frames- [ARGM-TMP In July] , [ARG0 the Environmental Protection Agency] [rel imposed] [ARG1 a gradual ban] on [ARG2-on virtually all uses of asbestos] .
- Some researchers have charged that [ARG0 the administration] is [rel imposing] [ARG1 new ideological tests for top scientific posts] .
- The report is subject to review by [ARG0 the State Commission on Judicial Conduct] , which *T*-138 is empowered *-1 to [rel impose] [ARG1 sanctions] .
- [ARG0 The Transportation Department] , *-1 responding to pressure from safety advocates , took further steps 0 * to [rel impose] on [ARG2-on light trucks and vans] [ARG1 the safety requirements used * for automobiles] *T*-2 .
- The Big Three auto makers said 0 the rule changes were n't surprising because Bush administration officials have long said 0 [ARG0 they] planned *-1 to [rel impose] [ARG1 car safety standards] on [ARG2-on light trucks and vans] .
- [ARGM-TMP Shortly afterwards] , [ARG0 Mr. Bush] [rel imposed] [ARG1 a series of anti-China sanctions , including suspension of most high-level talks , which *T*-1 could be codified *-147 in U.S. congressional legislation in the coming weeks] .
- [ARG0 Section 605] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel imposes] [ARG1 unconstitutional conditions] on [ARG2-on the president 's ability * to nominate candidates of his choosing] .
- [ARG1 The ban on cross-border movement] was [rel imposed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP last month] [ARGM-TMP after a massive exodus of emigres to West Germany] .
- Interest on the bonds will be treated *-151 as a preference item in * calculating [ARG1 the federal alternative minimum tax] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD may] be [rel imposed] *-152 on [ARG2-on certain investors] .
- In addition , it 's toying with [ARG0 an approach] that *T*-41 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel impose] [ARG1 health-expenditure ceilings or budgets] on the government as a whole and on [ARG2-on individual states] [ARGM-PNC as a way 0 * to slow health-care spending *T*-1] .
- And while [ARG0 *-1] [rel imposing] [ARG1 a statutory cap of $ 1.6 billion *U* on future spending] , the bill would give NASA $ 30 million *U* for the start-up of the CRAF-Cassini mission , a successor to the Voyager space probe .
- A large number of studies suggest that [ARG0 state judges and juries] have [rel imposed] [ARG1 the penalty] [ARGM-MNR in a racially discriminatory fashion] .
- At least 15 major studies purport *-1 to show that [ARG0 particular states] have [rel imposed] [ARG1 the death penalty] [ARGM-MNR disproportionately] against [ARG2-against killers of whites compared with blacks] , and against black defendants compared with white defendants .
- Permission is far from automatic : [ARG0 The soviets] have the legal right * to turn down applications and [rel impose] [ARG1 conditions] , and they appear *-1 to be exercising these powers .
- And Japan 's management system makes it *EXP*-1 hard [ARG0 *] to [rel impose] [ARG1 a single , integrated computer system] [ARGM-LOC corporatewide] .
- [ARG0 The European Community Commission] has [rel imposed] [ARG1 provisional anti-dumping duties] on [ARG2-on imports of South Korean small-screen color-television sets] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Saying that a surge in low-priced imports had damaged EC producers ' profits and led to job losses] , [ARG0 the commission] [rel imposed] [ARG1 a duty of 10.2 %] on [ARG2-on TVs made * by Daewoo] , a duty of 12.3 % on Goldstar Co. , 13 % on Samsung and 19.6 % on TVs made * by other South Korean producers .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Saying that a surge in low-priced imports had damaged EC producers ' profits and led to job losses] , [ARG0 the commission] [rel imposed] a duty of 10.2 % on TVs made * by Daewoo , [ARG1 a duty of 12.3 %] on [ARG2-on Goldstar Co.] , 13 % on Samsung and 19.6 % on TVs made * by other South Korean producers .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Saying that a surge in low-priced imports had damaged EC producers ' profits and led to job losses] , [ARG0 the commission] [rel imposed] a duty of 10.2 % on TVs made * by Daewoo , a duty of 12.3 % on Goldstar Co. , [ARG1 13 %] on [ARG2-on Samsung] and 19.6 % on TVs made * by other South Korean producers .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Saying that a surge in low-priced imports had damaged EC producers ' profits and led to job losses] , [ARG0 the commission] [rel imposed] a duty of 10.2 % on TVs made * by Daewoo , a duty of 12.3 % on Goldstar Co. , 13 % on Samsung and [ARG1 19.6 %] on [ARG2-on TVs made * by other South Korean producers] .
