frames- [ARG0 She] was untrained and , [ARGM-LOC in one botched job] [rel killed] [ARG1 a client] .
- Dallas District Judge Jack Hampton had sparked calls for a judicial inquiry with his remarks to the press last December , two weeks after *-1 sentencing [ARG0 an 18-year-old defendant] to 30 years in state prison for *-2 [rel killing] [ARG1 two homosexual men] [ARGM-LOC in a city park] .
- The judge was quoted *-1 as *-4 referring to the victims as `` queers '' and *-4 saying 0 [ARG1 they] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG n't] have been [rel killed] *-2 `` [ARGM-ADV if they had n't been cruising the streets *-3 picking up teenage boys] . ''
- Strong dividend growth , he says 0 *T*-1 , is `` the black widow of valuation '' -- a reference to [ARG0 the female spiders] that *T*-231 attract males and then [rel kill] [ARG1 them] [ARGM-TMP after mating] .
- Instead , Mr. Nixon reminded his host , Chinese President Yang Shangkun , that Americans have n't forgiven China 's leaders for [ARG0 the military assault] of June 3-4 that *T*-241 [rel killed] [ARG1 hundreds , and perhaps thousands , of demonstrators] .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Kill] [ARG1 it] , '' he says *T*-1 .
- Also in Beirut , [ARG0 a Moslem group] vowed *-1 to [rel kill] [ARG1 Americans] [ARGM-ADV if the U.S. implements a policy 0 *T*-2 to seize suspects abroad] .
- Pan Am has subpoenaed several government agencies , including the CIA and FBI , * to determine whether they were warned *-1 that a bomb had been planted *-2 aboard [ARG0 a jet] that *T*-3 exploded over Scotland last December , *-4 [rel killing] [ARG1 270 people] .
- [ARG0 The application of herbicide] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel kill] off [ARG1 the male-fertile plants] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 leaving a large field of male-sterile plants that *T*-2 can be cross-pollinated *-22 * to produce hybrid seed] .
- One technique developed * by some of these companies involves [ARG0 a chemical spray] supposed * to [rel kill] [ARGM-ADV only] [ARG1 a plant 's pollen] .
- Northwest Airlines settled the remaining lawsuits filed * on behalf of [ARG1 156 people] [rel killed] * [ARGM-TMP in a 1987 crash] , but claims against the jetliner 's maker are being pursued *-188 , a federal judge said 0 *T*-1 .
- But at a time when [ARG0 the White House] wants *-2 to [rel kill] [ARG1 the entire program] *T*-1 , Republicans have been among its leading champions .
- [ARG0 A bomb] exploded at a leftist union hall in San Salvador , * [rel killing] [ARG1 at least eight people] and injuring about 30 others , including two Americans , authorities said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Secretary of State Baker] , we read 0 *T*-1 , decided *-2 to [rel kill] [ARG1 a speech that Robert Gates , deputy national security adviser and a career Soviet expert , was going *-4 to give *T*-3 to a student colloquium , the National Collegiate Security Conference] .
- -LRB- Separately , the Senate last week passed a bill permitting execution of [ARG0 terrorists] who *T*-1 [rel kill] [ARG1 Americans] [ARGM-LOC abroad] . -RRB-
- Most of the crimes incorporated * in the Thurmond bill *ICH*-2 are exceedingly rare -- [ARG0 *] [rel killing] [ARG1 a Supreme Court justice] , for instance , or deliberately causing a train wreck that *T*-3 results in a death .
- The amendment prompted an ironic protest from Mr. Thurmond , who *T*-1 complained that [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] `` [rel kill] '' [ARG1 capital punishment] .
- An increasing number of references by the Soviet press to opposition groups now active in the U.S.S.R. , particularly the Democratic Union , allege that they show `` terroristic tendencies '' and claim that [ARG0 they] would be prepared *-1 to [rel kill] [ARGM-PNC in order *-2 to achieve their aims] .
- General Dynamics was sued *-1 by the families of [ARG1 five Navy divers] who *T*-3 were [rel killed] *-2 [ARGM-TMP in 1982] [ARGM-TMP after they re-entered a submarine through a diving chamber] .
- Colon , lung and breast cancers are [ARG0 the most common and lethal forms] of the disease , [ARGM-MNR collectively] [rel killing] [ARG1 almost 200,000 Americans a year] .
- A court in Jerusalem sentenced [ARG0 a Palestinian] to 16 life terms for *-2 forcing a bus off a cliff July 6 , *-3 [rel killing] [ARG1 16 people] , Israeli radio reported 0 *T*-1 .
- The USS Lexington returned to dock in Pensacola , Fla. , following an accident Sunday in which [ARG0 the pilot of a training jet] crashed into the ship , *-2 [rel killing] [ARG1 five sailors] *T*-1 .
