frames- But a Soviet bank here would be crippled *-51 unless Moscow found a way 0 * to settle [ARG1 the $ 188 million *U* debt] , which *T*-1 was [rel lent] *-52 to [ARG2-to the country 's short-lived democratic Kerensky government] [ARGM-TMP before the Communists seized power in 1917] *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 The McAlpine family , which *T*-1 operates a number of multinational companies , including a London-based engineering and construction company ,] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel lent] to [ARG2-to Meridian National] [ARG1 $ 500,000 *U*] .
- [ARG0 The small increase in the index of leading indicators , which *T*-1 had climbed 0.5 % in August but *T*-1 was unchanged in July ,] does [rel lend] [ARG1 support] to [ARG2-to the view that the economy has slowed noticeably] .
- [ARG0 Banca Nazionale del Lavoro] said 0 its potential losses from * [rel lending] to [ARG2-to Iraq] could reach 1.175 trillion lire -LRB- $ 872 million *U* -RRB- , *-1 marking the bank 's first quantification of potential costs of unauthorized lending by its Atlanta branch .
- Because a purchaser can use an FHA loan *-2 to finance all points and closing costs , [ARG0 the FHA] can wind up *-1 [rel lending] [ARG1 more than a house is worth] .
- They argue that [ARG0 weakness in both the yen and sterling] have helped *-1 offset bearish U.S. economic news and have [rel lent] [ARG1 support] to [ARG2-to the dollar] .
- [ARGM-LOC Under the accord] , [ARG0 Cray Research] will transfer to Mr. Cray 's fledgling operation $ 53.3 million *U* of assets primarily related * to the Cray-3 development project 0 his team is undertaking *T*-1 and [ARGM-MOD will] [rel lend] [ARG2 Cray Computer] [ARG1 $ 98.6 million *U*] .
- And some people do think that * acting out scripts is n't worthy of [ARG0 CBS News] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP once] [rel lent] [ARG1 prestige] to [ARG2-to the network] and set standards for the industry .
- [ARG0 Coffee-shop chatter] does [ARGM-NEG not] [rel lend] [ARG1-REC itself] to [ARG2-to * solving the problems of racism , teen pregnancy or lack of parental support or guidance] .
- People familiar with Monday 's board meeting said 0 it was the state 's refusal * to explicitly reaffirm the credit guarantees that *T*-1 led Union Bank and Postipankki to halt [rel lending] to [ARG2-to Waertsilae Marine] .
- [ARG0 It] [rel lent] [ARG1 money] to [ARG2-to banks] and encouraged them to make funds available to brokerage houses .
- [ARG0 They] , [ARGM-DIS in turn] , [rel lent] [ARG1 money] to [ARG2-to their customers -- who *T*-1 were supposed *-2 to recognize the opportunity 0 *T*-3 to make a profit in the turmoil and buy shares] .
- Mr. Morishita is a leading figure among Japan 's 38,000 `` [ARG0 machikin] , '' which *T*-1 [rel lend] to [ARG2-to small companies] , and `` sarakin , '' which *T*-2 lend to individuals .
- Mr. Morishita is a leading figure among Japan 's 38,000 `` machikin , '' which *T*-1 lend to small companies , and `` [ARG0 sarakin] , '' which *T*-2 [rel lend] to [ARG2-to individuals] .
- [ARG0 Many of these financiers] [rel lend] [ARGM-MNR freely] , [ARGM-MNR often without *-1 demanding collateral] .
- [ARG0 Comments by Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan] [rel lent] [ARG1 some support] to [ARG2-to the dollar] , but the U.S. unit ended yesterday lower against most major currencies .
- Initially , the company said 0 it will close its commercial real-estate [rel lending] [ARG0 division] , and stop *-2 originating new leases at its commercial lease subsidiary *T*-1 .
- `` Why should you beat your brains out *-1 fighting the environmentalists , the neighborhood groups , dealing with traffic mitigation , sewers and fighting city hall *T*-2 , then try *-1 to convince [ARG0 a lender] to [rel lend] [ARG2 you] [ARG1 money] [ARGM-LOC in an overbuilt market] when you can get pension fund money , buy a portfolio , sell off pieces off it and play your own game ? '' says *T*-3 Jack Rodman , managing partner of the Los Angeles office of Kenneth Leventhal Inc. a national accounting firm .
- Few people are aware that [ARG0 the federal government] [rel lends] [ARG1 almost as much money as it borrows *?*] .
- And Gorky , *-2 considered * the father of Soviet socialist realism , did not write [ARG0 plays] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MNR easily] [rel lend] [ARG1-REC themselves] to [ARG2-to deliberately antirealistic distancing techniques] .
