frames- [ARG0 Longer maturities] are thought *-1 to [rel indicate] [ARG1 declining interest rates] [ARGM-CAU because they permit portfolio managers to retain relatively higher rates for a longer period] .
- Meanwhile , the National Association of Purchasing Management said 0 [ARG0 its latest survey] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that the manufacturing economy contracted in October for the sixth consecutive month] .
- Although [ARG0 the purchasing managers ' index] continues *-1 to [rel indicate] [ARG1 a slowing economy] , it is n't signaling an imminent recession , said 0 *T*-2 Robert Bretz , chairman of the association 's survey committee and director of materials management at Pitney Bowes Inc. , Stamford , Conn .
- [ARG0 A marketing study] [rel indicates] [ARG1 that Hong Kong consumers are the most materialistic in the 14 major markets where the survey was carried out *T*-1] .
- The Stamford , Conn. , concern has agreed to a buy-out by Bank of New York in a transaction with an [rel indicated] [ARG1 value] of about $ 100 *U* a share that *T*-119 expires next August .
- Giant Group is led *-1 by three Rally 's directors , [ARG0 Burt Sugarman , James M. Trotter III and William E. Trotter II ,] who [ARGM-TMP earlier this month] *T*-2 [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 they had a 42.5 % stake in Rally 's] and planned *-3 to seek a majority of seats on Rally 's nine-member board .
- `` [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG0 recent industry forecasts for 1990] [rel indicate] [ARG1 a slow environment , at least until midyear] . ''
- Some dealers said 0 the dollar was pressured *-1 slightly because a number of market participants had boosted their expectations in the past day and were looking for [ARG0 an index] above 50 , which *T*-148 [rel indicates] [ARG1 an expanding manufacturing economy] .
- -LCB- [ARG0 The court] has [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 it will rule on the case by the end of the month] . -RCB-
- Giant Group is led *-96 by three Rally 's directors , [ARG0 Burt Sugarman , James M. Trotter III and William E. Trotter II ,] who [ARGM-TMP last month] *T*-1 [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 they hold a 42.5 % stake in Rally 's and plan *-2 to seek a majority of seats on Rally 's nine-member board] .
- [ARGM-ADV As * expected *-1] , [ARG0 a national purchasing managers ' report] [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 the nation 's manufacturing sector continues *-2 to contract modestly] .
- [ARG0 The Federal Reserve 's Beige Book , a summary of economic conditions across the country ,] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that the overall economy remains in a pattern of sluggish growth] .
- But when the contract reopened *T*-1 , [ARG0 the subsequent flood of sell orders that *T*-211 quickly knocked the contract down to the 30-point limit] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that the intermediate limit of 20 points was needed *-128 *-128 to help keep stock and stock-index futures prices synchronized] .
- The following individuals were fined *-2 as [ARG1 *] [rel indicated] *-1 and barred *-2 from association with NASD members , or , where * noted *-3 *T*-4 , suspended *-2 .
- But [ARG0 a survey] [ARGM-TMP early this summer] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that the volume of index-options trading was only 15 % of the size of the underlying equity market] , exchange officials said 0 *T*-1 .
- And [ARGM-ADV though the size of the loan guarantees approved * yesterday is significant] , [ARG0 recent experience with a similar program in Central America] [rel indicates] [ARG1 that it could take several years before the new Polish government can fully use the aid effectively] .
- [ARG0 The evidence] [rel indicates] [ARG1 that program trading did n't , in fact , cause the market 's sharp fall on Oct. 13 , though it may have exacerbated it] .
- [ARG0 $ 100 million *U*] of Eurobonds due Nov. 16 , 1993 , with equity-purchase warrants , [rel indicating] [ARG1 a 3 7\/8 % coupon at par] , [ARGM-ADV via Daiwa Europe Ltd] .
- Buying plans were mixed in October , with [ARG0 fewer households] [rel indicating] [ARG1 plans * to buy cars] and more saying 0 they will buy homes and appliances in the coming six months .
- [ARG0 A reading below 50 %] [rel indicates] [ARG1 that the manufacturing sector is slowing] [ARGM-ADV while a reading above 50 % suggests that the industry is expanding] .
- [ARG0 The aerospace , automotive supply , electronics and printing-press concern] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that the first half of fiscal 1990 could be rough] .
- A shift to * producing more alcohol and less sugar had been expected *-1 , but [ARG0 the latest news] , [ARGM-ADV if true] , [rel indicates] [ARG1 a more drastic shift 0 than *T*-2 had been anticipated *-3] .
- An index of economic activity drawn * from the survey stood last month at 47.6 % ; [ARG0 a reading above 50 %] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel indicated] [ARG1 that the manufacturing sector was improving] .
- [ARGM-ADV While he reaffirmed support for the country 's Feb. 25 elections] , [ARG0 Ortega] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that renewed U.S. military aid to the Contras could thwart the balloting] .
- [ARG0 Cray Research] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that the survival of a spinoff company , which *T*-1 is developing a new supercomputer , depends heavily on its chairman and chief designer , Seymour Cray] .
- [ARG0 A reading below 50 %] [ARGM-ADV generally] [rel indicates] [ARG1 a slowing in the industrial sector of the economy] , [ARGM-ADV while a reading above 50 % points to expansion] .
- A figure above 50 indicates 0 the economy is likely *-1 to expand ; [ARG0 one below 50] [rel indicates] [ARG1 0 a contraction may be ahead] .
