frames- But in the three [rel leading] [ARG0 political] contests [ARGM-TMP of 1989] , the negative ads have reached new levels of hostility , *-1 raising fears that this kind of mudslinging , empty of significant issues , is ushering in a new era of campaigns without content .
- The Baker proposal reasserts Washington 's intention * to continue *-1 playing a [rel leading] [ARG0 political] role in the region .
- Japan not only outstrips the U.S. in investment flows but also outranks it in trade with most Southeast Asian countries -LRB- although the U.S. remains the [rel leading] [ARG0 trade] partner for all of Asia -RRB- .
- `` Such research may ultimately result in the ability * to regenerate damaged tissues or * to turn off genes that *T*-114 cause cancer '' or * to regulate genes that *T*-115 cause Down 's syndrome , the [rel leading] [ARG0 cause] of mental retardation , according to an NIH summary .
- Chateau Yquem , the [rel leading] [ARG0 Sauternes] , now goes for well over $ 100 *U* a bottle for a lighter vintage like 1984 ; the spectacularly rich 1983 runs $ 179 *U* .
- The paper accused him of *-3 being a [rel leading] [ARG0 proponent] of `` peaceful evolution , '' a catch phrase 0 * to describe what China believes 0 *T*-1 is the policy *ICH*-4 of Western countries * to seduce socialist nations into the capitalist sphere *T*-2 .
- Tokyo 's [rel leading] [ARG0 program] traders are the big U.S. securities houses , though the Japanese are playing catch-up .
- [ARG0 California] [rel led] [ARG1 the nation] [ARGM-MNR with $ 6.5 billion *U* in net cash income] [ARGM-TMP last year] , [ARGM-ADV followed by Texas , $ 3.9 billion *U* ; Iowa , $ 3.4 billion *U* ; Florida , $ 3.1 billion *U* ; and Minnesota , $ 2.7 billion *U*] .
- The collapse of junk bond prices and the cancellation of many junk bond financings apparently have taken their toll on closely held Drexel , the [rel leading] [ARG0 underwriter] in that market .
- [ARG0 Dealers] [rel led] [ARG1 the market] [ARGM-TMP Wednesday] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 actively trading for their own accounts] , observers said 0 *T*-2 .
- Petroleum futures were generally higher with [ARG0 heating oil] [rel leading] [ARG1 the way] .
- [ARG0 Advancing stocks] [rel led] [ARG1 decliners] [ARGM-LOC on the New York Stock Exchange] [ARGM-EXT by 847] to [ARG4-to 644] .
- Bribe by bribe , [ARG0 Mr. Sternberg and his co-author , Matthew C. Harrison Jr.] , [rel lead] [ARG1 us] [ARGM-DIR along the path 0 Wedtech traveled *T*-1 , from its inception as a small manufacturing company to the status of full-fledged defense contractor , entrusted * with the task of * producing vital equipment for the Army and Navy] .
- Two [rel leading] [ARG0 constitutional-law] experts said 0 President Bush does n't have the legal authority * to exercise a line-item veto .
- Contributing to the market 's reserved stance was *T*-1 the release later in the day of new data on the health of the U.S. economy , in the form of the U.S. index of [rel leading] [ARG0 indicators] .
- Japan 's index of [rel leading] [ARG0 indicators] rose to 63.6 *ICH*-3 in August , above the so-called boom-or-bust line of 50 for the first time since May , the Economic Planning Agency said *T*-1 .
- The [rel leading] [ARG0 index] recovered from July 's revised level of 36.6 on strong performances in consumer durables and machinery orders , among other factors , according to an agency spokeswoman .
- The index of [rel leading] [ARG0 indicators] got a major boost in September from a surge in consumer expectations as * measured *-1 by the University of Michigan .
- The small increase in the index of [rel leading] [ARG0 indicators] , which *T*-1 had climbed 0.5 % in August but *T*-1 was unchanged in July , does lend support to the view that the economy has slowed noticeably .
- Here are *T*-1 the net contributions of the components of the Commerce Department 's index of [rel leading] [ARG0 indicators] .
- So far this year , the index of [rel leading] [ARG0 indicators] has risen in four months , fallen in four months and remained unchanged in the other month .
