frames- Plans that *T*-13 give [ARG0 advertisers] discounts for * [rel maintaining] or increasing [ARG1 ad spending] have become permanent fixtures at the news weeklies and underscore the fierce competition between Newsweek , Time Warner Inc. 's Time magazine , and Mortimer B. Zuckerman 's U.S. News & World Report .
- Mr. Stronach will direct an effort * to reduce overhead and curb capital spending `` until [ARG1 a more satisfactory level of profit] is achieved and [rel maintained] *-1 , '' Magna said 0 *T*-2 .
- But [ARG0 *] [rel maintaining] [ARG1 U.S. influence] will be difficult in the face of Japanese dominance in the region .
- `` [ARG0 We] have a long history of * [rel maintaining] [ARG1 an open direct-investment policy] , '' Mr. Dallara says *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Several traders] [rel maintained] [ARG1 that the Merc 's 12-point circuit-breaker aggravated the market slide Oct. 13 by *-1 directing additional selling pressure to the floor of the New York Stock Exchange] .
- Without *-1 admitting or denying wrongdoing , they consented to findings that [ARG0 they] had inaccurately represented the firm 's net capital , [rel maintained] [ARG1 inaccurate books and records] , and made other violations .
- With the shudders came *T*-2 the realization that [ARG0 some of Wall Street 's biggest players] are struggling *-1 to [rel maintain] [ARG1 the stellar credit standing required * to finance their activities profitably] .
- `` [ARGM-TMP After two months of talks] , [ARG1 our rating] was [rel maintained] *-1 . ''
- The company said that because of softening sales it is n't in compliance with requirements that [ARG0 it] [rel maintain] [ARG1 $ 3 million *U* in working capital] .
- They know that whenever [ARG0 government] is redistributing wealth , regulating commerce or [rel maintaining] [ARG1 a large defense establishment] *T*-2 , there is big money 0 *T*-3 to be made *-1 in * influencing , brokering or selling the processes and decisions of government .
- Concurrent with Mr. Nichol 's appointment , Comprehensive Care moved its corporate headquarters from Irvine , Calif. , to St. Louis , where [ARG0 the company] [rel maintained] [ARG1 its contract services offices] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Many of the letters] [rel maintain] [ARG1 that investor confidence has been so shaken by the 1987 stock market crash *RNR*-1 -- and the markets already so stacked *-3 against the little guy *RNR*-1 -- that any decrease in information on insider-trading patterns might prompt individuals to get out of stocks altogether] .
- In the meantime , [ARG0 the agency] must raise cash *-1 to [rel maintain] [ARG1 assets , such as real estate ,] [ARGM-TMP until they can be sold *-106] .
- [ARG0 Prosecutors] , [ARGM-LOC in an indictment based on the grand jury 's report] , [rel maintain] [ARG1 that at various times since 1975 , he owned a secret and illegal interest in a beer distributorship ; plotted hidden ownership interests in real estate that *T*-156 presented an alleged conflict of interest ; set up a dummy corporation 0 *T*-3 to buy a car and obtain insurance for his former girlfriend -LRB- now his second wife -RRB- ; and maintained 54 accounts in six banks in Cambria County] .
- Prosecutors , in an indictment based on the grand jury 's report , maintain that [ARGM-TMP at various times since 1975] , [ARG0 he] owned a secret and illegal interest in a beer distributorship ; plotted hidden ownership interests in real estate that *T*-156 presented an alleged conflict of interest ; set up a dummy corporation 0 *T*-3 to buy a car and obtain insurance for his former girlfriend -LRB- now his second wife -RRB- ; and [rel maintained] [ARG1 54 accounts] [ARGM-LOC in six banks in Cambria County] .
- That was just an early step in a relationship with government that *T*-196 has earned the Mitsubishi group the dubious moniker of `` seisho , '' literally government-business , a title that *T*-197 has the pejorative connotation of * doing the government 's bidding , but also suggests the clout inherent in [ARG0 *] [rel maintaining] [ARG1 such close ties] .
- But Judge Keenan said 0 that privilege is meant *-1 to protect private utterances -- not litigation papers filed * with foreign governments , as [ARG0 Mrs. Marcos 's attorneys] [rel maintained] .