- [ARG0 A figure above 50] [rel indicates] [ARG1 0 the economy is likely *-1 to expand] ; one below 50 indicates 0 a contraction may be ahead .
- $ 300 million *U* of [ARG0 bonds] due Nov. 16 , 1993 , with equity-purchase warrants , [rel indicating] [ARG1 a 3 3\/4 % coupon at par] via Nomura International Ltd .
- $ 200 million *U* of [ARG0 bonds] due Nov. 16 , 1994 , with equity-purchase warrants , [rel indicating] [ARG1 a 4 1\/2 % coupon at par] via Yamaichi International Europe Ltd .
- [ARG0 The government] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that former Gulf Power senior vice president Jacob F. `` Jake '' Horton was the mastermind behind the use of the ad agencies -- Appleyard , Dick Leonard Group II Inc. and Hemmer & Yates Corp. -- * to make payments to various political candidates from 1981 to 1988] .
- The shocks generated [ARG0 nerve impulses] that *T*-306 traveled via spine to brain and showed up clearly on a brain-wave monitor , * [rel indicating] [ARG1 no damage to the delicate spinal tissue] .
- [ARG0 The devices] could help *-1 [rel indicate] [ARG1 when surgery would help *T*-2] , says 0 *T*-3 Charles Tator , a University of Toronto neurosurgeon .
- The company said 0 [ARG0 the court] has [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 it will make a decision on or about Nov. 27] .
- [ARG0 That] [rel indicates] [ARG1 0 speculators are betting 0 a higher offer is in the wings] .
- [ARG1 Other strong sectors] were [rel indicated] *-1 in [ARG0-in gains of the Transportation Index , up 7.55 to 475.35 , and the Utility Index , up 8.68 to 730.37] .
- `` I think 0 there 's [ARG0 overwhelming evidence] 0 *T*-1 to [rel indicate] [ARG1 probable criminal activity] , '' said *T*-2 Mr. Meek , who *T*-91 participated last year in an examination of the Irvine , Calif. , thrift .
- [ARG0 A reading below 50 %] [rel indicates] [ARG1 that the manufacturing industry is slowing] [ARGM-ADV while a reading above 50 % suggests that the industry is expanding] .
- The last of the measurements reported * was in 1985 , but [ARG0 recent conversations with Mr. Scotto] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that he knew of no recent changes in the trend] .
- [ARG0 The reluctance *ICH*-1 of traders * to buy contracts] [rel indicates] [ARG1 that they have begun *-2 focusing on demand rather than supply] .
- [ARGM-DIS Despite the progress] , [ARG0 Boeing] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that the work stoppage , now in its 27th day , will have `` a serious adverse impact '' on the current quarter] .
- Lately , analysts say 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 Deutsche Bank] has shocked some in the French financial community by *-2 [rel indicating] [ARG1 0 it wants a strong bank with a large number of branches] .
- At that price , the company has an [rel indicated] [ARG1 value] of $ 42.9 million *U* .
- [ARG1 Further staff cuts are likely] , [ARG0 the spokesman] [rel indicated] 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-ADV Despite his reluctance * to take the latter step] , [ARG0 the judge] [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 he would move quickly after *-1 hearing testimony later this week in the bitter dispute between Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. and Minpeco S.A. , a minerals concern owned * by the Peruvian governmemt] .
- `` Mr. Semel said [ARG0 absolutely nothing] 0 *T*-2 to [rel indicate] [ARG1 0 Warner would have any objection to our assuming management positions at Columbia] , '' Mr. Guber says *T*-1 .
- But [ARG0 Mr. Guber] [rel indicates] [ARGM-LOC in his affidavit] [ARG1 that not all of the projects will be used *-1] .
- [ARG0 The women] [rel indicated] [ARG1 which family member *T*-1 usually did various household chores and the approximate share 0 each did *T*-2] .
- [ARGM-LOC In Thursday 's edition] , it was [ARGM-MNR incorrectly] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that the union had paid a fee to former House Speaker Jim Wright] .
- [ARG0 Kellogg] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that it has room 0 * to grow *T*-1 without *-2 adding facilities] .
- [ARG0 The finance minister 's order] was n't sparked *-1 by a single event and does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel indicate] [ARG1 a souring in relations between the neighboring countries] .
- A reading of less than 50 % indicates an economy that *T*-1 is generally contracting while [ARG0 a reading above 50 %] [rel indicates] [ARG1 an economy that *T*-2 's expanding] .
- [ARG0 A reading of less than 50 %] [rel indicates] [ARG1 an economy that *T*-1 is generally contracting] [ARGM-ADV while a reading above 50 % indicates an economy that *T*-2 's expanding] .
- Today 's presses are large and costly machines , and a few orders can produce [ARG0 a high total] for one month that *T*-1 does [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-ADV necessarily] [rel indicate] [ARG1 a trend] .
- [ARG0 Jaguar officials] have [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 they are close to *-3 wrapping up a friendly alliance with GM that *T*-2 would preserve Jaguar 's independence] , but no deal has been announced *-1 .
- [ARG0 Kellogg] suspended work on a $ 1 billion *U* cereal plant , *-2 [rel indicating] [ARG1 a pessimistic outlook by the cereal maker , which *T*-1 has been losing market share] .