- [ARG0 The local American Legion color guard] [rel led] [ARG1 the way] .
- During the past year , government officials and [rel leading] [ARG0 business] organizations have repeatedly urged Japanese companies *-1 to refrain from flashy real estate purchases in the
- Sidley & Austin , a [rel leading] [ARG0 Chicago-based] law firm , and Ashurst Morris Crisp , a midsized London firm of solicitors , are scheduled today *-208 to announce plans * to open a joint office in Tokyo .
- The big one : A company 's culture ca n't be radically changed *-1 unless [ARG0 top management] first admits that things have gone badly awry and [ARGM-TMP then] [ARGM-MNR publicly] [rel leads] [ARG1 the charge] .
- Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew , Singapore 's leader and one of Asia 's [rel leading] [ARG0 statesmen] [ARGM-TMP for 30 years] , recently announced his intention * to retire next year -- though not necessarily to end his influence .
- [ARG1 Commercial vegetables] , [rel led] * by [ARG0-by lettuce and tomatoes] , rose 19 % in October ; oranges and other fruits rose 5 % .
- So far [ARG0 neither the Bush administration nor Congress] is prepared *-1 to [rel lead] [ARG1 the way toward * revamping health care] .
- [ARG0 That index , which *T*-73 contains technology companies with annual revenues of $ 200 million *U* or less ,] gained 17.97 % by Sept. 30 this year -- * still lagging the S&P 500 , but [rel leading] [ARG1 larger technology firms] .
- [ARG1 Nasdaq 's gain] was [rel led] *-1 by [ARG0-by its biggest industrial stocks] .
- [ARG0 Those two groups] have [ARGM-TMP recently] been [rel leading] [ARG1 the list of stocks setting new highs] .
- If [ARG0 gold stocks and utilities] continue *-1 to [rel lead] , it may signal that the market is in for rough times .
- Both the MNC and Beneficial offering were underwritten *-2 by Merrill Lynch Capital Markets , the [rel leading] [ARG0 Wall] Street firm [ARGM-LOC in the home-equity securities market] , which *T*-3 was created *-1 early this year .
- Other key economic indicators due this week include today 's release of the September [rel leading] [ARG0 indicators] index and new-home sales .
- Because [ARG0 the U.S.] [rel leads] [ARGM-LOC in most areas of biotechnology] -- [ARGM-CAU largely because of research investment by the U.S. government] -- the sale is sure *-1 to increase concerns that Japanese companies will buy American know-how and use it *-2 to obtain the upper hand in biotechnology trade and competition .
- Sony Corp. , which *T*-1 temporarily dropped out of the PC business three years ago , started selling its work station in 1987 and quickly became the [rel leading] Japanese [ARG0 company] in that market .
- The company said 0 Carol Cable , based * in Pawtucket , R.I. , is a [rel leading] [ARG0 supplier] of electrical and electronic wire and cable for the distributor , retail and original equipment manufacturer markets .
- The Dutch unit , known * as Celtona B.V. , is a [rel leading] [ARG0 maker] of consumer and away-from-home tissue products for the Benelux region .
- Mrs. Thatcher 's remarks were seen *-1 as a rebuff to several [rel leading] [ARG0 members] of her own Conservative Party who *T*-2 have called for a more clear-cut British commitment to the EMS .
- [ARG1 New construction contracts] rose 8 % in September , *-1 [rel led] *-2 by [ARG0-by commercial , industrial and public-works projects] , according to F.W. Dodge Group .
- Akzo is the [rel leading] [ARG0 seller] of birth-control pills in Europe but is still seeking regulatory approvals * to enter that market in the U.S. and Japan .
- Among the [rel leading] [ARG0 products] is *T*-1 a flu shot for horses .
- Behind them was *T*-2 a huge ANC flag and an even bigger sign that *T*-1 said `` ANC Lives , [ARG0 ANC] [rel Leads] . ''
- [ARG0 They] [rel led] [ARGM-MNR for nary an inning] [ARGM-LOC in the four games] , and managed *-1 to stir their fans only once .
