frames- [ARG0 The diners at my table] [ARGM-MNR simply] [rel lit] [ARG1 more Gauloises] and scoffed at the suggestion of * interrupting a perfectly good Saturday morning *-1 to go golfing or even montgolfing -LRB- ballooning to you ; the brothers Montgolfier , French of course , were the world 's first hot-air balloonists -RRB- .
- * Take the scene in which Kate stands *-1 naked by a [rel lighted] [ARG1 window] , *-1 whispering to her hidden assailant , `` * Look all 0 you want *T*-2 *T*-3 .
- The Westin staff had , kindly , set out [rel lighted] [ARG1 candles] in the ballroom , prepared a cold-cuts buffet and passed around pillows and blankets .