- Anthony Broderick , the FAA 's acting executive director for regulatory standards and compliance , said that [ARG0 recent tests of the failed engine disk] [rel indicate] [ARG1 that a flaw -- known * as `` hard alpha '' -- occurred in the titanium during its production almost 20 years ago] .
- [ARG0 These measurements] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel indicate] [ARG1 temperature changes] , researchers said 0 *T*-1 , [ARGM-CAU because the rates of evaporation of these oxygen atoms differ as temperatures change] .
- Dr. Leigh Thompson , a Lilly group vice president , said 0 [ARG0 the company 's clinical trials of both its animal and human-based insulins] [rel indicated] [ARG1 no difference in the level of hypoglycemia between users of either product] .
- Dr. Toseland , a toxicologist , said 0 he was preparing an article for a British forensic medical journal *-2 raising the possibility that the deaths may have occurred after human insulin blunted [ARG0 critical warning signs] [rel indicating] [ARG1 hypoglycemia , or low blood sugar , which *T*-1 can kill diabetics] .
- [ARG0 The Bank of England] [rel indicated] [ARG1 its desire * to leave its monetary policy unchanged] [ARGM-TMP Friday] [ARGM-MNR by *-4 declining *-3 to raise the official 15 % discount-borrowing rate that it charges discount houses *T*-1] , analysts say 0 *T*-2 .
- Toshiba Corp . -LRB- Japan -RRB- -- [ARG0 $ 1.2 billion *U* of bonds due Nov. 16 , 1993 , with equity-purchase warrants ,] * [rel indicating] [ARG1 a 3 3\/4 % coupon at par] , via Nomura International Ltd .
- [ARG0 He] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that some assets might be sold *-1 off * to service the debt] .
- [ARG0 American Medical] accepted the offer , [ARGM-TMP meanwhile] *-1 [rel indicating] [ARG1 0 it had heard from two other suitors] .
- They argue that their own languages should have equal weight , although [ARG0 recent surveys] [rel indicate] [ARG1 that the majority of the country 's population understands Filipino more than any other language] .
- Mr. McNealy said 0 the issues that *T*-1 hurt Sun 's performance earlier this year are now `` largely '' behind the firm , and [ARG0 he] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that Sun 's profitability should increase throughout the fiscal year] .
- While [ARG0 this] [rel indicates] [ARG1 continued strong demand for the company 's desk-top computers] , Sun faces increasing competition from Digital Equipment Corp. and Hewlett-Packard Co .
- If [ARG0 tests] [rel indicated] [ARG1 a low number of red cells] , blood was n't taken *-1 .
- [ARG0 The directors] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel indicate] [ARG1 the source of financing for Mr. Drabinsky 's new proposal] , but said 0 MCA and the Bronfman associates agreed in principle *-2 to buy for $ 57 million *U* *RNR*-1 and then lease back to Cineplex *RNR*-1 its 18-screen theater complex in Universal City , Calif. , if Mr. Drabinsky succeeds in an offer .
- [ARG0 The actors] wear pained expressions *-1 to [rel indicate] [ARG1 their genuine longing for a little one] -- or maybe they 're not-so-subtly commenting on the inadequacy of the script , and Jonathan Kaplan 's -LRB- `` The Accused '' -RRB- dull direction .
- [ARGM-TMP Last week] [ARG0 the company] [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 it would cut back on the working capital 0 it would supply *T*-1 to Qintex Entertainment] .
- [ARG0 The leveraged buy-out firm of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. , which *T*-1 owns 46 % of the common equity of SCI TV ,] [rel indicated] [ARGM-LOC in the debt plan] [ARG1 that it would reduce its equity stake to 15 % , * giving the rest of its stake to bondholders in the restructuring] .
- Developer Steve Caspi says 0 [ARG0 the same brand name] [rel indicates] [ARG1 consistent quality] , `` [ARGM-ADV regardless of location , design or amenities] . ''
- Nippon Meat Packers Inc . -LRB- Japan -RRB- -- $ 200 million *U* of bonds due Nov. 9 , 1993 , with [ARG0 equity-purchase warrants] , [rel indicating] [ARG1 a 3 7\/8 % coupon at par] , via Yamaichi International Europe .
- But [ARG0 the stark numbers yesterday -- when 282 votes were needed *-1 *T*-2 --] [rel indicate] [ARG1 0 the president is in a commanding position for at least this year] .
- The price was reduced *-1 last August from an [rel indicated] [ARG1 value] of $ 76 million *U* .
- [ARG0 An AP-Dow Jones survey of integrated oil companies , independent refiners , and oil industry consultants] [rel indicates] [ARG1 that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries increased its production to 22.2 million barrels a day in September] .
- [ARG0 The Justice Department] [rel indicated] [ARG1 a possible challenge to a court order allowing former National Security Adviser Poindexter to subpoena ex-President Reagan 's personal papers for use in the defense case against Iran-Contra charges] .
- [ARG0 It] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel indicates] [ARG1 a $ 50 million *U* drop in ad sales for regular-season games -- a risk 0 CBS took *T*-1 *-2 to get an unprecedented lock on all playoff games] .
- [ARG0 IBM] has [ARGM-TMP already] [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 it will have problems in the quarter , partly because of a delay in * shipping a high-end disk drive and partly because the strong dollar will cut significantly the value of IBM 's overseas earnings when * translated *-1 into dollars *T*-2] .