- [ARG0 Sidley] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel maintain] [ARG1 its association with the Hashidate Law Office in Tokyo] .
- But [ARG0 *] [rel maintaining] [ARG1 the key components of his strategy -- a stable exchange rate and high level of imports --] will consume enormous amounts of foreign exchange .
- [ARG0 Mexican officials] [rel maintain] [ARG1 0 the Japanese reserve is only a result of unfamiliarity] .
- [ARG0 Some competitors] [rel maintain] [ARG1 0 the interestrate option loss , in particular , may have resulted more from Chemical 's taking large and often contrarian positions than a valuation problem] .
- Among the subsidies continued * in the transportation bill is *T*-1 [ARG0 $ 30.7 million *U*] 0 * to [rel maintain] [ARG1 commercial air service] *T*-2 for [ARG2-for an estimated 92 communities , often in rural areas] .
- `` [ARG0 Those who *T*-93 testified -LCB- yesterday -RCB-] have [ARGM-MNR consistently] [rel maintained] [ARG1 that anyone who *T*-94 did n't agree with them is part of a coverup , a whitewash , or the subject of excessive influence] , '' Mr. Bickwit said *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 Investor interest in stock funds `` has n't stalled at all] , '' [ARG0 Mr. Hines] [rel maintains] 0 *T*-1 .
- A specialist is [ARG0 an exchange member] designated * to [rel maintain] [ARG1 a fair and orderly market] [ARGM-LOC in a specified stock] .
- [ARG0 The consultants] [rel maintained] [ARG1 0 Eastern would n't generate the cash 0 it needs *T*-1 and would have *-2 to issue new debt *-3 to meet its targets under the plan] .
- Comments by [ARG0 John Major] , who *T*-1 has succeeded Mr. Lawson , also failed *-2 to damp market concern , despite his pledge * to [rel maintain] [ARG1 relatively high British interest rates] .
- [ARGM-DIS Indeed] , [ARG0 a few economists] [rel maintain] [ARG1 that global forces will continue *-1 to govern Hong Kong 's economic rhythm] .
- But such tactics were alien to Switzerland in 1976 , and still are n't common because of [ARG1 share restrictions] that [ARG0 companies] are allowed *-2 to [rel maintain] *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 But even a Japanese company that *T*-1 looks like a dog may turn out *-3 to be a good investment for a foreign concern] , [ARG0 some management consultants] [rel maintain] 0 *T*-2 .
- Industry consultants say 0 [ARG0 only Schering-Plough , which *T*-1 makes the mass-market Maybelline ,] has [rel maintained] [ARG1 a meaningful business] .
- [ARG0 Irving] [rel maintained] -- and still does *?* -- [ARG1 that its actions were proper under its account agreements with customers] .
- [ARG0 They] [rel maintain] [ARG1 that a president needs the ability * to surgically remove pork-barrel spending projects that *T*-2 are attached *-1 to big omnibus spending bills] .
- [ARG0 Proponents] [rel maintain] [ARG1 that a president would choose *-1 to use a line-item veto more judiciously than that] .
- Governors have found that [ARG0 they] have *-1 to use the device sparingly *-1 to [rel maintain] [ARG1 political comity] .
- Wednesday 's report from the purchasing agents will be watched *-1 * to see if [ARG0 the index] [rel maintains] [ARG1 a level below 50 %] , [ARGM-ADV as it has *?* for the past couple of months] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Baker 's assistant for inter-American affairs , Bernard Aronson ,] while *-1 [rel maintaining] [ARG1 that the Sandinistas had also broken the cease-fire] , acknowledged : `` It *EXP*-2 's never very clear who *T*-3 starts what . ''
- [ARGM-ADV Generally] [ARG0 they] [rel maintain] [ARG1 that , barring a recession and a further strengthening of the dollar against foreign currencies , the industry is n't headed *-1 for a prolonged slump] .