- Nam Angels shows Angels fighting with each other and also depicts them as *-3 showing no remorse when [ARG1 a member] is [rel killed] *-1 *T*-2 .
- Federal investigators have determined 0 [ARG0 a metallurgical flaw that *T*-1 developed during the making of an engine disk] led to the July crash of a United Airlines jetliner in Sioux City , Iowa , * [rel killing] [ARG1 112 people] .
- If a president had a line-item veto and wanted *-1 to force him to support a controversial foreign-policy initiative , Rep. Edwards says 0 *T*-2 , the president could call and declare that [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-MNR single-handedly] [rel kill] [ARG1 the BART funds] [ARGM-ADV unless the congressman `` shapes up '' on the foreign-policy issue] .
- It 's the line-item veto , a procedure that *T*-1 would allow [ARG0 the president] to [rel kill] [ARG1 individual items in a big spending bill passed * by Congress] [ARGM-MNR without *-2 vetoing the entire bill] .
- These are the last words 0 Abbie Hoffman ever uttered *T*-1 , more or less , before [ARG0 he] [rel killed] [ARG1-REC himself] .
- [ARG0 The NBC network] canceled its first new series of the fall TV season , *-1 [rel killing] [ARG1 Mel Brooks 's wacky hotel comedy `` The Nutt House] . ''
- `` I expect *-1 to see some selling , but [ARGM-MOD will] [ARG0 they] [rel kill] [ARG1 this one] [ARGM-MNR as they have *?* every rally in the recent past] '' [ARGM-MNR by *-2 selling and locking in prices for their production] ?
- If [ARG0 the House] prevails in its efforts * to [rel kill] [ARG1 the catastrophic-care plan] , the monthly Part B premium will be $ 29 *U* next year .
- The explosion sent shards of metal flying , *-1 severing the DC-10 's hydraulic or control systems , and led to [ARG0 the crash] that *T*-11 [rel killed] [ARG1 112 people] .
- Dr. Toseland , a toxicologist , said 0 he was preparing an article for a British forensic medical journal *-2 raising the possibility that the deaths may have occurred after human insulin blunted critical warning signs indicating [ARG0 hypoglycemia , or low blood sugar ,] which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD can] [rel kill] [ARG1 diabetics] .
- Most of the cases have been in [ARGM-LOC California] , where one agent was stabbed *-1 and [ARG1 another] was shot and [rel killed] *-2 *T*-3 .
- In Panama , the U.S. interests at stake were happily minor ; [ARG1 the only people] [rel killed] * were foreigners hapless enough * to trust American will .
- Mr. Jiang also pledged that the Chinese Red Cross would publish `` very soon '' a list of [ARG1 those] [rel killed] * .
- Nor has Beijing hinted to its citizens that it will publish the identities of [ARG1 those] [rel killed] * .
- In another compartment called * the Linden Bosque , 62 linden trees were *-2 to be crowded *-1 together at [rel killing] [ARG0 intervals] of 10 or 16 feet .
- In the trial of former Haas Securities Chairman Eugene Laff , the defense accused [ARG0 one of the government 's chief witnesses] of *-1 threatening *-2 to [rel kill] [ARG1 Mr. Laff] .
- Mr. Laff 's attorney , John Lang , filed a memorandum asking that the trial record include a secretly taped conversation in which the witness , Henry Lorin , told a Haas stockbroker that [ARG1 Mr. Laff] [ARGM-MOD should] be [rel killed] *-1 *T*-2 .
- According to the transcript , Mr. Lorin said 0 [ARG1 Mr. Laff] [ARGM-MOD should] be [rel killed] *-1 after Mr. Aslanian told him that information given * to Mr. Laff by another conspirator could jeopardize the stock scheme .
- During the trial , Mr. Lang asked Mr. Lorin whether he had been so upset `` that [ARG0 you] considered *-1 [rel killing] [ARG1 Mr. Laff] ? ...
- When Mr. Lang asked Mr. Lorin whether he had taken steps 0 * to have [ARG1 Mr. Laff] [rel killed] *T*-2 *T*-1 , the witness again said no .
- Mr. Bush has long campaigned for passage of a bill or a constitutional amendment that *T*-2 would explicitly give him a line-item veto , which *T*-1 would enable [ARG0 him] to [rel kill] [ARG1 individual items in a big spending bill] [ARGM-MNR without *-3 having *-4 to kill the entire bill] .
- Mr. Bush has long campaigned for passage of a bill or a constitutional amendment that *T*-2 would explicitly give him a line-item veto , which *T*-1 would enable [ARG0 him] to kill individual items in a big spending bill without *-3 having *-4 to [rel kill] [ARG1 the entire bill] .
- Emergency crews searched through the charred rubble of a Phillips Petroleum Co. plastics plant near Pasadena , Texas , where [ARG0 a series of explosions Monday] [rel killed] [ARG1 at least two people] and injured 124 *T*-1 .