- He said 0 [ARG0 results] were better than he 'd expected *?* and [rel indicate] [ARG1 that Goodyear is in the midst of a turnaround from a string of lackluster quarters that *T*-1 have plagued the company for a year] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 recent events] [rel indicate] [ARG1 0 that federal credit is out of control] .
- One Mobil executive said that [ARG0 the $ 40 million *U* charge related * to the action] [rel indicates] [ARG1 0 `` a substantial '' number of people will be involved *-1] .
- [ARG0 Cray] has [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 it will decide on whether * to build such a machine before year end] .
- Hanwa Co . -LRB- Japan -RRB- -- [ARG0 Two-part , $ 800 million *U* issue] of bonds due Nov. 9 , 1994 , with equity-purchase warrants , [rel indicating] [ARG1 a 4 3\/8 % coupon at par] .
- Japan Storage Battery Co. -- [ARG0 $ 100 million *U*] of bonds due Nov. 9 , 1993 , with equity-purchase warrants , [rel indicating] [ARG1 a 3 7\/8 % coupon at par via Nikko Securities Co . -LRB- Europe -RRB- Ltd] .
- Sanraku Inc . -LRB- Japan -RRB- -- [ARG0 $ 100 million *U*] of bonds due Nov. 9 , 1993 , with equity-purchase warrants , [rel indicating] [ARG1 a 3 7\/8 % coupon at par] , via Nomura International .
- Nippon Signal Co . -LRB- Japan -RRB- -- [ARG0 80 million marks] of bonds with equity-purchase warrants , [rel indicating] [ARG1 a 1 1\/2 % coupon] , due Nov. 9 , 1994 , and priced * at par , via Commerzbank .
- [ARG0 The company , which *T*-1 now holds a 34 % stake in the venture ,] has [rel indicated] [ARG1 that it intends *-2 to retain at least a 20 % stake long term] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Bond] [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 the consolidated debt figures , which *T*-2 include debt of units such as Bell Group Ltd. , will be published *-1 soon in Bond Corp. 's 1989 annual accounts] .
- A number of commercial grain users buttressed that opinion yesterday by * buying certain corn options for delivery in March , [ARG0 *] [rel indicating] to [ARG2-to analysts] [ARG1 that the commercial companies would use the options *-1 to hedge against expected corn sales in next year 's first quarter] .
- [ARG0 A UAL statement] [ARGM-TMP after the market closed Monday] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that the airline 's board wanted *-1 to keep the company independent] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 effectively crushing hopes of an immediate buy-out] .
- [ARG0 TESTS ON 2,800-year-old mummies from Chile] [rel indicate] [ARG1 0 ancient wood fires did n't produce dioxins or dibenzofurans] , [ARGM-ADV * contradicting a theory 0 the two pollutants today are coming from wood burning] , General Electric Co. reports 0 *T*-1 in Environmental Science & Technology magazine ... .
- The American Iron and Steel Institute reported : 0 The capability utilization rate is [ARG0 a calculation] designed * * to [rel indicate] [ARG1 at what percent of its production capability the industry is operating in a given week *T*-1] .
- And [ARGM-ADV despite the recent tough advertising climate] , [ARG0 industry figures released * at the meeting here] [rel indicate] [ARG1 0 things may be turning around] .
- [ARGM-ADV Even if it is assumed *-1 that productivity rose no more than half as quickly in the rest of the nonbusiness sector] , [ARG0 this Labor Department estimate] [rel indicates] [ARG1 a downward bias in the real GNP estimates of 0.2 percentage point a year , on average] .
- [ARGM-DIS In sum] , [ARG0 the biases ennumerated * above] [rel indicate] [ARG1 a 0.7 percentage point understatement in growth of total real GNP] .
- The latest period includes [ARG0 net gains of $ 32 million *U* in non-recurring credits from the sale of properties] , * [rel indicating] [ARG1 operating losses for the quarter in the oil and gas division] .
- Southwood J. Morcott , Dana 's president , said 0 [ARG0 the company 's decision * to approve its normal fourth-quarter dividend] [rel indicated] [ARG1 its underlying strength] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Krat] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that completion of the transaction could take several weeks] , and it was n't immediately clear what *T*-1 would happen to the broker-dealer subsidiary if Integrated files for bankruptcy-law protection in the meantime .
- Amtech Systems Inc. , Tempe , Ariz. , said 0 [ARG0 its preliminary year-end results of operations] [rel indicate] [ARG1 `` substantial improvement '' over the previous fiscal year] .
- Mr. Durkin doubts that `` there is some magic level '' at which [ARG0 the ratio of installment debt to disposable income] `` [rel indicates] [ARG1 economic problems] *T*-1 . ''
- [ARG0 Court documents filed * by prosecutors] [rel indicate] [ARG1 0 Mr. Tomlin tried *-1 to steer to Sperry a multimillion dollar contract 0 *T*-2 to computerize maintenance of certain Navy electronics equiment] .
- [ARG0 Documents filed * by prosecutors] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel indicate] [ARG1 that Mr. Lavelle and his fellow conspirators requested and obtained `` approval of the scheme '' from more-senior Sperry officials `` because the payment which -LCB- Mr . -RCB- Tomlin requested *T*-1 was so large] . ''
- [ARG0 The president 's request] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel indicate] [ARG1 how Mr. Cheney would shift the money *T*-1] .