- Hewlett-Packard , a Palo Alto , Calif. , computer company , said 0 [ARG0 it] acquired the stock `` *-1 to develop and [rel maintain] [ARG1 a strategic partnership in which each company remains independent while *-2 working together *-3 to market and sell their products *T*-4] . ''
- [ARG1 Field offices at New Orleans ; Houston ; Denver ; Midland , Tex. ; Bakersfield , Calif. ; Oklahoma City ; and Liberal , Kan. ,] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel maintained] *-1 .
- As it is *?* , we identify national goals and the threats to these goals , we shape a strategy 0 * to counter these threats *T*-1 , [ARG0 we] determine the forces needed * *-3 to execute the strategy , before finally *-2 forging the budgets needed * * to build and [rel maintain] [ARG1 the forces] .
- [ARGM-CAU Why] do [ARG0 you] [rel maintain] [ARG1 0 the House-passed capital-gains plan is a `` temporary '' reduction] [ARGM-TMP when it is not *?* *T*-1] *T*-2 ?
- `` I had some problem from time to time on the length of time 0 he would take *T*-1 *-2 to make up his mind , '' Mr. Ferrer admits *T*-3 , but [ARG0 he] [rel maintains] [ARG1 that he did n't delay his support of Mr. Dinkins and that he backs the Democratic candidate enthusiastically] .
- [ARG0 It] should seek [ARGM-ADV only] *-1 to [rel maintain] [ARG1 the functioning of markets] -- not *-1 to prop up the Dow Jones or New York Stock Exchange averages at a particular level .
- [ARG0 The company] [rel maintains] [ARG1 that it does n't expect Emhart to contribute to earnings for about another 12 months] .
- The measure provides [ARG0 $ 321 million *U*] 0 *T*-1 to [rel maintain] [ARG1 services] but would sharply curb the power of the current board until successors are agreed to *-2 by the Bush administration .
- `` This is paying [ARG0 a big price] * to [rel maintain] [ARG1 their virility as the world 's leading insurance broker] , '' said *T*-1 Philip Olsen , an analyst at Kitcat & Aitken , a U.K. brokerage firm .
- The former congressman , who *T*-2 resigned as speaker of the House after an investigation of his financial dealings , is ensconced *-1 in [ARG1 his district office] , [rel maintained] * by [ARG0-by taxpayers] [ARGM-MNR on a $ 200,000 *U* allowance] .
- The Republicans maintain that a 30 % capital-gains exclusion will raise revenue in the short term and spur economic investment , while [ARG0 the Democrats] [rel maintain] [ARG1 that an increase in the top income-tax rate and expanded IRAs will raise revenue and spur savings] .
- [ARG0 The Republicans] [rel maintain] [ARG1 that a 30 % capital-gains exclusion will raise revenue in the short term and spur economic investment] , [ARGM-ADV while the Democrats maintain that an increase in the top income-tax rate and expanded IRAs will raise revenue and spur savings] .
- Rep. Neal 's bill originally called on [ARG0 the Fed] *-1 to reduce the inflation rate by one percentage point a year for five years and to [rel maintain] [ARG1 a zero inflation rate] [ARGM-TMP thereafter] .
- [ARG1 Competition] [ARGM-MOD could] be [rel maintained] *-2 -- and stadiums probably would remain full -- [ARGM-ADV if schedules were reduced *-3 and the games returned *-5 to the students] , we said 0 *T*-4 .
- `` [ARG1 As long as I am borrowing at 9.9 % and each -LCB- bond -RCB- yields over that , it enhances the yield] , '' [ARG0 he] [rel maintains] *T*-1 .
- He says 0 [ARG0 the fund , which *T*-1 is 40 % leveraged ,] has [rel maintained] [ARG1 a `` substantial cushion '' between its borrowing costs and the yields of the portfolio 's bonds] .
- [ARG1 It] could cost taxpayers $ 15 million *U* * to install *?* and [ARG0 BPC residents] $ 1 million *U* a year * to [rel maintain] *?* .
- And she proved no shirking violet in her initial statement to the BPCA , a New York State public benefit corporation : `` The only thing 0 I was interested in *-1 doing *T*-3 was [ARG1 a very complicated garden] , which *T*-2 would cost an enormous amount of money and be very expensive 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel maintain] *T*-4 . ''
- Surely not to [ARG0 people] with epilepsy who *T*-1 depend on the same levels of medication in their bloodstream daily *-2 to [rel maintain] [ARG1 seizure control] .