- Two Japanese scientists said 0 they discovered [ARG0 an antibody] that , [ARGM-LOC in laboratory test-tube experiments] , *T*-1 [rel kills] [ARG1 AIDS-infected cells] [ARGM-TMP while *-2 preserving healthy cells] .
- He said 0 [ARG1 some infected cells] may not have the relevant antigen and [ARGM-DIS so] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG n't] be [rel killed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP even after exposure to the antibody] .
- Dr. Kobayashi responded that he thought 0 [ARG0 the antibody] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-ADV potentially] [rel kill] [ARG1 all infected cells] .
- `` Our antibody specifically killed infected cells at a very low dose , but [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel kill] [ARG1 other cells] , '' said *T*-1 Dr. Yonehara .
- `` [ARG0 Our antibody] [ARGM-ADV specifically] [rel killed] [ARG1 infected cells] [ARGM-MNR at a very low dose] , but it can also kill other cells , '' said *T*-1 Dr. Yonehara .
- [ARG0 The antibody] [ARGM-TMP then] [rel kills] [ARG1 the cell] .
- [ARGM-LOC In some of the experiments] , [ARG0 it] [rel killed] [ARG1 almost all the infected cells] , the researchers said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-DIS Meanwhile] , [ARG1 fewer than 10 % of the healthy cells] were [rel killed] *-1 .
- [ARG0 The massive temblor] , which *T*-1 [rel killed] [ARG1 at least 61 people] , severed the Bay Bridge , a major artery to the east , and closed most ramps leading to and from Highway 101 , the biggest artery to the south .
- The world being the nasty place 0 it is *T*-1 , we want Presidents to have the freedom 0 * to order operations in which [ARG1 someone] [ARGM-MOD might] get [rel killed] *-4 *T*-3 *T*-2 .
- Both the assassination order and the quality of debate in Washington are telling the world that the only way 0 [ARG0 the U.S.] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel kill] [ARG1 a madman] *T*-1 is by * making sure 0 we take some innocent civilians with him .
- [ARG0 The murderer , Ronald Gene Simmons ,] was convicted *-1 of *-2 [rel killing] [ARG1 14 people] .
- But slow sales forced [ARG0 Ford] to [rel kill] [ARG1 the brand] [ARGM-TMP just last week] .
- There 's a beautiful , Coplandesque motif -- [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD 'd] [rel kill] [ARG1 me] [ARGM-ADV if he heard me say that] -- throughout the first movement ...
- On Sept. 7 , I wrote on these pages about the [rel killing] and capturing of [ARG1-of 10,000 Ethiopian soldiers] by [ARG0-by Eritrean and Tigrean guerrillas] .
- The Barre dictatorship simply is limited in the amount of [ARG1 people] 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD can] torture and [rel kill] *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP Recently] , [ARGM-LOC in Wollo province in the center of Ethiopia] , [ARG0 Tigrean forces] have [rel killed] , wounded and captured [ARG1 an additional 20,000 government troops] .
- [ARG0 The pollution] is [ARGM-DIS also] [rel killing] [ARG1 forests] and destroying buildings that *T*-1 date back to the Middle Ages .
- After all , she reasons , `` there were [ARG0 housewives] with Nikons and degrees from cooking schools in France who *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel kill] [ARGM-PNC for her job] . ''
- No notification was ever considered *-1 , officials said 0 *T*-2 , apparently because the U.S. did n't think 0 [ARG0 the coup plotters] intended *-3 to [rel kill] [ARG1 Mr. Noriega] , but merely sought *-3 to imprison him .
- Authorities in Honduras launched an investigation into the cause of [ARG0 Saturday 's crash] of a Honduran jetliner that *T*-1 [rel killed] [ARG1 132 of the 146 people aboard] .
- Nicaragua 's Defense Ministry said 0 [ARG0 a group of Contra rebels] ambushed two trucks carrying troops in northern Nicaragua , *-1 [rel killing] [ARG1 18 of the soldiers] .
- `` [ARGM-TMP When elephants start *-1 fighting *T*-2] , [ARG1 ants] get [rel killed] *-3 , '' says *T*-4 Murray Riese , co-owner of National Restaurants , a New York franchisee for Pizza Hut , Roy Rogers and other chains .
- [ARG0 The bad news] , however , has n't been bad enough * to [rel kill] [ARG1 the growing demand for financial planning] .
- Shearson , a 62%-owned unit of American Express Co. , did n't have enough time 0 * to update its market commentary *T*-1 so , `` [ARG0 We] decided *-2 to [rel kill] [ARG1 our strategy pieces] , '' says *T*-3 Jack Rivkin , the head of Shearson 's research department .
