frames- Typically , these laws seek *-1 to prevent [ARG0 executive branch officials] from *-2 [rel inquiring] into [ARG1-into whether certain federal programs make any economic sense] or proposing more market-oriented alternatives to regulations .
- The discrepancy may be because * asking people about their fitness regime is a bit like [ARG0 *] [rel inquiring] about [ARG1-about their love life] .
- [ARG0 The ministry] [rel inquired] about [ARG1-about that deal -- which Mr. Utsumi declined *-3 to identify *T*-2 --] [ARGM-CAU because the large presence of Japanese banks in the deal was `` being strongly criticized *-1 in the U.S. Congress '' and it *EXP*-4 was `` necessary for us to grasp the situation] . ''
- [ARGM-TMP More recently] , [ARG0 Interpublic] [rel inquired] about [ARG1-about one of Saatchi 's smaller communications companies -- identified * as the Rowland public relations firm by several industry executives --] but again was rebuffed , they said 0 *T*-1 .