- As for Mr. Levy at St. Gillian , he says 0 [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel maintain] [ARG1 his credit lines with the various Campeau stores] [ARGM-ADV unless they miss a payment] .
- [ARGM-ADV If a compromise ca n't be reached *-1] , [ARG0 the pilots] [rel maintain] [ARG1 0 they can do a transaction without the support of the machinists] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel maintains] [ARG1 that the information from the FBI will help him get his 1968 conviction vacated *-1 and his bail-jumping indictment dismissed *-2] .
- Also , [ARG0 *] [rel maintaining] [ARG1 current demand] assumes no significant slowdown in world economies .
- The government has charged that [ARG0 Mr. Lorin and Mr. Laff] were part of a conspiracy * to [rel maintain] [ARG1 the prices of certain stocks] [ARGM-MNR at artificially high prices] .
- [ARG0 He] said 0 the fourth quarter will be `` challenging , '' and [rel maintained] [ARG1 his conservative forecast that 1990 `` wo n't be a barn burner] . ''
- Some supporters of Israel say 0 [ARG0 U.S. policy on Palestinian terrorism] is colored *-1 by an intense desire * to [rel maintain] [ARG1 the dialogue with the PLO] .
- There is a fundamental conflict between * providing a subsidy and [ARG0 *] [rel maintaining] [ARG1 the integrity of a credit program] .
- [ARG0 Market makers] are supposed *-1 to keep supplies of stocks on hand *-3 to [rel maintain] [ARG1 orderly trading] [ARGM-TMP when imbalances occur *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 Taxi , leasing and other companies] that *T*-1 [rel maintain] [ARG1 fleets of vehicles] devote substantial resources to * complying with state insurance laws and a host of agencies .
- [ARG0 Axa] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel maintain] [ARG1 Farmers ' relationships with the insurance exchanges that it manages *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 The company] , [ARGM-ADV for its part] , [rel maintains] [ARG1 that many of the disputed documents are privileged attorney-client communications that *T*-1 should n't be turned *-2 over to prosecutors] .
- [ARG1 While some assets have been written *-2 down , others are undervalued *-1 in the accounts] , [ARG0 Mr. Bond] [rel maintained] 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 They] might even step up sales in a falling market , he said 0 *T*-1 , in an effort * to [rel maintain] [ARG1 the flow of foreign exchange into their treasuries] .
- [ARG1 The trading halt in the S&P 500 futures exacerbated selling and confusion] , [ARG0 many traders] [rel maintain] 0 *T*-1 .
- In Warsaw , [ARG0 Shevardnadze] held his first talks with the Solidarity-led government and vowed *-1 to [rel maintain] [ARG1 fuel supplies] .
- [ARG0 The agency] will withdraw from the production of nine food products , *-1 [rel maintaining] [ARG1 production of the two most important ones , corn and milk] .
- And the question *ICH*-1 remains whether [ARG0 the jury system] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel maintain] [ARG1 its integrity] [ARGM-TMP while *-2 undergoing such a skillful massage] .
- [ARG0 Many lawyers] [rel maintain] [ARG1 that all 's fair in the adversary system as long as no one tampers with the evidence] .
- [ARG0 Some] [rel maintain] [ARG1 0 underwriters also have been inept] .
- Hess 's earnings were up despite [ARG0 a $ 30 million *U* charge] 0 *T*-1 to cover the cost of * [rel maintaining] [ARG1 operations] [ARGM-TMP after Hurricane Hugo heavily damaged the company 's refinery at St. Croix] .
- [ARG0 Platinum and palladium] struggled *-2 to [rel maintain] [ARG1 their prices] all day despite news stories *ICH*-3 over the weekend that recent cold fusion experiments , which *T*-1 use both metals , showed signs of * producing extra heat .
- Under the new plan being considered * , [ARG0 the notes] would reset annually at a rate 0 * to [rel maintain] [ARG1 a market value of 101] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 You] try *-1 to [rel maintain] [ARG1 your dignity] [ARGM-LOC under difficult circumstances] .