- [ARG0 They] [rel led] [ARG1 the Major Leagues] [ARGM-ADV in regular-season wins] [ARGM-ADV with 99] and flattened the Toronto Blue Jays four games to one for the American League pennant before *-1 stomping their cross-bay rivals .
- [ARG0 They] [ARGM-MNR effectively] [rel lead] [ARG1 team efforts * to reduce cycle time] .
- In 1987 , Mr. Rey bested [rel leading] [ARG0 publishing] houses *-1 to take over Switzerland 's Jean Frey AG , a major producer of magazines and newspapers .
- [ARG0 This] has [rel led] [ARG1 them] in [ARG4-in a fruitless and destructive policy circle] .
- The rebels also reportedly tightened a blockade on [ARG1 roads] [rel leading] to [ARG4-to the capital] , and government forces shelled a guerrilla-held area in western Afghanistan .
- [ARG1 *-2] [rel Led] *-1 by [ARG0-by its oat-based Cheerios line] , General Mills has gained an estimated 2 % share so far this year , mostly at the expense of Kellogg .
- [ARG0 The Pentagon] has [rel led] [ARG1 the charge] , [ARGM-TMP particularly as military alliances spread world-wide] .
- Furukawa Electric Co. , one of Japan 's [rel leading] electric wire and cable [ARG0 manufacturers] , said 0 unconsolidated pretax profit in the fiscal first half ended * Sept. 30 fell 5.3 % to 6.11 billion yen -LRB- $ 43.1 million *U* -RRB- from 6.45 billion yen a year earlier .
- Paul Lesutis , who *T*-1 manages more than $ 3 billion *U* of investments at Provident Capital Management Inc. , blames [ARG0 futures markets] for * [rel leading] [ARG1 the way] .
- But an all-out bidding war between the world 's top auto giants for [ARGM-LOC Britain] 's [rel leading] [ARG0 luxury-car] maker seems unlikely .
- The Citizens Coalition for Economic Justice , [ARG0 a public-interest group] [rel leading] [ARG1 the charge] [ARGM-PNC for radical reform] , wants restrictions on landholdings , high taxation of capital gains , and drastic revamping of the value-assessment system on which property taxes are based *-1 *T*-2 .
- `` It 's going *-1 to be the [rel leading] [ARG0 edge] technology in personal computers for the next few years .
- As much as [ARG0 Republicans] [rel led] [ARG1 the opposition] , among the 53 Democrats voting against * treating the payments as an entitlement , 42 *T*-1 came from the 13 states in the Old Dixiecrat South and its borders .
- Marsh & McLennan Cos. said 0 it agreed *-1 to acquire the rest of Gradmann & Holler , a [rel leading] [ARG0 West] German insurance brokerage firm in which it has held a 15 % stake *T*-2 for 15 years .
- `` This is paying a big price * to maintain their virility as the world 's [rel leading] [ARG0 insurance] broker , '' said *T*-1 Philip Olsen , an analyst at Kitcat & Aitken , a U.K. brokerage firm .
- [rel Leading] [ARG1 the gains for Du Pont] [ARGM-TMP in the latest quarter] was *T*-2 [ARG0 its industrial products segment , where profit soared to $ 155 million *U* from $ 99 million *U* a year earlier *T*-1] .
- Senate Democrats who *T*-1 favor *-3 cutting the capital-gains tax are n't ready *-2 to line up behind the [rel leading] [ARG0 Senate] proposal .
- `` There is a one-out-of-three shot of * getting it this year , '' said *T*-1 Sen. David Boren of Oklahoma , a [rel leading] [ARG0 Democratic] proponent of * cutting the capital-gains tax .
- Today , Sen. Mitchell and other [rel leading] [ARG0 Democrats] plan *-1 to turn up the heat again by *-2 holding a news conference * to bash the proposal .
- `` It 's all 0 anybody wants *-3 to talk about *T*-2 , '' says *T*-1 Richard Posner , executive vice president for Credit Exchange Inc. , a [rel leading] [ARG0 credit] service .
- Just this past week , a [rel leading] [ARG0 Japanese] bank asked for a meeting with the machinists ' union leaders 0 * to determine where the union would stand *T*-2 if another bid or recapitalization became possible *T*-1 .