- Tokuyama Soda Co . -LRB- Japan -RRB- -- [ARG0 $ 200 million *U*] of Eurobonds due Nov. 9 , 1993 , with equity-purchase warrants , * [rel indicating] [ARG1 a 4 % coupon] at par , via Nomura International Ltd .
- [ARG0 The cut in the dividend to 10 cents a share semiannually , from 20 cents ,] `` [ARGM-MOD would] [rel indicate] to [ARG2-to me] [ARG1 0 they do n't see the problems being *-2 fixed real quick] , '' said 0 *T*-1 Frank Rolfes , an analyst at Dain Bosworth Inc. in Minneapolis .
- `` [ARG0 Recent data] have [rel indicated] [ARG1 somewhat weaker economic activity] , '' said *T*-1 Elliott Platt , director of economic research at Donaldson , Lufkin & Jenrette Securities .
- [ARG0 He] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that Ekco may be interested in *-2 acquiring another company with revenue in the range of $ 75 million to $ 100 million *U* , partly because mass merchandisers increasingly want *-1 to rely on larger , and fewer , suppliers] .
- [ARG0 That] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel indicate] [ARG1 that the arbs have paper losses on UAL alone totalling $ 725 million *U*] .
- His estimate of 3.3 % for third-quarter GNP is higher than the consensus largely because he believes 0 current inventories are n't as low as [ARG0 official figures] [rel indicate] [ARG1 0 *?*] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Sculley] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that sagging margins , which *T*-1 dogged the company through most of 1989 , began *-2 to turn up in the fourth quarter as chip prices eased] .
- Their [rel indicated] [ARG1 market] values thus are about $ 43.3 million and $ 28.6 million *U* , respectively .
- [ARGM-LOC In subsequent experiments] , [ARG0 one of two neutron detectors] [ARGM-TMP occasionally] [rel indicated] [ARG1 a burst of neutrons] but neutron bursts were never recorded *-1 in both detectors at the same time .
- [ARGM-LOC At the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in California] , [ARG0 new experiments] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that the lithium added * to the heavy water so it will conduct a current can produce previously unsuspected electrical effects on the surface of the palladium rod -- which Messrs. Fleischmann and Pons might have misinterpreted *T*-1] , reported 0 *T*-2 Philip Ross from the California laboratory .
- The premium of cash copper to the three-month forward offerings narrowed , [ARG0 *] [rel indicating] [ARG1 weaker demand for cash copper] .
- [ARG0 His projection] [rel indicates] [ARG1 profit in the latest quarter of more than $ 17.4 million *U* , or 55 cents a share , compared with $ 15.2 million *U* , or 48 cents a share , a year ago] .
- As [ARG0 the gain from the sales] [rel indicates] , operating profit was `` significantly '' below the year-earlier level , Mr. Cawthorn said 0 *T*-1 .
- But although [ARG0 56 % of the respondents in the study] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that mental-health problems were fairly pervasive in the workplace] , there is still a social stigma associated * with people seeking help .
- [ARGM-ADV While lower joblessness is generally good news] , [ARG0 the hefty drop last month] [rel indicates] [ARG1 that the economy is n't slowing down as much as * hoped 0 *?* -- despite a doubling of interest rates over the last 16 months] .
- *-1 Discussing future monetary arrangements , Mr. Lawson repeated the Thatcher government 's commitment * to join the exchange rate mechanism of the European Monetary System , but [ARG0 he] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel indicate] [ARG1 when] .
- For the year-earlier month , the Big Board reported [ARG0 461,539,056 shares] , * [rel indicating] [ARG1 a 13.5 % year-to-year rise] , while the Amex reported 36,015,194 shares , a 48 % leap .
- But [ARG0 public documents] [rel indicate] [ARG1 0 10 % or more *U* of the bank 's provisions were made *-1 for foregone interest on a M$ 200 million *U* loan to Malaysia 's dominant political party , the United Malays National Organization , 0 * to build its convention and headquarters complex in Kuala Lumpur *T*-2] .
- [ARGM-MNR By a 2-to-1 ratio] , voters appear more at ease with Mr. Florio 's stance on abortion , and [ARG0 polls] [rel indicate] [ARG1 0 his lead widens when the candidates are specifically linked *-2 to the issue *T*-1] .
- According to the Illinois attorney general 's suit , Watson & Hughey sent [ARG0 mailings] [rel indicating] [ARG1 that recipients were guaranteed cash prizes , and could win up to an additional $ 1,000 *U* on top of them , if they contributed as little as $ 7 *U*] .
- [ARG0 The solicitation material] [rel indicates] [ARG1 that donations will go toward a campaign alerting and informing the public about some health or other issue] .
- British Air officials said 0 the airline 's chairman , Lord King , was concerned about [ARG0 news reports] [rel indicating] [ARG1 that British Air might be willing *-1 to participate in a bid that *T*-2 included a lower purchase price and better investment terms for the British carrier] .
- [ARG0 Most of the department 's statements since the Northwest transaction] [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 it planned *-1 to curtail foreign ownership stakes in U.S. carriers] .
- [ARG0 UAL 's advisers] have [rel indicated] [ARGM-TMP previously] [ARG1 that it *EXP*-1 may take a while * to come forward with a revised plan since they want *-2 to have firm bank commitments before *-3 launching a new bid] .
- The transaction has had a series of setbacks since the financing problems became known last Friday , with [ARG0 no signs or statements] from the buy-out group 0 *T*-1 to [rel indicate] [ARG1 that any progress has taken place] .
