frames- What *T*-1 comes out of the ballot box could be crucial in * determining whether [ARG0 Brazil] [ARGM-TMP finally] [rel lives] up to [ARG1-to the potential of the world 's eighth largest economy] or keeps *-2 living up to its other , less enviable title : that of the developing world 's largest debtor , teetering on the brink of hyperinflation , mired in deficits and stagnation , with huge economic inequalities and social discontent boiling under the surface .
- What *T*-1 comes out of the ballot box could be crucial in * determining whether [ARG0 Brazil] finally lives up to the potential of the world 's eighth largest economy or keeps *-2 [rel living] up to [ARG1-to its other , less enviable title : that of the developing world 's largest debtor , teetering on the brink of hyperinflation , mired in deficits and stagnation , with huge economic inequalities and social discontent boiling under the surface] .
- Contrary to widespread belief , [ARG0 Mussolini] failed *-3 to [rel live] up to [ARG1-to his promise * to make the trains run on time] ; it *EXP*-1 is doubtful whether Soviet-style corporatism will make Soviet trains run on time , or fill the shops with goods that the consumers so desperately crave *T*-2 .
- The current dispute involves allegations that [ARG0 Charlotte , N.C.-based First Union] has [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel lived] up to [ARG1-to its responsibilities under the reinvestment act] .
- Analysts said 0 [ARG0 SKF 's results for the first nine months] [rel lived] up to [ARG1-to market expectations] [ARGM-MNR as brokerage firms had predicted a pretax profit of 1.74 billion to 1.86 billion kronor] .
- If [ARG0 earnings] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel live] up to [ARG1-to analysts ' expectations] , he says 0 *T*-1 , that 's enough * to dump the stock .
- `` There is no prospect of any so-called grand compromise or deal next year because [ARG0 the administration] [ARGM-ADV simply] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel live] up to [ARG1-to this year 's deal] , '' Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell -LRB- D. , Maine -RRB- said *T*-1 yesterday on CBS News 's `` * Face the Nation . ''
- Even before Friday 's events , Harvard University economist Benjamin Friedman was arguing that [ARG0 the Fed] wo n't be able *-1 to [rel live] up to [ARG1-to its tough words on * eliminating inflation] [ARGM-CAU because of its responsibility * to protect fragile financial markets , banks and highly leveraged corporations] .