frames- The surge brings to nearly 50 the number of [ARG1 country funds] that *T*-39 are *RNR*-1 or [ARGM-TMP soon] [ARGM-MOD will] be *RNR*-1 [rel listed] *-2 in [ARG2-in New York or London] .
- The surge brings to nearly 50 the number of [ARG1 country funds] that *T*-39 are *RNR*-1 or soon will be *RNR*-1 [rel listed] *-2 [ARGM-LOC in New York or London] .
- `` There may be an international viewpoint cast *-2 on [ARG1 the funds] [rel listed] * [ARG2 here] , '' Mr. Porter says *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 Items] [rel listed] * as [ARG2-as *-1 being in short supply] numbered only about a dozen , but they included one newcomer : milk and milk powder .
- Defending their ramparts are *T*-1 Wall Street 's Old Guard -- the traditional , stock-picking money managers , tens of thousands of stock brokers , the New York Stock Exchange 's [rel listed] [ARG1 companies] and the clannish floor traders , known * as specialists , who *T*-65 make markets in their stocks .
- Big Board stock specialists , in a bold palace revolt , began shortly after Oct. 13 *-1 to telephone the corporate executives of the companies [ARG1 whose stock] *T*-2 is [rel listed] *-71 on [ARG2-on the Big Board] *-3 to have them pressure the exchange to ban program trading .
- The Tokyo Stock Price Index -LRB- Topix -RRB- of [ARG1 all issues] [rel listed] * in [ARG2-in the First Section] , which *T*-1 gained 16.05 points Tuesday , was down 1.46 points , or 0.05 % , at 2691.19 .
- Uptick -- An expression signifying that a transaction in a [rel listed] [ARG1 security] occurred at a higher price than the previous transaction in that security .
- [ARG1 Companies] [rel listed] * [ARG2 below] reported quarterly profit substantially different from the average of analysts ' estimates .
- The Tokyo Stock Price Index of [ARG1 all issues] [rel listed] * in [ARG2-in the First Section , which *T*-77 declined 5.16 on Monday ,] was up 16.05 , or 0.60 % , at 2692.65 on Tuesday .
- [ARG1 Armstrong 's shares] , [ARGM-DIS also] [rel listed] * on [ARG2-on the Big Board] , closed at $ 39.125 *U* , up 12.5 cents .
- [ARG1 Chez Panisse] was [rel listed] *-112 among [ARG2-among the top 30 restaurants in the world] [ARGM-TMP this year] by [ARG0-by Connoisseur magazine] .
- [ARGM-DIS Actually] , [ARGM-TMP about two years ago] , [ARG0 the Journal] [rel listed] [ARG1 the creation of the money fund] as [ARG2-as one of the 10 most significant events in the world of finance in the 20th century] .
- Employees wore [ARG0 identification badges] [rel listing] [ARG1 not only their names but also their dates of hire] .
- That was when the exchange took a new tack by *-2 publishing [ARG0 monthly statistics] [rel listing] [ARG1 the top 15 program trading firms] *T*-1 .
- Mr. Phelan 's recent remarks that investors simply must get used to the stock-market volatility from program trading have drawn criticism from both the exchange 's stock specialists , who *T*-140 make markets in individual stocks , and from many companies that *T*-141 have [ARG1 shares] [rel listed] * on [ARG2-on the Big Board] .
- [ARG1 Companies] [rel listed] * [ARG2 below] reported quarterly profit substantially different from the average of analysts ' estimates .
- In London trading , Courtaulds , a chemicals and textiles company , increased 15 pence to 362 after it disclosed plans * to spin off its textiles operations into a [ARGM-MNR separately] [rel listed] [ARG1 company] *PPA*-1 on Jan. 1 .
- The Tokyo Stock Price Index of [ARG1 all issues] [rel listed] * in [ARG2-in the First Section] , which *T*-205 fell 15.82 points Friday , was down 5.16 points , or 0.19 % , at 2676.60 .
- [ARG0 The visitors] [ARGM-TMP then] [rel listed] [ARG1 technologies up for sale , including launch services and propulsion hardware] .
- At the New York Stock Exchange , which *T*-2 has been buffeted *-1 by complaints from angry individual investors and the exchange 's own [rel listed] [ARG1 companies] , Chairman John J. Phelan Jr. held an emergency meeting with senior partners of some of the Big Board 's 49 stock specialist firms .
- The program-trading outcry was taken *-1 to a new level when giant Contel Corp. said 0 it and 20 or more of the Big Board 's [rel listed] [ARG1 companies] are forming an unprecedented alliance *-3 to complain about the exchange 's role in program trading *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Zurich-based magazine Bilanz] [rel lists] [ARG1 Mr. Rey] as [ARG2-as *-1 having a fortune of about 1.5 billion Swiss francs] .
