frames- [ARG0 OPEC] has repeatedly raised its self-imposed production ceiling *-1 to [rel legitimize] [ARG1 some of that unauthorized output] .
- `` I believe 0 it will do more damage than good because [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel legitimize] [ARG1 people like Daniel Ortega] , '' says *T*-2 Curtin Windsor , who *T*-1 served as U.S. ambassador to Costa Rica during the Reagan administration .
- The main effect of the ceiling boost was [ARG0 *] to `` [rel legitimize] '' [ARG1 some of the overproduction already coming from the quota cheaters] .
- There , [ARG1 Mr. Shevardnadze] felt [rel legitimized] *-1 to unveil his own peace plan : The U.S.S.R. would prolong a suspension of arms shipments to Nicaragua after the February election if the U.S. did likewise with its allies in Central America .