frames- These [ARGM-MNR vertically] [rel integrated] [ARG1 combines] , some of which *T*-1 got their start in Japan 's feudal period , deal globally in commodities , construction and manufacturing .
- Publishing officials believe that while [ARG0 Random House] has enjoyed spectacular growth and has [ARGM-MNR smoothly] [rel integrated] [ARG1 many acquisitions] [ARGM-TMP in recent years] , some of the bigger ones have n't been absorbed *-44 so easily .
- Komatsu Ltd. , a large [rel integrated] [ARG1 maker] of construction machinery , posted a 32 % unconsolidated gain in first-half pretax profit .
- Mr. Spielvogel said 0 [ARG0 Mr. Achenbaum] will work with clients *-1 to determine the mix of promotion , merchandising , publicity and other marketing outlets , and to [rel integrate] [ARG1 those services] .
- Edison said 0 [ARG1 the acquired stores] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel integrated] *-1 into [ARG2-into its current operations] .
- This unification was *-2 to be brought about through policies and institutions that *T*-1 would unite workers and employers with government in a [ARGM-EXT fully] [rel integrated] and `` harmonic '' [ARG1 society] .
- And Japan 's management system makes it *EXP*-1 hard * to impose a single , [rel integrated] [ARG1 computer] system corporatewide .
- But the transaction is just Mr. Peladeau 's latest step in a larger design : * to build Quebecor through acquisitions into an [rel integrated] [ARG1 paper] , publishing and printing concern with a reach throughout North America .
- The company , which *T*-1 makes [rel integrated] [ARG1 circuits] and other electronic parts , now has about 47 million common shares outstanding .
- One basis for * linking change in the East and change in the West is the notion that [ARG0 *] [rel integrating] [ARG1 110 million Eastern Europeans] with [ARG2-with 320 million Western Europeans] is primarily the task of Europeans , despite the U.S. 's obvious strategic and economic interest .
- The company unveiled more than 50 products , [ARG0 mostly software] , that *T*-1 are designed *-2 to [rel integrate] [ARG1 the three areas of a manufacturing operation -- the plant floor , design operations and production planning] .
- Polysilicon is used *-1 in * making [rel integrated] [ARG1 circuits] .
- Until then , they expect the cost of [ARG0 *] [rel integrating] [ARG1 the two carriers] to continue *-1 crimping profits .
- The hot-dipped galvanized segment is one of the fastest-growing and most profitable segments of the steel market , *-1 coveted * by all major [rel integrated] [ARG1 steelmakers] wanting * to maintain an edge over smaller minimills and reconstructed mills -- those spun * off to employees .
- The company said 0 its [rel integrated] [ARG1 steel] sector was also hurt *-1 by higher raw material , repair and maintenance , and labor costs .
- American Petrofina Inc. , a Dallas-based [rel integrated] [ARG1 oil] company , yesterday said 0 its third-quarter earnings declined by more than half .
- `` [ARG0 We] [ARGM-MOD must] either [rel integrate] [ARGM-MNR honestly] or segregate honestly . ''
- `` * Look , '' he says *T*-2 , `` If the rest of South Africa wants *-1 to have an [rel integrated] [ARG1 melting] pot , that 's their choice .
- But Mr. Keller said that , if [ARG1 computers] [ARGM-MOD can] be [rel integrated] *-1 into [ARG2-into the process] , they could alert an operator as soon as the problem occurred .
- So it *EXP*-2 will take many quarters for IBM to roll out all the products that customers need *T*-1 , and it *EXP*-3 will take years for [ARG0 customers] to [rel integrate] [ARG1 the products] into [ARG2-into their operations] .
- `` If [ARG0 we] do [ARGM-NEG not] [rel integrate] into [ARG2-into this new world of interdependence] , sooner or later we 're going *-2 to become victims of our own isolation , '' he says *T*-1 .
- Japanese newspaper Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported that [ARG0 the three giants] plan *-1 to [rel integrate] [ARG1 their cargo computers and ground-cargo and air-cargo systems] .
- The products are so-called analog [rel integrated] [ARG1 circuits] that *T*-1 have applications in the consumer electronics , automobile and electronic instrumentation markets .
- But analysts , while *-1 applauding the acquisition , say 0 [ARG0 Applied 's chief executive] faces a tough challenge in * [rel integrating] [ARG1 the two companies] .