frames- But in 1986 , program traders received what *T*-73 amounted to an exemption from the uptick rule in certain situations , * to make it *EXP*-1 easier [ARG0 *] to [rel link] [ARG1 the stock and futures markets] .
- [ARG0 An official] [rel linked] [ARG1 the gain] essentially to higher prices for beef and pork .
- Tymnet is [ARG0 a major network] [rel linking] [ARG1 computers] .
- [ARGM-LOC In Japan] , [ARG1 about 1 %] are [rel linked] *-1 .
- Edouard Balladur , the finance minister at the time , was sold on the tax-cut policy but was concerned that his government would be criticized *-1 as anti-European for *-1 disturbing the [rel linked] [ARG1 European] currency relationship .
- Index arbitragers argue that their trading is healthy because [ARG0 it] [rel links] [ARG1 markets] , but critics say 0 such trading accelerates market movements and increases the chance for a crash .
- It has sent mixed signals about its willingness * to take part in [ARG0 the exchange-rate mechanism] of the European Monetary System , which *T*-1 [rel links] [ARG1 the major EC currencies] .
- Rather , the two [ARGM-MNR closely] [rel linked] [ARG1 exchanges] have been drifting apart for some years , with a nearly five-year-old moratorium on new dual listings , separate and different listing requirements , differing trading and settlement guidelines and diverging national-policy aims .
- [ARG1 Each Rothschild bank] is [rel linked] *-1 by [ARG0-by family ties and cross-ownership] .
- But [ARG0 British analysts] are beginning *-1 to [rel link] [ARG1 the issues] .
- One basis for [ARG0 *] [rel linking] [ARG1 change in the East and change in the West] is the notion that * integrating 110 million Eastern Europeans with 320 million Western Europeans is primarily the task of Europeans , despite the U.S. 's obvious strategic and economic interest .
- Earlier this month , Convex made a bid *-1 to outflank other supercomputer competitors like Digital Equipment Corp. and International Business Machines Corp. by *-3 adopting an open set of standards and introducing [ARG0 new hardware and software] 0 *T*-2 to [rel link] [ARG1 different systems] .
- Hundreds of Californians made their way to their computers after the quake , and checked in with each other on [ARG0 electronic bulletin boards] , which *T*-1 [rel link] [ARG1 computers] [ARGM-MNR CB-radio-style] , via [ARG2-via phone lines] .
- Like other major American cities , the San Francisco -- Oakland area owes its current prosperity more to its infrastructure of [ARG0 fiber-optic cables] [rel linking] [ARG1 thousands of computer terminals and telephones] than to its location astride one of the world 's great natural harbors .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG1 most] are [rel linked] *-1 by [ARG0-by a single theme : liquidity -- the ability * to get in *RNR*-2 and out of *RNR*-2 the market quickly] .
- This confusion effectively halted one form of program trading , [ARG0 stock index arbitrage] , that *T*-1 [ARGM-MNR closely] [rel links] [ARG1 the futures and stock markets] , and has been blamed *T*-1 by some for the market 's big swings .
- In addition , limits were placed *-1 on computer-driven trading , and [ARG0 steps] were taken *-2 * to [ARGM-MNR better] [rel link] [ARG1 the stock and futures markets] .