frames- It acquired Thomas Edison 's microphone patent and then immediately sued the Bell Co. *-1 claiming that [ARG0 the microphone invented * by my grandfather , Emile Berliner , which *T*-2 had been sold *-144 to Bell for a princely $ 50,000 *U* ,] [rel infringed] upon [ARG1-upon Western Union 's Edison patent] .
- In the Lilly case , the appeals court broadly construed a federal statute to grant [ARG0 Medtronic , a medical device manufacturer ,] [ARGM-MNR an exemption] 0 * to [rel infringe] [ARG1 a patent] [ARGM-LOC under certain circumstances] *T*-1 .
- Judge Leval reluctantly concluded that [ARG0 a few of Mr. Miller 's quotations from Mr. Hubbard 's unpublished writings] , [ARGM-CAU because they were not necessary * to prove historical points] , failed the fair-use test and [ARGM-DIS therefore] [rel infringed] [ARG1 copyright] .
- In 1988 New Era sought a permanent injunction * to restrain Henry Holt & Co. from *-1 publishing `` Bare-Faced Messiah '' on the ground that [ARG0 Mr. Miller 's quotations from Mr. Hubbard] [rel infringed] [ARG1 the copyrights] .
- The CWA claims that [ARG0 monitoring] [ARGM-NEG not] [ARGM-DIS only] [rel infringes] on [ARG1-on employee privacy] , but increases stress .
- In Cupertino , Calif. , Apple said that it believes 0 the case has no merit , and that [ARG0 HyperCard] does [ARGM-NEG not] [rel infringe] [ARG1 `` any valid claims '' of the Quickview patents] .
- And Hitachi went on the offensive against the U.S. 's Motorola Inc. earlier this month with a suit charging that [ARG0 Motorola 's new MC88200 chip] [rel infringes] on [ARG1-on a Hitachi patent] .
- He has a claim to the right * to commercialize the Westinghouse patents , but he contends that [ARG1 those patents] are being [rel infringed] *-1 by [ARG0-by a number of Japanese producers] .
- A lower court in St. Paul had ruled in September 1988 that [ARG0 a heart catheter 0 SciMed manufactures *T*-1] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel infringe] on [ARG1-on a patent owned * by Advanced Cardiovascular Systems , a unit of Eli Lilly & Co] .
- SciMed said 0 it `` remains committed '' both to the `` vigorous defense '' of its position that [ARG0 the catheter] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel infringe] [ARG1 the Lilly unit 's patent] , and to the pursuit of its own counterclaims , which *T*-1 allege 0 Lilly engaged in antitrust violations and other wrongful acts .
- A 75-day trial in the early 1980s determined that [ARG0 Kodak , based * in Rochester , N.Y. ,] [rel infringed] on [ARG1-on patents of Polaroid , of Cambridge , Mass] .
- But Irving Kayton , a patent expert at George Mason University School of Law who *T*-2 is familiar with the case , said 0 the fact that [ARG1 seven patents] were [rel infringed] *-1 `` suggests 0 that infringement was willful .
- Most have read the pre-trial documents , however , and estimate 0 [ARG0 Kodak] will be ordered *-1 to pay $ 1 billion to $ 1.5 billion *U* for * [rel infringing] on [ARG1-on seven Polaroid patents] .
- The highest patent damage award to date was in 1986 , when [ARG0 Smith International Inc.] was ordered *-1 to pay $ 205 million *U* to Baker Hughes Inc. for * [rel infringing] on [ARG1-on a patent on an oil drilling bit seal] .
- Pharmacia , based * in Upsala , Sweden , had charged in a lawsuit against MedChem that [ARG0 MedChem 's AMVISC product line] [rel infringes] on [ARG1-on the Pharmacia patent] .
- The medical-products company added that it plans *-1 to `` assert its other defenses '' against Pharmacia 's lawsuit , including the claim that [ARG0 it] has [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel infringed] on [ARG1-on Pharmacia 's patent] .