- The White House used television appearances and leaks *-1 to argue that [ARG0 congressionally] [rel imposed] [ARG1 restrictions] on covert actions made U.S. support for such coups difficult .
- Sen. Boren happily told reporters that there had been `` a meeting of the minds '' with the White House , and that the committee had given Mr. Bush `` a clean slate , '' free of [ARG1 the impediments] [rel imposed] * [ARGM-TMP during the Reagan years] .
- `` We believe 0 our suggested plan is more likely *-2 to improve the availability of quality legal service to the poor than is the proposed mandatory pro bono plan *?* and will achieve that objective without the divisiveness , distraction , administrative burdens and possible failure that we fear 0 *T*-3 would accompany an attempt [ARG0 *] to [rel impose] [ARG1 a mandatory plan] , '' said *T*-4 Justin L. Vigdor of Rochester , who *T*-1 headed the bar 's pro bono study committee .
- The bill 's managers face criticism , too , for the unusual number of [ARG1 conditions] [ARGM-MNR openly] [rel imposed] * on [ARG2-on where funds will be spent *-1 *T*-2] .
- These insurance company contracts feature some of the same tax benefits and restrictions as non-deductible individual retirement accounts : Investment gains are compounded *-1 without tax consequences until money is withdrawn *-2 , but [ARG1 a 10 % penalty tax] is [rel imposed] *-3 on [ARG2-on withdrawals made * before age 59 1\/2] .
- [ARG0 The charter] would just have *-2 to be restricted *-1 to a list of workers ' fundamental rights , without * seeking *-3 to [rel impose] [ARG1 any norms] .
- Among other reasons , [ARG1 high fees] 0 [ARG0 regulators] [rel imposed] *T*-1 on [ARG2-on certain transfers of thrift deposits to commercial banks] `` substantially altered the economics of the transaction for both parties , '' Poughkeepsie said 0 *T*-2 .
- But , he adds 0 *T*-1 , the constitution empowers [ARG0 the government] to [rel impose] [ARG1 some controls] , [ARGM-PNC *-2 to mitigate the shortage of land] .
- [ARG1 Censorship] is [rel imposed] *-1 by [ARG0-by terrorism] .
- [ARG0 U.S. interests] occasionally try *-1 to [rel impose] [ARG1 barriers to the import of another important Colombian export -- cut flowers -- into the American market] .
- The 249-166 roll call came as the chamber approved [ARG0 a compromise bill] allocating $ 17.2 billion *U* to the departments of State , Justice , and Commerce in fiscal 1990 and [rel imposing] [ARG1 increased fees] on [ARG2-on business interests making filings with the government] .
- And of course they agree that [ARG0 people] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel impose] [ARG1 restrictions] on [ARG2-on the use of their papers , whether in their own possession or as * donated or sold *-1 to libraries] .
- Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Richard Breeden told a congressional subcommittee that [ARG0 he] would consider *-1 [rel imposing] [ARG1 `` circuit breakers ''] [ARGM-PNC * to halt program trading at volatile times] .
- SEC Chairman Breeden said 0 [ARG0 he] would consider *-1 [rel imposing] `` [ARG1 circuit breakers] '' [ARGM-PNC *-2 to halt program trading during sharp swings in the market] .
