frames- `` You bet attention , '' [ARG0 I] yelled back *T*-2 , *-1 [rel leaping] [ARGM-DIR atop the propane tanks] , `` I 'm wearing alligator loafers ! ''
- Perhaps Mr. Gates would emphasize more than Mr. Baker [ARGM-DIR the many hurdles] 0 [ARG0 the Soviet leader] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel leap] *T*-1 [ARGM-ADV if he is going *-2 to succeed] .
- [ARG0 *-2] [rel Leaping] [ARGM-DIR into rages] , *-2 sinking into bouts of drunkenness and mistrust , Mr. Noriega has put to death some 70 of his troops involved * in the coup , according to U.S. officials monitoring crematoriums and funeral parlors in Panama City .
- [ARG0 An adept bicyclist] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel leap] [ARGM-DIR from a dead stop] [ARGM-DIR to the top of a picnic table] [ARGM-MNR without * losing balance] .
- Why , he used *-1 to lay in wait for Cap ; [ARGM-TMP suddenly] [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD 'd] [rel leap] from behind some statue of Marshall [ARGM-DIR onto Cap 's chest] and grab him by the throat and choke him till he coughed up an additional $ 2 billion *U* or so .
- But [ARG0 the shah] still kept *-1 [rel leaping] [ARGM-DIR out] at Cap , so Cap bought a hundred merchant ships more and $ 7 billion *U* of loading barges , ramps , etc. , in order that those seven new Army divisions and three Marine brigades could unload from all those new ships and aircraft and go to war in the Zagros mountains .