- [ARGM-LOC In his affidavit filed * yesterday] , [ARG0 Warner 's Mr. Ross] [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 he is n't buying any such argument] : `` If Sony succeeds here , no written contract in Hollywood will be worth the paper 0 it 's written on *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 East Rock Partners] , which *T*-1 has [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 it might make a bid for the company] , said 0 A.P. Green , a refractory products maker , told the partnership 0 it is n't for sale .
- [ARG0 The Anglo-French financier] has [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 he intends *-1 to bid again for B.A.T if he receives approval] .
- [ARG0 The package] was brought *-1 to the House just 15 days after it was introduced *-2 , * [rel indicating] [ARG1 Congress 's eagerness * to reward Poland and Hungary for their moves toward democracy and freemarket economic reforms] .
- Also , the company issued 300 million marks of convertible bonds with an [rel indicated] [ARG1 2 3\/4 %] coupon due March 31 , 1995 , at par , via Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale Bank .
- Put on March 31 , 1992 , at an [rel indicated] [ARG1 105] 0 *T*-1 to yield 4.80 % .
- `` I see a lot of [ARG0 evidence] [rel indicating] [ARG1 a slower economy] , and that means 0 my interest-rate outlook has a downward tilt , '' said *T*-1 Garnett L. Keith Jr. , vice chairman of Prudential Insurance Co. of America , one of the nation 's largest institutional investors .
- [ARGM-DIS Fourth] , [ARG0 the theory] [rel indicates] [ARG1 why the Republican Party may have a difficult time * attracting viable candidates for congressional office *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-ADV To the extent that the primary duty of personal staff involves local benefit-seeking] , [ARG0 this] [rel indicates] [ARG1 that political philosophy leads congressional Republicans to pay less attention to narrow constituent concerns] .
- [ARG1 This] is indeed what [ARG0 the data] [rel indicate] *T*-1 , [ARGM-ADV particularly in the case of the House] .
- [ARG0 Banks] [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 they were operating at greater than 90 % of their usual capacity] , but a Nob Hill hotel said 0 tourists had fled , *-1 leaving the previously full hotel with an 80 % vacancy rate .
- Some analysts said 0 the consumer price index reflects a more significant slowdown in the U.S. economy than [ARG1 *] [ARGM-TMP earlier] [rel indicated] *-1 .
- [ARG0 Philips] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel indicate] [ARG1 how many shares outstanding *ICH*-2 it has *T*-1 of either issue] .
- However , HealthVest said 0 [ARG0 the Tokyo bank] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that it wo n't accelerate HealthVest 's $ 50 million *U* loan] .
- BankAmerica spokesmen said 0 [ARG0 preliminary reports] [rel indicate] [ARG1 0 the company was n't materially affected *-1 by the Tuesday earthquake] .
- [ARG0 Data for 1987 from the National Association of Suggestion Systems and the Japan Human Relations Association] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel indicate] [ARG1 that Japanese employers adopt four of five suggestions , while their U.S. counterparts accept just one in four] .
- [ARG0 The tenor of Mr. Stevens 's remarks] seemed *-1 to [rel indicate] [ARG1 that British Air will take a more active , high-profile role in * pursuing any new bid] .
- [ARG0 Derek Stevens , British Air 's chief financial officer ,] told Dow Jones Professional Investor Report 0 a price of $ 230 *U* a share is `` certainly not too low , '' and [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 his company would like *-1 to reduce the size of its $ 750 million *U* cash investment] .
- [ARG0 His initial offer] [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 he needed *-1 to raise as much as 80 % of the takeover financing through the debt markets] .
- [ARG0 The photos] showed active geysers on Io spewing sulfurous material 190 miles into its atmosphere and [rel indicated] [ARG1 that Europa may have an ocean hidden * under a thick sheet of ice] .
- `` [ARG0 The report] provides detailed documentation of the extent and nature of the problem and [rel indicates] [ARG1 how we may want *-2 to shape solutions *T*-3] , '' said *T*-4 Joseph Genova , chairman of the committee that *T*-1 oversaw the survey and a partner at the law firm of Milbank , Tweed , Hadley & McCloy .
- When she is n't performing for an audience *T*-1 , [ARG0 she] prepares for a song by *-2 removing the wad of gum from her mouth , and [rel indicates] [ARG1 that she 's finished] [ARGM-MNR by *-2 sticking the gum back in] .
- They closed Tuesday in composite trading at $ 13.625 *U* , down 37.5 cents , * giving the stock portion of the transaction an [rel indicated] [ARG1 value] of $ 38.8 million *U* .
- Before this bullish theory surfaced , [ARG0 some insurance stocks] initially fell , * [rel indicating] [ARG1 that investors thought 0 the quake might cost insurers a lot of money] .
- [ARG1 Higher-income people also tend *-1 to be more brand loyal these days] , [ARG0 the Journal survey and other research studies] [rel indicate] 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 $ 150 million *U* of bonds] due Nov. 9 , 1993 , with equity-purchase warrants , [rel indicating] [ARG1 a 4 % coupon at par] via Yamaichi International -LRB- Europe -RRB- Ltd .
- [ARG0 The drop] , [ARGM-TMP following a 6.2 % decline in August] , [rel indicates] [ARG1 0 the industry is still being hurt *-1 by the Fed 's anti-inflation battle] .
