frames- He said 0 Chrysler fully expects *-1 to have [ARG1 them] [rel installed] *-2 across [ARG2-across its light-truck line] [ARGM-TMP by the Sept. 1 , 1991 , deadline] .
- [ARG0 Ford] began *-1 [rel installing] [ARG1 the rear-seat belts] in [ARG2-in trucks] with its F-series Crew Cab pickups in the 1989 model year .
- As a result , he said 0 NBI will focus on * servicing its [rel installed] [ARG1 base] of systems , trying *-4 to provide maintenance for other manufacturers and expanding its software business , *-4 using some of the applications 0 it developed *T*-3 for its hardware .
- Similarly , highway engineers agreed *-1 to keep the old railings on the Key Bridge in Washington , D.C. , as long as [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel install] [ARG1 a crash barrier] between [ARG2-between the sidewalk and the road] .
- [ARG0 He and others] prefer *-1 to [rel install] [ARG1 railings such as the `` type F safety shape , '' a four-foot-high concrete slab with no openings] .
- Martin Marietta Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] won a $ 38.2 million *U* contract *ICH*-2 from the U.S. Postal Service 0 *T*-1 to manufacture and [rel install] [ARG1 automated mail-sorting machines] .
- Under terms of the three-year contract , Martin Marietta said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] make and [rel install] [ARG1 267 of the new machines at 156 postal offices] .
- [ARGM-TMP When] [ARG0 a hospital in Lexington] [rel installed] [ARG1 a lithotripter] [ARGM-TMP last year] *T*-1 , demand for a similar kidney-stone smashing machine at a Humana hospital in Louisville fell 34 % .
- With [ARGM-TMP newly] [rel installed] [ARG1 escalators] , the store retains its signature wood-and-brass look but is less intimidating .
- Christopher Whittle , chairman of the Knoxville , Tenn. , media company that *T*-1 is 50 % owned by Time Warner Inc. , said that by December 1990 he expects *-3 to have [ARG1 Channel One] [rel installed] *-4 in [ARG2-in about 8,000 schools with a potential audience of six million] .
- However , those sales were early in the field 's history , before [ARG1 production equipment] was [rel installed] *-1 .
- The Dutch , who *T*-2 had some trading problems because of insufficient computer capacity , say 0 [ARG1 new equipment 0 *T*-4 to solve the problems] ought *-1 to be [rel installed] *-3 [ARGM-TMP within a month] .
- [ARG1 Simulated golf games , in which players hit golf balls into nets *T*-2 ,] have been [rel installed] *-1 at [ARG2-at airports in Denver and Pittsburgh] ... .
- [ARG0 The Usinor unit] has agreed *-1 to provide technology and expertise *-2 to [rel install] [ARG1 a so-called spin caster] [ARGM-TMP by early next fall] .
- It could cost taxpayers $ 15 million *U* [ARG0 *] to [rel install] [ARG1 *?*] and BPC residents $ 1 million *U* a year * to maintain *?* .
- Digital , however , does n't expect *-2 to displace [ARG1 IBM mainframes] that *T*-1 are [ARGM-TMP already] [rel installed] at [ARG2-at big companies] .
- Amoco Corp. said 0 [ARG0 it] plans *-2 to [rel install] [ARG1 two platforms] and drill as many as 22 wells [ARGM-PNC *-3 to develop oil reserves 0 it discovered *T*-1 in the Atlantic Ocean about 25 miles off the coast of Congo] .
- [ARG0 Du Pont Co.] in [ARG2-in a couple of units] has [rel installed] [ARG1 objective tests based * on earnings or return on equity] .
- Guinness 's Schenley Industries unit has increased its TV advertising in Japan and has built partnerships with duty-free shops throughout Asia , * enabling [ARG0 it] to [rel install] [ARG1 prominent counter displays] .
- [ARG1 The supercomputer , which *T*-2 lists for $ 18.5 million *U* ,] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel installed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in the first quarter of 1990] in [ARG2-in the meteorological office 's headquarters in Bracknell , England] .
