frames- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Taking over as chief executive officer in 1983] , [ARG0 he] [rel inherited] [ARG1 a company that *T*-6 was mired *-2 in debt and hurt *-2 by a recession-inspired slide in its building-products business] .
- [ARGM-ADV Like all genes] , [ARG1 tumor-suppressor genes] are [rel inherited] *-1 [ARGM-MNR in two copies , one from each parent] .
- A test using new `` genetic probes '' showed that [ARG0 little Will Quinlan] had [ARGM-NEG not] [rel inherited] [ARG1 a damaged retinoblastoma supressor gene] and , therefore , faced no more risk than other children of * developing the rare cancer .
- There is evidence that if [ARG0 people] [rel inherit] [ARG1 defective versions of these genes] , they are especially prone to cancer , * perhaps explaining , finally , why some cancers seem *-2 to haunt certain families *T*-1 .
- He theorized that [ARGM-LOC in the eye cancer] , [ARG0 an infant] [rel inherited] [ARG1 a damaged copy of a gene] from [ARG2-from one parent] and a normal copy from the other .
- He theorized that [ARGM-LOC in the eye cancer] , [ARG0 an infant] [rel inherited] a damaged copy of a gene from one parent and [ARG1 a normal copy] from [ARG2-from the other] .
- Dr. Knudson found that [ARG0 some children with the eye cancer] had [rel inherited] [ARG1 a damaged copy of chromosome No. 13] from [ARG2-from a parent who *T*-1 had had the disease] .
- The scientists say that since breast cancer often strikes multiple members of certain families , [ARG1 the gene] , when * [rel inherited] [ARGM-MNR in a damaged form] *T*-1 , may predispose women to the cancer .
- Dr. Minna believes 0 [ARG0 people] who *T*-1 [rel inherit] [ARG1 a defective gene somewhere on one of their two copies of chromosome 3] are especially prone to lung cancer .
- It 's an [rel inherited] [ARG1 human] disorder that *T*-2 's been duplicated *-1 in mice .
- [ARG0 Mr. Seidman , who *T*-2 has been the nation 's top bank regulator ,] [rel inherited] [ARG1 the problems of Lincoln , based * in Irvine , Calif. ,] [ARGM-TMP after his regulatory role was expanded *-1 by the new savings-and-loan bailout law] .
- `` The dissenters of the Warren Court were often defending [ARG1 a legal legacy] that [ARG0 they] [rel inherited] *T*-1 , '' says 0 *T*-3 Prof. A.E. Dick Howard of the University of Virginia Law School , `` but the dissenters today are defending a legacy that they created *T*-2 .