frames- The second patent describes bone morphogenetic protein-1 , [ARG0 a substance] that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD can] [rel induce] [ARG1 formation of new cartilage] .
- At the University of Kentucky , [ARG0 a team led * by Dean Currier , a physical therapy researcher ,] is testing the stimulators in conjunction with electric shocks * to [rel induce] [ARG1 muscle contractions] [ARGM-PNC * to help *-1 prevent wasting of thigh muscles after knee surgery] .
- Similarly , [ARG0 a Purdue University team led * by heart researcher W.A. Tacker] hopes *-2 to develop [ARGM-MNR ways] 0 * to [ARGM-MNR magnetically] [rel induce] [ARG1 cardiac muscle contractions] *T*-1 .
- Among other things , [ARG0 the stronger devices] may be able *-1 to summon forth half-forgotten memories and [rel induce] [ARG1 mood changes] , neurologists say 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 The probe , which *T*-308 is painless , non-invasive and apparently harmless ,] employs strong magnetic fields *-1 to [rel induce] [ARG1 small whirlwinds of electricity] [ARGM-LOC within the brain] .
- Many physicians have expressed concern over the heavy bleeding , which *T*-1 occurs even if [ARG0 the drug] fails *-2 to [rel induce] [ARG1 an abortion] .
- The council 's annual report has psyllium on its last page , *-2 lumped *-3 with such unglamorous export items as sarsaparilla and `` Nux vomica , '' [ARG0 a plant] that *T*-1 [rel induces] [ARG1 vomiting] .
- Indeed , Morgan Stanley 's president , Richard B. Fisher , said 0 the firm is putting up money 0 * to form a group of regulators , investors and investment banks *T*-2 *-1 to find out if [ARG0 stock-index arbitrage] [ARGM-MNR artificially] [rel induces] [ARG1 stock-market volatility] .
- The researchers said 0 they did this , but [ARG0 the toxin] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel induce] [ARG1 immunity to whooping cough] .
- Experiments showed that [ARG0 the new , non-virulent toxin] is capable of * [rel inducing] [ARG1 immunity] , according to the researchers from the Selavo Research Center in Siena , Italy , the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee and the Japanese National Institutes of Health .
- Laboratory tests showed that [ARG0 non-toxic versions of the poisons] are capable of *-2 [rel inducing] [ARG1 an immunity to whooping cough] , the researchers reported 0 *T*-1 in this week 's issue of the journal Science .
- This bacterium produces [ARG0 a toxin] that , [ARGM-ADV if *-2 used *-3 as a vaccine] , *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD can] [rel induce] [ARG1 immunity to whooping cough] .