- Feedlots fatten cattle for slaughter , so [ARG0 a drop] [rel indicates] [ARG1 that the production of beef will dip this winter] .
- Hanshin Electric Railway Co . -LRB- Japan -RRB- -- $ 150 million *U* of bonds due Nov. 2 , 1993 , with [ARG0 equity-purchase warrants] , [rel indicating] [ARG1 a 4 % coupon at par] , via Nomura International Ltd .
- Toyobo Co . -LRB- Japan -RRB- -- $ 150 million *U* of [ARG0 bonds] due Nov. 1 , 1993 , with equity-purchase warrants , [rel indicating] [ARG1 a 4 % coupon at par] , via Daiwa Europe Ltd .
- Sammi Steel Co . -LRB- Korea -RRB- -- $ 50 million *U* of [ARG0 bonds] due Nov. 8 , 1994 , with equity-purchase warrants , [rel indicating] [ARG1 a 1 1\/4 % to 1 3\/4 % *U* coupon at par] , via Merrill Lynch International Ltd. and Dong Suh Securities Co .
- The developer and manager of futures-investment limited partnerships said 0 [ARG0 preliminary results] [rel indicate] [ARG1 that about 1,749,000 shares had been tendered *-1 , * giving a preliminary proration factor of 0.6287] .
- Like most analysts , Mr. Dennis was hesitant *-1 to read too much into one month 's numbers ; but he said , `` [ARG0 It] [rel indicates] [ARGM-ADV perhaps] [ARG1 that the balance in the U.S. economy is not as good as we 've been led *-2 to believe] . ''
- And [ARG0 he] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that more substantial improvement is expected *-1 in the next couple of quarters] .
- An editorial in the NCI Journal says 0 [ARG0 the report of declining lung-cancer mortality `` among young men and women in the U.S.] [rel indicates] [ARG1 that we finally may be winning the battle -- this even in a country where the tobacco industry spends over $ 2 billion *U* a year for promotion of the addictive habit of smoking *T*-1] . ''
- `` [ARG0 My staff] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that had we made such findings in one of our own institutions , we would have sought an immediate cease-and-desist order * to stop the hazardous operations] , '' Mr. Seidman said *T*-1 .
- But the club still insists that public lands ought *-1 to be closed *-1 to the bikes unless [ARG0 studies] [rel indicate] [ARG1 0 the bikes wo n't injure the environment or other users] .
- An exemption will remain for flights longer than six hours to Hawaii and Alaska , but [ARG0 estimates by the tobacco industry yesterday] [rel indicate] [ARG1 0 all but about 30 flights would be covered *-1] .
- According to one analyst , Bernard Savaiko of PaineWebber , New York , the stock market 's ability *ICH*-2 on Monday * to rally from last Friday 's decline -- [ARG0 which] *T*-1 seemed *-3 to [rel indicate] [ARG1 that the economy was n't going * to fall either] -- took the starch out of precious metals prices , and out of gold 's , in particular .
- [ARGM-DIS Indeed] , [ARG0 U.S. officials] have [rel indicated] to [ARG2-to the press] [ARG1 that the continuation of aid depends on what success the weakened resistance achieves *T*-1 by the end of this year] .
- Marc M. Goloven , an economist with Manufacturers Hanover Trust in New York , said that while [ARG0 the figures] appear *-1 to [rel indicate] [ARG1 a sadly deteriorating U.S. trade performance] , there 's still enough positive news *ICH*-2 in the data * to justify * buying dollars .
- -LRB- A ratings point represents 904,000 television households ; [ARG0 shares] [rel indicate] [ARG1 the percentage of sets in use] . -RRB-
- [ARG0 Matra S.A.] reported 0 its 1989 first-half profit soared 88 % , and [rel indicated] [ARG1 that its previous estimate of a 50 % rise in earnings for all of 1989 will be exceeded *-1 by a wide margin] .
- However , the officials said 0 it *EXP*-1 was too early [ARG0 *] to disclose the nature of the proposed projects or [rel indicate] [ARG1 when the talks might be concluded *-2 *T*-3] .
- But [ARG0 yesterday 's announcement] [rel indicates] [ARG1 that Ford has n't lost interest] .
- [ARG0 Microsoft] [ARGM-TMP previously] [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 it would have a strong quarter] [ARGM-MNR by * forecasting its revenue gain on Oct. 4 , * causing a $ 6.50 *U* a share jump in its stock] .
- UAL'S STOCK SKIDDED an additional $ 24.875 *U* , to $ 198 *U* , as [ARG0 British Airways] [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 it may balk at any hastily revised version of the aborted $ 6.79 billion *U* buy-out of United Air 's parent] .
- BroadBeach did n't identify the buyer of the shares , but the date of the selloff followed by one day the Swedish concern 's tender offer , and the [rel indicated] [ARG1 price] of the shares sold * equals SKF 's $ 72-a-share *U* tender offer price .
- Bush met with [ARG0 South Korean President Roh] , who *T*-1 [rel indicated] [ARG1 that Seoul plans *-2 to further ease trade rules *-2 to ensure that its economy becomes as open as the other industrialized nations by the mid-1990s] .
- [ARGM-ADV Even as Citicorp and Chase Manhattan Corp. scrambled *-1 to line up bank financing for a revised version of the lapsed labor-management bid] , [ARG0 British Airways , a 15 % partner in the buying group ,] [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 it wants *-2 to start from scratch] .