- Rupert Murdoch acquired a 25 % stake in Grupo Zeta S.A. , the [rel leading] [ARG0 Spanish] magazine and newspaper publisher said 0 *T*-1 .
- Nihon Keizai Shimbun , Japan 's [rel leading] [ARG0 economic] newspaper , reported Wednesday that Tokyu Department Store Co. is planning *-2 to team up with U.S. and Western European financing *-3 to buy the New York-based retail chain , which Campeau has put up *T*-1 for sale .
- Generale des Eaux said 0 [ARG1 the earnings gain] was [rel led] *-1 by [ARG0-by its water , energy and building activities] .
- [ARGM-LOC A few miles past Radzymin] , [ARG1 a dirt road] narrows to a track of sand and [rel leads] into [ARG4-into Zalubice , a village of tumbledown farms] .
- She said 0 copper traders will also be looking toward the release of the index of [rel leading] [ARG0 economic] indicators next Tuesday .
- The stock market went on a dizzying ride as [ARG0 UAL , parent of United Airlines ,] [ARGM-TMP once again] [rel led] [ARG1 shares] into [ARG4-into a breathtaking decline and then an afternoon comeback] .
- Dividend-related trading swelled volume in two issues : [ARG0 Security Pacific] , which *T*-1 fell 7\/8 to 44 1\/2 and [rel led] [ARG1 the Big Board 's most actives list on composite volume of 14.8 million shares] , and Nipsco Industries , which *T*-2 lost 3\/8 to 17 3\/8 on 4.4 million shares .
- `` The results seem *-1 to be very premature , '' said *T*-2 Mitsuru Miyata , editor of Nikkei Biotechnology , a [rel leading] [ARG0 Japanese] industry newsletter .
- Business leaders have long criticized the agency as a [rel leading] [ARG0 example] of bureacratic waste .
- Ironically , [ARG0 American Airlines '] attempt * to [rel lead] [ARG1 industry prices] [ARG4 *-2 higher] was reported *-1 in the same issue as your survey showing that consumers had the least confidence in the airline industry -LRB- Sept. 20 -RRB- .
- Bill Murphy , director of the new marketing unit , said 0 Meredith is negotiating other large-scale packages with [rel leading] [ARG0 companies] in several product categories , but he would n't disclose their names .
- Sources close to the company and ad agencies that *T*-1 work with Meredith said 0 [rel leading] [ARG0 advertisers] in consumer electronics , packaged goods and automotive products were among those negotiating ad packages with the Meredith group .
- For more than a decade , Mr. Etzioni , the sociologist , has been a [rel leading] [ARG0 critic] of the masseurs .
- Jim Beam Brands Co. , a division of American Brands Inc. , is the [rel leading] [ARG0 exporter] of bourbon and produces 10 other types of liquor .
- The company 's I.W. Harper brand is the [rel leading] [ARG0 bourbon] in Japan , with 40 % of the market .
- Some of it was due to lower-than-expected earnings from [rel leading] [ARG0 companies] , he said 0 *T*-1 .
- Manufacturers have already spent so heavily on automation that they are one of the computer industry 's [rel leading] [ARG0 revenue] sources .
- [ARG0 Pinnacle West Capital , whose earnings *T*-2 have been hurt *-1 by continued problems at its MeraBank unit ,] fell 1 5\/8 to 9 1\/8 on 2.1 million shares *-3 to [rel lead] [ARG1 the Big Board 's list of most active issues] .
- [ARGM-TMP During World War II] , [ARG0 her uncomplicated view of life] [rel led] [ARG1 her] to [ARG4-to the conclusion that the Nazis were evil and must be resisted *-1 , a decision made * by only about 2 % of French citizens] .
- He tapped Jimmy Johnson , a teammate on the 1964 University of Arkansas squad and the head coach at the University of Miami , where [ARG0 he] [rel led] [ARG1 the Hurricanes] to [ARG4-to five winning seasons and a national championship in 1987] *T*-1 .
- The [rel leading] [ARG0 contender] for the mayoral office , Democrat David Dinkins , has been criticized *-1 recently for the way 0 he handled his personal financial affairs *T*-2 .
