frames- [ARGM-MOD Can] [ARG0 Sihanouk and Hun Sen] [rel knock] off [ARG1 the Khmer Rouge still supported * by China] ?
- These rules , they say 0 *T*-2 , permit [ARG0 faster and cheaper trading in futures than in stocks] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP frequently] [rel knocks] [ARG1 the two markets] out of [ARG2-of line] .
- Or an interest in [ARG0 a retirement community] in Nevada that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel knock] [ARG1 your socks] off , [ARGM-TMP once it is built *-1] ?
- Judge John E. Sprizzo issued the order in Manhattan federal court , where Sony has accused [ARG0 the tiny company] of * [ARGM-MNR illegally] [rel knocking] off [ARG1 the `` My First Sony '' line] *T*-1 .
- `` The gist of this is that [ARG0 Justin] [rel knocked] off [ARG1 the Sony line] and Sony wants *-3 to stop it , '' says *T*-2 Lewis H. Eslinger , Sony 's attorney , who *T*-1 previously guarded Rubik 's Cube .