein has raised cash positions and invested in gold *RNR*-2 and natural gas *RNR*-2 stocks , partly as an inflation hedge .
- Mr. Leinberger is [rel managing] [ARG0 partner] of [ARG1-of a real-estate advisory firm based * in Beverly Hills , Calif] .
- Paul Kwan , [rel managing] [ARG0 director] of [ARG1-of Playmates] , says 0 10 million Ninja Turtles have been sold *-1 , * placing the reptilian warriors among the 10 biggest-selling toys in the U.S. .