- When consumers have so many choices *T*-1 , [ARG1 brand loyalty] is much harder 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel maintain] *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 The workers] install , [rel maintain] and repair [ARG1 its private branch exchanges , which *T*-1 are large intracompany telephone networks] .
- Also , about 60 % of pachinko parlor owners *ICH*-1 are Korean , [ARG0 many of whom] *T*-2 [rel maintain] [ARG1 close ties with North or South Korean residents ' organizations] , and donations by such foreign groups are illegal in Japan .
- [ARG0 *-1] To [rel maintain] [ARG1 exclusivity of that designer line] , it is n't labeled with the Maidenform name .
- [ARG1 They] were either too small or uneconomic 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel maintain] *T*-1 , the company said 0 *T*-2 .
- The place costs nearly $ 2 million *U* a year [ARG0 *] to [rel maintain] .
- That strip of concrete is backed *-1 up by a few one-story , air-conditioned shacks where [ARG0 a handful of American nationals -- buttressed * by imported food , cold soft drinks and back issues of Sports Illustrated --] [rel maintain] [ARG1 radio contact with the outside world] *T*-2 .
- The Iraqi oil minister and Saudi oil minister Hisham Nazer insisted in their comments to the conference that [ARG0 their countries] would act responsibly * to [rel maintain] [ARG1 a stable market] .
- Mr. Nazer , the Saudi oil minister , reiterated here that [ARG0 the kingdom] would insist on * [rel maintaining] [ARG1 its percentage share of OPEC production] [ARGM-LOC under any quota revisions] .
- Yet it still held $ 916.3 million *U* of repossessed real estate , for which [ARG0 it] [rel maintains] [ARG1 no reserves whatsoever] *T*-1 .
- Small neighborhood businesses could provide more jobs , if crime were not so harmful to [ARG0 *] creating and [rel maintaining] [ARG1 those businesses] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Muniak 's company , Balag Ltd. ,] has agreed *-2 to set aside the money 0 * to plant and [rel maintain] [ARG1 it] *T*-3 , but discussions are still going on over where * to place it *T*-4 and how * to ensure that it will be maintained *-1 *T*-5 .
- Mr. Muniak 's company , Balag Ltd. , has agreed *-2 to set aside the money 0 * to plant and maintain it *T*-3 , but discussions are still going on over where * to place it *T*-4 and how * to ensure that [ARG1 it] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel maintained] *-1 *T*-5 .
- Most other supercomputer manufacturers have yet *-2 to adopt the Posix standard , Mr. Paluck said 0 *T*-5 , *-3 adding that [ARG0 they] prefer *-4 to [rel maintain] [ARG1 proprietary systems that *T*-1 lock in customers] .
- [ARG0 GE 's Power Generation subsidiary] [ARGM-MOD will] operate and [rel maintain] [ARG1 the plant] [ARGM-TMP upon its completion] .
- [ARG0 The labor-management buy-out group] plans *-1 to keep its offer on the table in an apparent attempt * to [rel maintain] [ARG1 its bargaining position with the board] .
- The hot-dipped galvanized segment is one of the fastest-growing and most profitable segments of the steel market , *-1 coveted * by [ARG0 all major integrated steelmakers] wanting * to [rel maintain] [ARG1 an edge over smaller minimills and reconstructed mills -- those spun * off to employees] .
- [ARGM-DIS So] [ARGM-TMP throughout the decade] [ARG0 I] have [rel maintained] [ARG1 my share of individual retirement accounts and CDs] , and tinkered with stocks , bonds and mutual funds , as well as *-1 preserving my necessary position in the residential real-estate market .
- If interest rates plunge , the insurer may be knocking on my door , *-1 asking for steeper premium payments 0 [ARG0 *T*-2] to [rel maintain] [ARG1 the same amount of protection] .
- Some insurers have also started *-2 offering `` persistency bonuses , '' such as extra dividends or a marginally higher interest yield , if [ARG1 the policy] is [rel maintained] *-1 [ARGM-TMP for 10 years] .
