frames- No single bill this year includes more discretionary spending for domestic programs and , [ARGM-ADV apart from the space station] , [ARG0 the measure] [rel incorporates] [ARG1 far-reaching provisions affecting the federal mortgage market] .
- Most of [ARG1 the crimes] [rel incorporated] * [ARGM-LOC in the Thurmond bill] *ICH*-2 are exceedingly rare -- * killing a Supreme Court justice , for instance , or deliberately causing a train wreck that *T*-3 results in a death .
- Mr. Kennedy failed *-1 to get [ARG1 his amendment] [rel incorporated] into [ARG2-into last year 's anti-drug legislation] , and it will be severely attacked *-2 on the Senate floor this time around .
- The optical products company has signed a licensing agreement with Photoprotective Technologies Inc. , [ARG0 a closely held firm] in San Antonio , Texas , which *T*-1 has developed a method 0 * to [rel incorporate] [ARG1 the synthetic melanin] into [ARG2-into plastic lenses] *T*-2 .
- Separately , the House last night approved [ARG0 a nearly $ 67 billion *U* compromise spending bill] providing the first construction funds for the administration 's ambitious space station in fiscal 1990 and [rel incorporating] [ARG1 far-reaching provisions affecting the federal mortgage market] .
- [ARG0 The $ 2.85 billion *U* package] [rel incorporates] [ARG1 $ 500 million *U* for low-interest disaster loans , $ 1 billion *U* in highway construction funds , and $ 1.35 billion *U* divided * between general emergency assistance and a reserve 0 *T*-1 to be available to President Bush *-2 to meet unanticipated costs from the two disasters] .
- [ARG0 The $ 2.85 billion *U* package] [rel incorporates] [ARG1 $ 500 million *U* for small-business loans , $ 1 billion *U* in highway construction funds , and $ 1.35 billion *U* divided * between general emergency assistance and a reserve 0 *T*-1 to be available to President Bush *-2 to meet unanticipated costs from the two disasters] .
- [ARG0 The sweeping measure] [rel incorporates] [ARG1 $ 500 million *U* in small-business loans , $ 1 billion *U* in highway-construction funds and $ 1.25 billion *U* divided * between general emergency assistance and a reserve 0 *T*-2 to be available to President Bush * to meet unanticipated costs from the two disasters] .
- [ARG0 The French state-controlled auto group and the Dutch truck maker] plan *-1 to [rel incorporate] [ARG1 the new trucks] into [ARG2-into their product lines] [ARGM-TMP when they begin production toward the middle of the 1990s *T*-2] .
- A House-Senate conference approved [ARG0 an estimated $ 67 billion *U* fiscal 1990 spending bill] that *T*-1 provides a 28 % increase for space research and development and [rel incorporates] [ARG1 far-reaching provisions affecting the federal mortgage market] .
- Control Data Corp. , Minneapolis , signed [ARG0 a joint development agreement *ICH*-1] with MIPS Computer Systems Inc. * to [rel incorporate] [ARG1 an emerging computing architecture] in [ARG2-in future machines] .