- [ARG0 Honeywell] said 0 it is negotiating the sale of a second stake in Yamatake-Honeywell , but [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 it intends *-1 to hold at least 20 % of the joint venture 's stock long term] .
- `` [ARG0 The tests] [rel indicate] [ARG1 that dual and non-dual traders are similar in terms of the trade executions and liquidity 0 they provide *T*-1 to the market] , '' Mrs. Gramm told the Senate panel *T*-2 .
- The capability utilization rate is [ARG0 a calculation] designed * *-1 to [rel indicate] [ARG1 at what percent of its production capability the industry is operating *T*-2 in a given week] .
- `` [ARG0 The more variables] that *T*-1 [rel indicate] [ARG1 risk] , the more 0 the investor is going *-2 to drive a hard bargain . ''
- [ARG0 D. Wayne Calloway , also chief executive officer of the company ,] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that he expects analysts to raise their forecasts for 1989 after the company releases its earnings today] .
- [ARG0 Ms. Parks and her mother] [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 they want *-1 to `` catch him unawares from behind] , '' he says 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 That he was the A 's winningest pitcher during its American League campaign with a 21-9 mark , plus two wins over Toronto in the playoffs ,] [rel indicates] [ARG1 0 he may have some evening up coming] , but with the way 0 his split-fingered fastball is behaving *T*-1 , that might not be this week .
- [ARG0 Red figures on the screens] [rel indicated] [ARG1 falling stocks] ; blue figures , rising stocks .
- `` The MMI has gone better , '' shouted *T*-1 one trader at about 3:15 London time , as [ARG0 the U.S. Major Markets Index contract] [ARGM-TMP suddenly] [rel indicated] [ARG1 a turnabout] .
- He also said 0 [ARG0 the fact that the other letter had n't come from Transportation Secretary Samuel Skinner] [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 there is `` wiggle room '' in the administration 's position] .
- The rationale is that an interruption of trading will allow investors to reconsider their strategies , calm sellers and lead buyers to enter the market at [rel indicated] [ARG1 new] price levels .
- [ARG1 * CURBING WAGE BOOSTS will get high priority again in 1990 collective bargaining] , [ARG0 a Bureau of National Affairs survey of 250 companies with pacts expiring next year] [rel indicates] 0 *T*-1 .
- He said 0 [ARG0 the third-quarter estimate] [rel indicates] [ARG1 profit for the nine months of $ 4.65 *U* a share , `` almost equal to the full-year 1988 earnings '' of $ 108.6 million *U* , or $ 4.81 *U* a share] .
- The offer has an [rel indicated] [ARG1 value] of $ 268 million *U* .
- Indeed , [ARG0 a random check Friday] did n't seem *-1 to [rel indicate] [ARG1 that the strike was having much of an effect on other airline operations] .
- [ARG0 The decision] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 reported * by the official Xinhua News Agency] , [rel indicated] [ARG1 that the crackdown prompted * by student-led pro-democracy protests in June is intensifying] .
- [ARG0 Bush] [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 there might be `` room for flexibility '' in a bill 0 *T*-2 to allow federal funding of abortions for poor women who *T*-1 are vicitims of rape and incest] .
- [ARG0 CenTrust Savings Bank] said 0 federal thrift regulators ordered it *-1 to suspend dividend payments on its two classes of preferred stock , * [rel indicating] [ARG1 that regulators ' concerns about the troubled institution have heightened] .
- [ARG1 But it may be weeks before GEC and its potential partners decide whether *-1 to bid] , [ARG0 the source] [rel indicated] 0 *T*-2 .
- Interprovincial , Canada 's biggest oil pipeline operator and a major transporter of crude to the U.S. , said 0 [ARG0 revised industry forecasts] [rel indicate] [ARG1 that Canadian oil output will total about 1.64 million barrels a day *ICH*-2 by 1991 , 8 % lower than a previous estimate] .
- At least that 's [ARG1 what] [ARG0 a survey by Ernst & Young and Yankelovich , Clancy , Shulman] [rel indicates] *T*-1 .
- '' That certainly is not [ARG1 the supposed `` distorted reading ''] [rel indicated] * by [ARG0-by Mr. Lantos] .
- But [ARG0 their 1987 performance] [rel indicates] [ARG1 that they wo n't abandon stocks unless conditions get far worse] .
- The FDA has said 0 it presented [ARG0 evidence 0 it uncovered *T*-1 *ICH*-2] to the company [rel indicating] [ARG1 that Bolar substituted the brand-name product for its own *-3 to gain government approval * to sell generic versions of Macrodantin] .
- [ARGM-DIS In fact] , [ARG0 Budget] [rel indicated] [ARG1 0 it saw some benefit to *-1 staying involved in these programs , in which renters earn frequent-flier miles *T*-2 and fliers can get car-rental discounts *T*-2] .
- The plaintiffs also alleged that prior to the fanfare , the company circulated [ARG0 internal memos] [rel indicating] [ARG1 problems with Lisa] .
- [ARGM-TMP Over the weeked] , [ARGM-DIS however] , [ARG0 two developments in other deals] [rel indicated] [ARG1 that commerical banks and Wall Street firms still are willing *-1 to commit billions of dollars *-2 to finance takeover bids launched * by major companies] .
- [ARG0 Ramada] has said 0 it hopes *-1 to propose a new restructuring plan but has [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel indicated] [ARG1 when it will do so] .