- [ARG0 The company] [rel installed] [ARG1 a prototype system that *T*-1 connects Dallas with Miami over digital phone lines] .
- [ARG0 The workers] [rel install] , maintain and repair [ARG1 its private branch exchanges , which *T*-1 are large intracompany telephone networks] .
- In July , [ARG0 11 NFL owners] , almost all of them new , blocked an effort * to [rel install] [ARG1 Jim Finks] as [ARG2-as a replacement for retiring league commissioner Pete Rozelle] .
- *-1 Sweating under the glare of [ARGM-TMP newly] [rel installed] [ARG1 television] lights , British members of Parliament demanded a halt to the experimental televising of debates .
- In addition to those measures , [ARG0 the company] spent heavily earlier this year *-2 to [rel install] [ARG1 displays] at [ARG2-at its customers ' retail outlets] -- a strategy that Mr. Stein said 0 *T*-1 has helped *-3 bolster awareness of the company 's brands .
- In the meantime , Russia gave Nicaragua [ARG1 another powerful radio transmitter] , which *T*-2 has been [rel installed] *-1 in [ARG2-in the city of Esteli] .
- [ARG1 Steel jackets of a type that *T*-2 may have prevented collapse of the columns of a 1.5-mile stretch of the Nimitz Freeway] had been [rel installed] *-1 on [ARG2-on at least a small test section of the double-decker highway] [ARGM-TMP last year] by [ARG0-by California 's Department of Transportation] , employees familiar with the project say 0 *T*-3 .
- `` [ARG0 We] had just finished phase two '' of the Cypress project that *T*-1 involved * [rel installing] [ARG1 a series of retaining cables designed * 0 *T*-3 to prevent sections of the roadway from *-2 separating as a result of seismic shock] , a state DOT engineer said 0 *T*-4 .
- The disagreement centers on testing deadlines and other issues involving [ARG1 a FileNet system] [rel installed] * [ARGM-TMP earlier this year] .
- The company said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel install] [ARG1 additional processing units] at [ARG2-at the refinery] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to produce higher octane gasolines and other products] .
- The time schedule for [ARG0 *] [rel installing] [ARG1 the equipment] also will be developed *-1 by the task force , the company said 0 *T*-2 .
- Intel said that [ARGM-TMP over the past decade] , [ARG0 it] has [rel installed] [ARG1 computer sensors and shutoff valves , sensitive to the shake of an earthquake ,] in [ARG2-in the pipes that *T*-1 snake through its plants] .
- That 's because [ARG1 the widely used fiber-optic cable] has been [rel installed] *-1 [ARG2 underground] [ARGM-MNR with 25 extra feet of cable between junction points] .
- Two of the last gestures of [ARG0 the Honecker regime] were * to close the border to Czechoslovakia and [rel install] [ARG1 halogen lights] in [ARG2-in some spots along the frontier] .
- [ARG0 Glenn and Sharon Beebe of Cincinnati] had sued the com - pany in 1981 after *-1 [rel installing] [ARG1 Burlington carpets] in [ARG2-in their office] .
- [ARG0 The university] is considering *-1 [rel installing] [ARG1 a $ 250,000 *U* system 0 *T*-2 to store applications electronically] .
- The passwords are included in the system software [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 it] is [rel installed] *-1 *T*-3 but are supposed *-4 to be replaced *-2 as soon as the system is up and running .
- [ARG1 Some `` circuit breakers ''] [rel installed] * [ARGM-TMP after the October 1987 crash] failed their first test , traders say 0 *T*-1 , *-2 unable *-3 to cool the selling panic in both stocks and futures .
- * Arguing that the separate financial marketplaces acted as one , and concluding that the crash had `` raised the possibility of a full-scale financial system breakdown , '' the presidential task force called for * establishing [ARG0 a super-regulator] *-1 to oversee the markets , *-1 to make margins consistent across markets , *-1 to unify clearing systems and *-1 to [rel install] [ARG1 circuit breakers] .