- * Imagine [ARG0 a widow] who *T*-1 wants *-3 to [rel maintain] [ARG1 her standard of living] [ARGM-LOC at the same level 0 she had *T*-2 before she had *-4 to pay the catastrophic surtax] .
- [ARG0 *] To [rel maintain] [ARG1 control over production] and avoid overdependence on foreign sources , he says 0 he still makes most of his furs in the U.S. .
- [ARG0 The Franklin Lakes , N.J. , company] is expected *-1 to report sales growth of only 5 % to 6 % *U* , but [ARGM-MOD should] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel maintain] [ARG1 earnings growth of 10 %] , says 0 *T*-2 Jerry E. Fuller , an analyst with Duff & Phelps Inc .
- Instead of *-2 hiring one of the many active managers specializing in growth stocks , indexers can design a portfolio around the same stocks ; [ARG1 the portfolio] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel maintained] *-1 by [ARG0-by computer] , [ARGM-ADV * reducing both fees and , in theory , risk -LRB- because of the large number of stocks -RRB-] .
- He said 0 [ARG0 the company] has cut operating expenses by about 10 % over the last few quarters , while *-1 [rel maintaining] [ARG1 research and development] [ARGM-ADV at about 8 % to 9 % *U* of sales] .
- [ARG0 They] have [rel maintained] [ARG1 that banks remain interested in *-1 financing the transaction] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters] [rel maintain] [ARG1 that executives at Warner have always known of their ambitions * to run a major entertainment powerhouse , but that Warner never felt threatened until they linked up with Sony] .
- [ARGM-TMP Both before and after the Friday plunge] , [ARG0 Shearson] has [rel maintained] [ARG1 a recommended portfolio weighting of 65 % stocks , 20 % bonds and 15 % cash] .
- [ARG0 ARCO] [rel maintains] [ARG1 an office in Dallas that *T*-2 would take over if payroll operations in Pasadena were disrupted *-1] .
- [ARG0 The company] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel maintains] [ARG1 rechargeable flashlights] [ARGM-LOC in offices] and changes its standby supply of drinking water [ARGM-TMP every three months] .
- [ARG0 An estimated $ 321 million *U*] is provided *-2 *-3 to [rel maintain] [ARG1 the program] , but Mr. Rudman also succeeded in *-4 attaching language seeking * to curb the authority of the current board until new members are confirmed *-1 .
- [ARG0 The three insolvent thrifts] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel maintain] [ARG1 normal business hours and operations] [ARGM-MNR under RTC-appointed managing agents] , [ARGM-TMP while the RTC tries *-1 to negotiate permanent resolutions] .
- U.K. money supply figures for September , released * yesterday , showed continued growth in corporate and personal lending , which *T*-1 will keep pressure *ICH*-2 on [ARG0 the government] * to [rel maintain] [ARG1 tight credit] .
- Fannie Mae has agreed *-2 to buy as much as $ 100 million *U* of loans under its Seniors ' Housing Opportunities pilot program , which *T*-1 offers four types of loans to people 62 years of age or older *-3 to help [ARG0 them] [rel maintain] [ARG1 their home] or obtain housing .
- But [ARG0 he] never took an official position on the bill and has [ARGM-MNR steadfastly] [rel maintained] [ARG1 that he already has enough authority * to deal with buy-outs] .
- [ARG0 Travelers and other insurers] have [rel maintained] [ARG1 that cleanup costs are n't damages and thus are n't covered *-1 under commercial policies] .
- Other areas targeted * by the survey 's respondents included difficulty [ARG0 *] obtaining or [rel maintaining] [ARG1 public benefits] -LRB- 22 % -RRB- , consumer fraud -LRB- 15.4 % -RRB- , and health-care issues -LRB- 15 % -RRB- .
- `` [ARG0 They] 're [rel maintaining] [ARG1 their attitude toward investing , which *T*-1 has leaned toward the conservative recently] . ''
- `` Even though brand loyalty is rather strong for coffee , [ARG0 we] need advertising *-1 to [rel maintain] and strengthen [ARG1 it] . ''
- Computer Associates has carved out a huge business *-1 selling such software for use in managing networks of International Business Machines Corp. computers but needs *-1 to find new markets if [ARG0 it] is to [rel maintain] [ARG1 its growth rate of 30 % and more each year] .