- She issued a separate statement , *-1 separating herself from a Commonwealth document reasserting the political value of [ARG0 *] [rel imposing] [ARG1 sanctions against South Africa] .
- Soon after *-2 taking over last June , Mr. Corry rescinded [ARG1 a pay cut] [rel imposed] * on [ARG2-on clerical workers] , a move that Mr. Roderick had n't made *T*-1 in spite of improved earnings .
- 4 . [ARG0 *] [rel Impose] [ARG1 standard accounting and administrative practices] .
- But some fear 0 [ARG0 *] [rel imposing] [ARG1 a temporary gasoline tax increase] [ARGM-TMP in the meantime] could undercut support among voters for the measure .
- Interest on the bonds will be treated *-1 as a preference item in * calculating [ARG1 the federal alternative minimum tax] that *T*-3 [ARGM-MOD may] be [rel imposed] *-2 on [ARG2-on certain investors] .
- [ARGM-TMP This year] , [ARG0 the NFL] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel imposed] [ARG1 an 80-player limit *ICH*-1] on [ARG2-on teams going into training camp] , down from 120 , [ARGM-ADV in a move meant * to trim payroll costs] .
- `` That is n't consistent with the kind of [ARG1 discipline] that [ARG0 Gramm-Rudman] is supposed *-2 to [rel impose] *T*-1 , '' he said *T*-3 .
- Last week , [ARG0 Budget Director Richard Darman] structured the $ 16.1 billion *U* spending reduction , half of which *T*-1 must come from defense , *-2 to `` [rel impose] [ARG1 a little bit more discipline] '' [ARGM-MNR by * applying cuts to each individual program , project or activity in the budget] .
- The last time that traders experienced a trough *T*-1 was during 1985-86 , when [ARG0 Beijing] [rel imposed] [ARG1 tough measures 0 * to curb imports and conserve foreign exchange *T*-3] *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-PNC *-2 To stem speculation] , [ARG0 Beijing] [rel imposed] [ARG1 ceiling prices that *T*-1 went into effect earlier this year] .
- They all are strongly opposed to a petition *ICH*-2 from several Japanese TV manufacturers , including Matsushita , Hitachi , and Toshiba , * to exempt portable color TVs with liquid-crystal displays from [ARG1 anti-dumping duties] that [ARG0 the U.S.] [rel imposes] *T*-1 on [ARG2-on the larger Japanese color TVs] .
- *-1 Using estimates of the company 's future earnings under a variety of scenarios , First Boston estimated UAL 's value at $ 248 to $ 287 *U* a share if its future labor costs conform to Wall Street projections ; $ 237 to $ 275 *U* if the company reaches a settlement with pilots similar to one at NWA ; $ 98 to $ 121 *U* under an adverse labor settlement , and $ 229 to $ 270 *U* under [ARG1 a pilot contract] [rel imposed] * by [ARG0-by the company] [ARGM-TMP following a strike] .
- [ARGM-DIS For example] , [ARG0 the administration proposal] [rel imposes] [ARG1 extremely tough emissions standards] on [ARG2-on new power plants] .
- [ARG0 The bill] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel imposes] [ARG1 the California auto-emissions standards] on [ARG2-on all cars] [ARGM-LOC nationwide] , [ARGM-ADV as if a car registered * in Big Sky , Montana , needed *-1 to be as clean as one driven * in Los Angeles] .
- We see a whole flock of [ARG0 programs] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel impose] [ARG1 significant costs] on [ARG2-on the American economy] in the form of burdensome regulation and higher liabilities .
- But the chairman and other committee members stressed that [ARG1 the notification guideline] was [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel imposed] *-1 on [ARG2-on the White House] by [ARG0-by a meddling Congress] .
- Market Order : This is probably the most widely used order -- and the one most open to abuse by unscrupulous floor brokers , since [ARG0 it] [rel imposes] [ARG1 no price restrictions] .