- HomeFed had been one of the handful of [ARG0 large West Coast thrifts] that in recent quarters *T*-1 had counteracted interest-rate problems dogging the industry by * keeping a lid on problem assets and [rel lending] [ARGM-MNR heavily] into [ARG2-into the furious California housing market] .
- [ARG0 Not all of the cemetery 's better-known tenants] [rel lend] [ARG1-REC themselves] to [ARG2-to the promotional job at hand] , [ARGM-DIS however] .
- `` The more extensive the voir dire , the easier you make it *EXP*-2 *?* for that kind of research to be effective , and I do n't think 0 [ARG0 courts] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel lend] [ARG1-REC themselves] to [ARG2-to that] , '' Mr. Boies says *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-LOC Under the proposed plan] , [ARG0 the fund] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel lend] [ARG2 Santa Fe Pacific Realty] [ARG1 $ 75 million *U*] [ARGM-MNR in the form of a note that *T*-1 would be convertible into additional shares of the realty company after the second year at the then-prevailing market price] .
- Even if borrowing resumes , [ARG0 commercial bankers] are n't expected *-1 to [rel lend] [ARG1 as much as before] .
- *-2 Flush with cash at home , but with [ARG2-to fewer customers] to [rel lend] to *-1 , leading banks are eager * to expand overseas .
- [ARG1 Most of the money] was [rel lent] *-3 to [ARG2-to a series of shell companies in Panama and Luxembourg that *T*-2 were owned *-1 , directly or indirectly , by the Vatican bank] .
- However , investment bankers say that [ARG0 banks] are n't likely *-2 to [rel lend] [ARG1 the almost $ 5 billion *U* that *T*-1 would be necessary for a takeover even at a lower price] without someone putting up a hefty wad of cash -- probably even greater than the 17 % in cash put up * by investors in the leveraged takeover of Northwest Airlines parent NWA Corp. in July .
- But it *EXP*-1 is n't clear that [ARG0 banks] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel lend] [ARG1 sufficient money] * to deliver a big enough price to shareholders .
- They said 0 the president conceded 0 the notification requirement did n't affect his decision [ARG0 *] to [rel lend] [ARG1 only minor support] to [ARG2-to this month 's Panama coup effort] .
- Bush conceded that the requirement did n't affect a decision [ARG0 *] to [rel lend] [ARG1 only minor support] to [ARG2-to this month 's failed effort * to oust Panama 's Noriega] , aides said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 The rich image of Newport Beach] [ARGM-DIS also] helps [rel lend] [ARG2 the con artists ' operation] [ARG1 an air of respectability] .
- I suggest that [ARG0 The Wall Street Journal -LRB- as well as other U.S. news publications of like mind -RRB-] should put its money where its mouth is *T*-1 : * [rel Lend] [ARG1 computer equipment] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to replace that damaged * at El Espectador] , buy ad space , publish stories under the bylines of El Espectador journalists .
- *-1 Speaking to reporters this week after Bank Bumiputra 's shareholders approved a rescue plan , Tan Sri Basir said 0 [ARGM-EXT heavy] [rel lending] to [ARG2-to the property sector] rocked the bank when property prices in Malaysia plummeted in 1984-85 *T*-2 .
- `` [ARG0 We] [rel lent] [ARG1 a lot of money] [ARGM-LOC all over the place] , '' said *T*-2 Tan Sri Basir , who *T*-1 refused *-3 to discuss the bank 's outstanding loans to
- [ARG0 The Defense Department] has [rel lent] [ARG2 the Washington U.S. attorney] [ARG1 10 prosecutors] , and the Federal Bureau of Investigation has provided crime laboratory facilities and training , he added 0 *T*-1 .
- For [ARG0 the U.S.] to [rel lend] [ARG1 even the slightest support] to [ARG2-to the most infamous killers on Indochina 's bleak scene] could only disturb America 's allies elsewhere .
- [ARGM-LOC In a convertible mortgage] , [ARG0 the investor] [rel lends] [ARG2 the building owner] [ARG1 a certain amount] [ARGM-CAU in return for the option * to convert its interest into equity , usually less than 50 % , at the end of the loan term] .
- [ARG0 Proceeds from the borrowings under the credit agreement] will be used *-1 *-2 to pay an $ 80 million *U* cash dividend to Macmillan and to [rel lend] [ARG1 the remainder of about $ 128 million *U*] to [ARG2-to Maxwell Communications] [ARGM-MNR in connection with a promissory note] .
- Instead , the banks secured a promise *ICH*-1 from state-owned Bank of Communications that [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel lend] [ARG2 Asia Development] [ARG1 the entire $ 55 million *U*] [ARGM-TMP at maturity] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to finance repayment of the original borrowing] .
- The Community Reinvestment Act requires [ARG0 savings and loan associations] to [rel lend] [ARG1 money] [ARGM-MNR in amounts related to areas where deposits are received *-1 *T*-2] .