- Many employees stayed home yesterday , but [ARG1 customer service] was being [rel maintained] *-1 .
- Liability in the bridge and road collapses will revolve around whether [ARG0 government] took `` reasonable care '' * to build and [rel maintain] [ARG1 the structures] , says 0 *T*-2 John Messina , a Tacoma , Wash. , personal-injury attorney who *T*-1 specializes in highway design and maintenance cases .
- But [ARGM-LOC within the government and in the think tanks outside it] , [ARG0 many West Germans] [rel maintain] [ARG1 that they do n't want immediate reunification] .
- [ARGM-ADV Despite the dollar 's lackluster performance] , [ARG0 some foreign-exchange traders] [rel maintain] [ARG1 that the U.S. unit remains relatively well bid] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Bartlett] managed *-1 to [ARGM-ADV more or less] [rel maintain] [ARG1 Moliere 's Alexandrine verse form , 12 syllable lines in rhyming couplets] .
- An incident in 1984 suggested one additional means by which [ARG0 Mr. Noriega] [ARGM-MOD might] have [rel maintained] [ARG1 such influence with Washington] *T*-1 -- by * compromising U.S. officials .
- Perhaps most important , Mr. Noriega 's allies have intervened *-1 to encourage -- in some cases , *-1 to demand -- that [ARG0 the dictator] [rel maintain] [ARG1 his grip of the throne] .
- In the two weeks since the rebellion , which the U.S. hesitantly backed *T*-1 , [ARG0 Mr. Noriega] has been at his most brutal - and efficient - in *-2 [rel maintaining] [ARG1 power] .
- Citicorp 's spokesman said , however , that [ARG0 the bank] is [rel maintaining] [ARG1 those expenses] [ARGM-MNR in proportion to revenue growth] .
- According to a spokesman , [ARG0 One Liberty] will have paid out as dividends the required amount of its taxable income * to [rel maintain] [ARG1 its legal status as a real estate investment trust] .
- First , [ARG0 it] argues that its capital base must be increased *-1 in order * to [rel maintain] [ARG1 its size relative to world financial markets , for which it feels some responsibility *T*-2] .
- Despite continuing troubles with problem assets and nonperforming loans , the trust said 0 [ARG0 it] expects *-1 to be able *-2 to [rel maintain] or increase [ARG1 the rate of distributions] [ARGM-CAU because of operations of joint-venture properties] .
- But [ARG0 the RTC] also requires `` working '' capital 0 * to [rel maintain] *T*-4 [ARG1 the bad assets of thrifts that *T*-3 are sold *-1] , [ARGM-TMP until the assets can be sold *-2 separately] .
- `` [ARG0 *] To [rel maintain] [ARG1 that dialogue] is absolutely crucial .
- [ARG0 The FDIC , which *T*-1 in 1986 provided $ 130 million *U* in open-bank assistance to BancOklahoma 's Bank of Oklahoma , Tulsa , unit] will continue *-2 to [rel maintain] [ARG1 $ 90 million *U* in preferred stock] [ARGM-LOC in the Tulsa bank unit] .
- [ARG0 Specialists] were criticized *-1 for their inability * to [rel maintain] [ARG1 orderly markets] [ARGM-TMP during the Friday plunge] .
- Time is following the course of [ARG0 some other mass-circulation magazines] that *T*-1 in recent years have challenged the publishing myth that * [rel maintaining] [ARG1 artificially high , and expensive , circulations] is the way 0 * to draw advertisers *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 More Elderly] [rel Maintain] [ARG1 Their Independence]
- [ARG0 Market makers] keep supplies of stock on hand *-2 to [rel maintain] [ARG1 orderly trading] [ARGM-TMP when imbalances occur *T*-1] .
- Mr. Zuckerman said 0 [ARG0 his magazine] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel maintain] [ARG1 its editorial format , which *T*-1 is a mix of analysis and trend stories with service-oriented , how-to articles] .