- The company supplies drives to Compaq and Zenith Data Systems , the top two U.S. manufacturers of laptops , and to Toshiba Corp. , NEC Corp. and Sharp Corp. , the [rel leading] [ARG0 Japanese] laptop makers .
- On the other , he seeks *-1 to convince voters 0 [ARG0 he] 's the new Fiorello LaGuardia -- affable , good-natured and ready *-3 to [rel lead] [ARG1 New York] out of [ARG3-of the mess 0 it 's in *T*-2] .
- However , [ARG0 the only outsider] who *T*-2 has emerged *-4 to [rel lead] [ARG1 such a shareholder vote] , Los Angeles investor Marvin Davis , who *T*-3 triggered the buy-out with a $ 5.4 billion *U* bid in early August , is hanging back -- apparently *-5 to avoid *-6 being blamed *-1 for *-7 contributing to the deal 's collapse .
- [ARG0 Blue chips] [rel led] [ARG1 the march up] [ARGM-LOC in heavy trading] .
- [ARG0 The 30 industrials] [rel led] [ARG1 the market] [ARGM-DIR higher] [ARGM-TMP from the opening bell] [ARGM-TMP as foreign buyers stepped in] .
- [rel Leading] [ARGM-DIR up] to [ARG4-to the speech] was [ARG0 *T*-2] a drumroll of economic statistics suggesting that the British war on inflation will be more bruising than * previously assumed *-1 .
- [ARG0 Varity Corp.] [rel led] [ARG1 the Big Board list of largest short volumes] [ARGM-MNR with 12,822,563 shares] .
- [ARGM-ADV On a percentage basis] , [ARG0 Germany Fund Inc.] [rel led] [ARG1 the gainers] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 leaping to 67,972 shares from three shares] .
- [ARG0 TransCanada PipeLines Ltd.] [rel led] [ARG1 the percentage decliners] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 dropping to 59 shares from 183,467] .
- [ARG0 First Iberian Fund] [rel led] [ARG1 the percentage increases] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 rising to 73,100 shares from 184] .
- He said 0 Western Digital has reacted swiftly to the movement to video graphics array , VGA , graphics technology from the old enhanced graphics adapter , EGA , which *T*-1 has a lower resolution standard , technology and now is one of the [rel leading] [ARG0 producers] of these newer units .
- [ARG1 Travel sales] rose 11 % , *-1 [rel led] *-2 by [ARG0-by gains in the U.S.] .
- [ARG0 Microsoft and other software stocks] surged , * [rel leading] [ARG1 the Nasdaq composite index of over-the-counter stocks] to [ARG4-to its biggest advance of the year] [ARGM-LOC on breathtaking volume] .
- [ARG0 *-1] [rel Leading] [ARG1 the pack] , Microsoft soared 3 3\/4 , or 4 % , to a record price of 84 1\/4 on 1.2 million shares .
- The company said 0 [ARG1 the growth] was [rel led] *-1 by [ARG0-by its major operations , particularly mailing , shipping , dictating and facsimile businesses] .
- That contract fell a total of 5.75 cents during the first three days of this week , mostly in reaction to last Friday 's stock market plunge , which *T*-1 prompted concern that it might signal a similar sharp slowing of the U.S. economy and thus reduced demand for copper , a [rel leading] [ARG0 industrial] metal .
- [ARG1 The stock-market rally] was [rel led] *-1 by [ARG0-by blue-chip issues] , but , unlike Monday 's rebound , was broadly based .
- Indeed , [ARG1 over-the-counter stocks] , [rel led] * by [ARG0-by technology issues] , outleaped the industrial average .
- Mayor Agnos 's $ 2 billion *U* estimate does n't include damage to [ARG1 freeway arteries] [rel leading] into [ARG4-into the city] , some of which *T*-1 remained closed .
- Aussedat Rey is a [rel leading] [ARG0 French] maker of copying and electronic printing paper .
- [rel Leading] [ARG0 construction] companies also attracted interest for their strong earnings outlooks , traders said 0 *T*-1 .
- Mitsubishi Rayon , a [rel leading] [ARG0 advancer] Wednesday , fell 44 to 861 as investors grabbed profits .
- A [rel leading] [ARG0 U.S.] human-rights monitor also was briefly held *-1 .