- He does n't fully succeed , although [ARG0 Mr. Straszheim] [rel lists] [ARG1 an array of interest-rate scenarios] .
- `` [ARG1 We] 've been [rel listed] *-2 as [ARG2-as a candidate] [ARGM-TMP for so long 0 it 's not worth 0 * worrying about *T*-3] , '' said *T*-1 Mr. Price .
- Statistics on acquisitions by foreigners vary in detail , because unlike [ARG1 Sansui] , which *T*-2 is [rel listed] *-1 on [ARG2-on the Tokyo and Osaka stock exchanges] , most of the Japanese companies acquired * by foreigners are privately held *-3 .
- Several of the New York Stock Exchange 's own [rel listed] [ARG1 companies] , led * by giant Contel Corp. , are joining for the first time *-1 to complain about program trading and the exchange 's role in it .
- `` They wo n't fight the [rel listed] [ARG1 companies] .
- The market 's Friday-the-13th plunge of 190 points in the Dow Jones Industrial Average , and the Big Board 's understated response to it , galvanized some longstanding dissatisfaction among [ARG1 companies] [rel listed] * on [ARG2-on the exchange] .
- And it *EXP*-4 is n't even clear that some pork-barrel projects can be hit *-1 with a line-item veto because [ARG1 they] tend *-3 to be [rel listed] *-2 in [ARG2-in informal conference reports accompanying spending bills] rather than in the official bills themselves .
- And it *EXP*-4 is n't even clear that some pork-barrel projects can be hit *-1 with a line-item veto because [ARG1 they] tend *-3 to be [rel listed] *-2 in informal conference reports accompanying spending bills [ARGM-DIS rather] than in [ARG2-in the official bills themselves] .
- [ARG1 The rest] is [rel listed] *-1 on [ARG2-on Spanish stock exchanges] .
- [ARG1 Companies] [rel listed] * [ARG2 below] reported quarterly profit substantially different from the average of analysts ' estimates .
- Though *-1 obscure to most investors , the question of whether [ARG0 *] to [rel list] [ARG1 options] on [ARG2-on more than one exchange] has aroused much interest in Congress , mainly because regional exchanges fear 0 the change could bankrupt them .
- Magazines are n't delivered at all , even if [ARG1 an individual 's name] is [rel listed] *-1 ; employees who *T*-2 want their magazines have *-3 to pick them up from the mail room or the company library -- and are told *-3 to change the subscriptions to their home addresses .
- [ARG0 `` Learning AIDS ''] [rel lists] [ARG1 films , pamphlets , brochures , videos and other educational data] .
- [ARG0 The Big Board] [rel lists] [ARG1 its targets] as [ARG2-as pension plans , mutual fund managers and index-arbitrage traders] .
- [ARG1 Companies] [rel listed] * [ARG2 below] reported quarterly profit substantially different from the average of analysts ' estimates .
- *-1 To meet the U.S. criteria , Israel contended 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-ADV only] [rel listed] [ARG1 incidents that *T*-1968 involved civilians and occurred inside its pre-1967 borders] .
- Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Robert Byrd -LRB- D. , W.Va . -RRB- even added [ARG0 report language] [rel listing] [ARG1 $ 49.4 million *U* in projects 0 he wants *T*-1 in the budget next year] .
- [ARGM-LOC On Wall Street] , Merrill Lynch & Co. analyst Daniel A. Roling rates the stock `` neutral '' and [ARG0 Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc.] [rel lists] [ARG1 it] as [ARG2-as a `` buy] . ''
- [ARG1 Companies] [rel listed] * [ARG2 below] reported quarterly profit substantially different from the average of analysts ' estimates .
- [ARG0 Neither suit] [rel lists] [ARG1 specific dollar claims] , [ARGM-CAU largely because damage assessment has n't yet been completed *-1] .
- [ARG1 Companies] [rel listed] * [ARG2 below] reported quarterly profit substantially different from the average of analysts ' estimates .
- [ARG1 One company] [ARGM-TMP recently] was [rel listed] *-1 on [ARG2-on the New York Stock Exchange] , and another will join the Big Board from the over-the-counter market this week .
- [ARG1 Putnam Investment Grade Municipal Trust , Boston ,] was [rel listed] *-1 [ARGM-MNR with the symbol PGM] .
- As a Channel Islander , I was amazed *-1 to see [ARG1 my birthplace] [rel listed] as [ARG2-as one of `` 86 countries with an income tax] . ''
- The Tokyo Stock Price Index -LRB- Topix -RRB- of [ARG1 all issues] [rel listed] * in [ARG2-in the First Section] , which *T*-1 gained 22.78 points Thursday , was up 14.06 points , or 0.53 % , at 2679.72 .