- From what he saw *T*-2 on television , Mr. Chesley points out that [ARG0 Interstate 880] , which *T*-1 collapsed and [rel killed] [ARG1 more than 200 commuters] , suffered serious damage while surrounding buildings appeared *-3 to sustain no damage whatsoever .
- *-1 Watching Congress sweat and grimace through its annual budget labors , *-2 fighting the urge * to spend more , we 're reminded of those late-night movies in which the anguished serial killer turns himself in to police and says , `` * Stop me before [ARG0 I] [rel kill] [ARGM-TMP again] *T*-3 . ''
- We can applaud Mr. Pryor 's moment of epiphany , even as we understand that he and his confreres need restraint lest [ARG0 they] [rel kill] [ARGM-TMP again] .
- Britain 's chief justice quashed the murder convictions of four people for [ARG0 Irish Republican Army bombings] that *T*-1 [rel killed] [ARG1 seven people] [ARGM-TMP in 1974] .
- [ARG0 Rebel artillerists] bombarded the capital of Afghanistan , *-2 [rel killing] [ARG1 at least 12 people] , as the Soviet Union was reported *-1 to be airlifting arms and food to Kabul 's forces .
- [ARG0 A series of earthquakes] struck northern China , *-2 [rel killing] [ARG1 at least 29 people] , injuring hundreds and razing about 8,000 homes , the Xinhua News Agency said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 The move * to halt imports -- announced * 29 years and 11 months to the day after Henry Ford II declared that the Edsel division and its gawky car would be scrapped *-1 --] [rel kills] [ARG1 the four-year-old Merkur brand] [ARGM-LOC in the U.S. market] .
- [ARG0 The House version of the legislation] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel kill] [ARG1 that deduction] , and label any such debt as equity , which *T*-1 is n't deductible .
- The Egg King carries written instructions * to break only high-grade eggs that *T*-3 have been properly sanitized *-1 and , as an added precaution , to use the eggs only in [ARG0 products] that *T*-4 will be cooked *-2 enough * to [rel kill] [ARG1 bacteria] .
- '' [ARG0 Ford] probably would try *-1 to [rel kill] [ARG1 the proposal] [ARGM-MNR by *-3 enlisting support from U.S. takeover-stock speculators and holding out the carrot of a larger bid later] , said 0 *T*-2 Stephen Reitman , European auto analyst at London brokers UBS Phillips & Drew .
- [ARG1 At least 270 people] were reported *-3 [rel killed] *-1 [ARGM-LOC *RNR*-5] and 1,400 injured *RNR*-5 in the rush-hour tremor that *T*-4 caused billions of dollars of damage along 100 miles of the San Andreas fault .
- The counter-argument , which he has heard *T*-1 , is that if [ARG0 he and his fellow Democrats] are successful in *-2 [rel killing] [ARG1 the president 's proposal] , the revenue gap will open up tremendously in 1990 because of the weakened economy .
- [ARG0 The Senate] , after * deleting Section 89 repeal from its deficit-reduction bill , still is expected *-2 to join the House in * voting *-3 to [rel kill] [ARG1 the law , which *T*-1 forces companies to provide comparable benefits to laborers and executives alike] .
- [ARG0 AN EARTHQUAKE] STRUCK Northern California , *-1 [rel killing] [ARG1 more than 50 people] .
- [ARG0 An assassin in Colombia] [rel killed] [ARG1 a federal judge] [ARGM-LOC on a Medellin street] .
- The bizarre arrangement grows out of Mr. Alexander 's representation of Derr Construction Co. , one of several defendants in a wrongful death lawsuit brought * by Ms. Parks , the widow of [ARG1 a construction worker] [rel killed] * [ARGM-TMP in January 1987] [ARGM-TMP while * working on a new Houston convention center] .
- [ARG1 The arbitragers and takeover initiatiors] got [rel killed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP on Gray Friday] , [ARGM-TMP while the besieged managers of prospective targets cheered lustily] .
- `` [ARG1 They] were [ARGM-ADV absolutely] [rel killed] *-2 , slaughtered *-2 , '' said *T*-1 one Chicago-based options trader .
- [ARGM-LOC In a stark lesson in the power of the appropriations committees] , [ARG0 the House] [ARGM-MNR deliberately] [rel killed] [ARG1 a handful of projects backed * by lawmakers in Florida , Illinois and Pennsylvania who *T*-1 had voted against the panel leadership on the House floor] .
- `` [ARG1 They] were [ARGM-ADV absolutely] [rel killed] *-2 , slaughtered *-2 , '' said *T*-1 one Chicago-based options trader .
- [ARG0 The Reagan-era Federal Communications Commission] had ruled in favor of * [rel killing] [ARG1 most of the rules] .
- NBC 's interest may revive [ARG1 the deal] , which [ARG0 MGM\/UA] [rel killed] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP last week] [ARGM-TMP when the Australian concern had trouble *-3 raising cash *T*-2] .