- Eagle , now called * Eagle-Berol , remains a [rel leading] [ARG0 company] among the 10 in the U.S. that *T*-1 produced about 2.3 billion pencils last year , according to the Pencil Makers Association .
- [ARG1 U.S. pharmaceutical sales] rose 15 % , *-1 [rel led] *-2 by [ARG0-by allergy , asthma and cold products ; dermatological products ; anti-infectives and anti-cancer products ; and cardiovascular products] .
- Swedish auto and aerospace concern Saab-Scania AB said 0 it received a 250 million krona -LRB- $ 39 million *U* -RRB- order *ICH*-1 from Swiss Crossair , one of Europe 's [rel leading] [ARG0 regional] air companies , for five Saab 340B turboprop commuter aircraft .
- * Putting the Secretary of the Treasury on the Board of Governors , one of the [rel leading] [ARG0 proposals] [ARGM-TMP today] , is an example .
- As a result , GOP state Rep. Stephen Freind of Delaware County , the legislature 's [rel leading] [ARG0 foe] of abortion , has been given *-1 all but free rein 0 * to press a strict seven-point plan * to restrict abortion *T*-3 and , he hopes 0 *T*-4 , * to force the Supreme Court directly to reassess its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that *T*-2 established the right of abortion in the first place *T*-3 .
- Guinness , which *T*-2 owns several [rel leading] [ARG0 whiskey] brands plus Gordon 's gin , the world 's No. 1 gin , is considered *-1 less likely *-3 to bid for the Whitbread spirits .
- Marketers speculate that [ARG0 more affluent people] tend *-3 to [rel lead] [ARG1 more pressured lives] and do n't have time 0 * to research the products 0 they buy *T*-1 for the highest quality and most reasonable price *T*-2 .
- * Developing an executive-model range would mark a major departure for Britain 's [rel leading] [ARG0 luxury-car] maker .
- [rel Leading] [ARG1 EC growth forecasts] [ARGM-TMP in 1989] was *T*-1 [ARG0 Ireland , seen * growing 5 % at constant prices] .
- The chairman *RNR*-3 and a director *RNR*-3 of one of the Republic of Singapore 's [rel leading] [ARG0 property] companies , City Development Ltd. , or CDL , were charged *-4 yesterday with criminal breach of trust of some 800,000 Singapore dollars -LRB- about US$ 409,000 *U* -RRB- .
- Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group reported [ARG1 a 12 % increase] in net income in the third quarter , [rel led] * by [ARG0-by a 43 % gain in its financial services group] .
- [ARG0 Coke] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel leads] [ARG1 Pepsi] [ARGM-LOC in market share in caffeine-free diet colas] but trails Pepsi in sales of caffeine-free sugared colas , according to Beverage Digest .
- These include , among other parts , each jetliner 's two major bulkheads , a pressure floor , torque box , fixed [rel leading] [ARG0 edges] for the wings and an aft keel beam .
- Three [rel leading] [ARG0 drug] companies reported robust third-quarter earnings , bolstered * by strong sales of newer , big-selling prescriptions drugs that *T*-1 provide hefty profit margins .
- [ARG1 The segment 's growth] was [rel led] *-1 by [ARG0-by sales of the cardiovascular drugs Lopid , a lipid regulator , and Dilzem , a calcium channel blocker] .
- [ARG0 Sales of Prozac , an anti-depressant ,] [rel led] [ARG1 drug-sales increases] .
- [ARG0 Advanced Cardiovascular Systems Inc. and Cardiac Pacemakers Inc. units] [rel led] [ARG1 growth in the medical-instrument systems division] .
- [ARG0 Merck , Rahway , N.J. ,] continued *-1 to [rel lead] [ARG1 the industry] [ARGM-MNR with a strong sales performance in the human and animal health-products segment] .
- A report in this week 's issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute also projects that overall U.S. mortality rates from lung cancer , the [rel leading] [ARG0 cause] of cancer death , should begin *-1 to drop in several years if cigarette smoking continues *-2 to abate .