- But [ARG0 a medical clinic with about 20 employees] [ARGM-MNR wrongly] [rel listed] [ARG1 all of them -- including physicians and receptionists --] as [ARG2-as independent contractors] .
- BNL has [ARG1 about 75,000 nonvoting shares] that *T*-2 are [rel listed] *-1 on [ARG2-on the Milan Stock Exchange] .
- On Thursday , the Tokyo Stock Price Index of [ARG1 all issues] [rel listed] * in [ARG2-in the first section] , which *T*-1 gained 0.24 point Wednesday , was up 22.78 , or 0.86 % , at 2665.66 .
- The first day 's business was 911 contracts -LRB- each for 100 shares of one of the [rel listed] [ARG1 stocks] -RRB- .
- Last year , more than 1,800 traders on the CBOE bought and sold 112 million contracts on 178 [rel listed] [ARG1 stocks] , 60 % of all U.S. listed options trading .
- [ARG0 It] [rel listed] [ARG1 just 16 options * to buy a `` pilot list '' of stocks on the New York Stock Exchange] .
- The Tokyo Stock Price Index of [ARG1 all issues] [rel listed] * in [ARG2-in the first section] , which *T*-1 gained 41.76 Tuesday , was up 0.24 points , or 0.01 % , at 2642.88 .
- [ARG0 The new edition] [rel lists] [ARG1 the top 10 metropolitan areas] as [ARG2-as Anaheim-Santa Ana , Calif. ; Boston ; Louisville , Ky. ; Nassau-Suffolk , N.Y. ; New York ; Pittsburgh ; San Diego ; San Francisco ; Seattle ; and Washington] .
- In a move * to prevent any dislocation in the financial markets from the California earthquake , the Securities and Exchange Commission said 0 it temporarily reassigned [ARG1 options] [rel listed] * on [ARG2-on the Pacific Stock Exchange] to the American , New York and Philadelphia stock exchanges and to the Chicago Board Options Exchange .
- The SEC , *-3 faced *-4 with a major squeeze on options positions , said 0 it *EXP*-2 was necessary * to ensure that [ARG1 options] [rel listed] * on [ARG2-on the exchange] could be traded *-1 today and tomorrow .
- SEC Chairman Richard Breeden said 0 the cooperation by the exchanges would enable investors to buy and sell [ARG1 options] [rel listed] * [ARGM-ADV solely] on [ARG2-on the Pacific exchange] , *-1 guaranteeing the liquidity of the market .
- The Pacific exchange has options for 129 underlying stock issues , including [ARG1 highly active Hilton Hotels Corp.] , which *T*-2 is [rel listed] *-1 on [ARG2-on the Big Board] .
- [ARG0 The sheets] tell how the medicine works *T*-1 , describe how * to use it *T*-2 and [rel list] [ARG1 its possible side effects] .
- [ARG1 Companies] [rel listed] * [ARG2 below] reported quarterly profit substantially different from the average of analysts ' estimates .
- On Tuesday , the broader-based Tokyo Stock Price Index of [ARG1 issues] [rel listed] * in [ARG2-in the first section] , which *T*-1 fell 45.66 Monday , rose 41.76 , or 1.61 % , to 2642.64 .
- And just last week , Defense Secretary Dick Cheney gave [ARG0 a strong speech] [rel listing] [ARG1 `` compelling reasons '' 0 * to push ahead with SDI *T*-1] and saying 0 he 'd urge President Bush *-2 to veto a defense bill with `` inadequate '' funding for the program .
- In the past , not only would reputable professionals have rushed *-2 to check out such rumors with the company , but [ARG1 companies] [rel listed] * on [ARG2-on the major stock exchanges] were encouraged by the exchanges *-1 to respond openly to such inquiries from securities analysts .
- The state agency was particularly vexed *-1 to learn that the Rubens and [ARG1 a half-dozen other paintings] [rel listed] * among [ARG2-among the bank 's `` furniture and fixtures , ''] were actually hanging in the chairman 's house .
- [ARG1 Companies] [rel listed] * [ARG2 below] reported quarterly profit substantially different from the average of analysts ' estimates .
- In fact , Lever Bros. confirms that its Sunlight brand does contain chlorine bleach , even though [ARG1 it] is [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel listed] *-1 on [ARG2-on the label for the powder version] .
- [ARG0 Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC , an Edinburgh , Scotland , financial services company ,] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel list] [ARG1 American depositary shares] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 representing preferred shares , with the symbol RBSPr] .
- [ARG0 The American Stock Exchange] [rel listed] [ARG1 shares of two companies] .
- [ARG0 The National Market System of the Nasdaq over-the-counter market] [rel listed] [ARG1 shares of one company] .
- [ARG1 Employee Benefit Plans Inc. , a Minneapolis health-care services company ,] was [rel listed] *-1 with [ARG2-with the symbol EBPI] .