frames- [ARGM-DIS Finally] , [ARG0 Tuesday 's California earthquake] initially [rel knocked] [ARG1 3.7 %] off [ARG2-off B.A.T 's share price in London] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] [ARGM-CAU because of fears of the potential claims to Los Angeles-based Farmers , which *T*-1 has a substantial portion of its property and casualty exposure in California] .
- [ARG0 The strong dollar , which *T*-2 reduces the value of overseas earnings and revenue when they are translated *-1 into dollars *T*-3 ,] is expected *-4 to [rel knock] [ARG1 80 to 85 cents] off [ARG2-off IBM 's per-share earnings for the full year] .
- Computer maker Hewlett-Packard Co. , based * in Palo Alto , says 0 one of its buildings sustained severe damage [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 it] was [rel knocked] *-1 off [ARG2-off its foundation] *T*-2 .
- Instead , the press corps readily accepted the notion that [ARG0 a snag in the takeover financing of United Airlines] [ARGM-TMP instantly] [rel knocked] [ARG1 7 %] off [ARG2-off the value of the nation 's capital stock] and caused convulsions around the world .