- Fiat S.p . A. , Italy 's [rel leading] [ARG0 industrial] group , is conducting `` concrete '' talks with West Germany 's Daimler-Benz AG on a series of projects in the aerospace sector , Fiat officials said 0 *T*-1 .
- That 's the view of some analysts here who *T*-1 argue that Britain 's [rel leading] [ARG0 maker] of luxury cars still may have two U.S. auto giants battling for it .
- [ARG1 *] [rel Led] *-1 by [ARG0-by Pizza Hut and Taco Bell] , restaurant earnings increased about 25 % in the third quarter on a 22 % sales increase .
- At Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. , the [rel leading] [ARG0 underwriter] of junk bonds , `` I was prepared *-1 to be in a very bad mood tonight , '' said 0 *T*-2 David Feinman , a junk bond trader .
- He 's an ex-hurler who *T*-1 's one of the [rel leading] [ARG0 gurus] of the fashionable delivery , which *T*-2 looks like a fastball until it dives beneath the lunging bat .
- Charles Beseler Co. , a [rel leading] [ARG0 maker] of photographic enlargers , introduced last month a complete darkroom starter kit targeted * at teen-agers who *T*-1 want *-2 to process their own black-and-white photographs .
- But when Popular Photography , a [rel leading] [ARG0 magazine] for photographers , selected 15 of the greatest photos ever made * for its latest issue celebrating photography 's 150th anniversary *T*-1 , all were black and white .
- * Based *-1 largely on the recent strength in their index , called * the long [rel leading] [ARG0 indicator] , the Columbia analysts foresee uninterrupted economic growth through the rest of this year and next year as well .
- Underlying this optimism is *T*-1 the index 's longstanding ability * to signal recessions or recoveries , as the case may be *?* , by substantially greater periods than the Commerce Department 's index of [rel leading] [ARG0 indicators] .
- The Columbia economists also have reconstructed how the [ARGM-TMP long] [rel leading] [ARG0 index] would have behaved *T*-2 , had it existed , in 1929 , before the stock market crash in October that *T*-1 ushered in the Great Depression .
- A major source of the recent strength in the [ARGM-TMP long] [rel leading] [ARG0 indicator] has been the performance of the Dow Jones corporate bond-price index , which *T*-1 is not a part of the Commerce index .
- Other components of the [ARGM-TMP long] [rel leading] [ARG0 indicator] include a ratio of prices to unit labor costs in manufacturing industries , the M2 version of the money supply , adjusted * for inflation , and the volume of new home-building permits .
- As recently as 1975 , the stock market -- as * reflected *-3 in the Standard & Poor 's index of 500 common stocks -- was rated *-1 by the National Bureau of Economic Research as the best of the 12 [rel leading] [ARG0 indicators] that *T*-2 then made up the Commerce index .
- In contrast , the Commerce Department 's widely followed index of [rel leading] [ARG0 indicators] , while up in August , has fallen repeatedly since *-1 reaching a high early this year .
- *-2 A [rel leading] authority on the business cycle , [ARG0 Mr. Moore] also is a member of the Business Cycle Dating Group , the panel of private economists that *T*-1 decides for the government when expansions and recessions begin and end *T*-3 .
- BSN S.A. , a [rel leading] [ARG0 French] food group , said 0 it agreed *-1 to acquire Birkel G.m.b . H. , a West German pasta maker .
- It has 750 workers at three production units in southwest Germany , and is that nation 's [rel leading] [ARG0 producer] of pasta sauces .
- In London , a midday rally left the market 's major index off 3.2 % , and Tokyo 's [rel leading] [ARG0 stock] index fell only 1.8 % in surprisingly lackluster trading .
- Indeed , Matchbox and other [rel leading] [ARG0 Hong] Kong toy makers were setting up factories in Southeast Asia , especially in Thailand , long before the massacre .
- And they called on the government *-2 to release Nelson Mandela , the ANC 's [rel leading] [ARG0 figure] , who *T*-1 was jailed with them and remains in prison .
- At the small four-room home of Elias Motsoaledi , a [rel leading] [ARG0 ANC] unionist and a former commander in the group 's armed wing , Umkhonto we Sizwe , well-wishers stuck little ANC flags in their hair and a man tooted on an antelope horn wrapped * in ANC ribbons .