- Auditors involved * in noncriminal projects ca n't send anyone to jail , but [ARG0 they] can make life miserable in other ways -- for one , by *-1 [rel imposing] [ARG1 some of the 150 different civil penalties for negligence , failure * to file a return , and the like] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Lawson] also dismissed the possibility of * [rel imposing] [ARG1 direct credit controls] on [ARG2-on Britain 's financial system] .
- *-1 Looking back , he says 0 he erred by *-2 stating his `` personal '' opposition to abortion instead of assuring voters that [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel impose] [ARG1 his views] on `` [ARG2-on policy] '' [ARGM-ADV as governor] .
- Traditional no-loads made their money by *-1 charging an annual management fee , usually a modest one ; [ARG0 they] [rel imposed] [ARG1 no other fees] , and many still do n't *?* .
- [ARGM-TMP In recent years] , [ARGM-DIS though] , [ARG0 a passel of others flying the no-load flag] have been [rel imposing] [ARG1 hefty charges -- all the way up to 6 % --] [ARGM-TMP when an investor sells his shares *T*-1] .
- 2 -RRB- Congressional representatives have two basic responsibilities *ICH*-2 while *-1 voting in office -- * dealing with national issues -LRB- programmatic actions such as * casting roll call votes on [ARG0 legislation] that *T*-3 [rel imposes] [ARG1 costs] and\/or confers benefits on [ARG2-on the population at large] -RRB- and attending to local issues -LRB- constituency service and pork barrel -RRB- .
- Gold and silver broker Preston Semel asked a federal court *-1 to halt [ARG0 the Commodity Exchange] from *-2 [rel imposing] [ARG1 a record $ 550,000 *U* fine] on [ARG2-on his firm] .
- `` Utilization management needs *-1 to better demonstrate that [ARG0 it] reduces the wasteful use of resources , improves the appropriateness of patient care and [rel imposes] [ARGM-ADV only] [ARG1 reasonable burdens] on [ARG2-on patients and providers] , '' the panel concluded *T*-2 .
- Ameritech Corp. 's earnings increased 2.8 % , after strong revenue gains were offset *-1 somewhat by [ARG1 refunds and rate reductions] [rel imposed] * by [ARG0-by regulators] [ARGM-LOC in its Midwest territory] .
- Ke Zaishuo , head of China 's delegation to a Chinese-British Liaison Committee on Hong Kong , accused [ARG0 Britain] of *-2 trying *-3 to [rel impose] [ARG1 a fait accompli] and said , `` This is something 0 we can not accept *T*-1 . ''
- [ARG1 Interest] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel imposed] *-1 on [ARG2-on unpaid taxes] , but late-payment penalties on the returns will be waived *-2 if the balance due and paid is 10 % or less of the liability .
- [ARG0 The court] rejected his incredible claims , denied his deductions , and [rel imposed] [ARG1 a negligence penalty] ... .
- [ARGM-TMP In 1985] , [ARG0 Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi] , [ARGM-LOC in his talks with then Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme] , [rel imposed] [ARG1 the condition that the contract have no middlemen] .
- [ARGM-LOC At this week 's U.N. conference in Lausanne] , [ARG0 they] [rel imposed] [ARG1 a global ivory ban that *T*-1 seeks * to overturn local policies] .
- To the extent that Friday 's sell-off reflected a sudden reappraisal of the excesses of leverage , the message is that [ARG0 Wall Street and the private markets] are fully capable of *-1 [rel imposing] [ARG1 the appropriate incentives and sanctions] on [ARG2-on corporate behavior] .
- If takeover premiums become excessive , if LBO dealmakers become too aggressive , then the private market will recognize these problems more quickly and accurately than will *?* policy makers , and [ARG0 the markets] will move with lightning speed *-1 to [rel impose] [ARG1 appropriate sanctions] .
- [ARGM-ADV Although the average citizen is probably not harmed *-1 too much from Washington 's rhetorical war against Wall Street regarding excessive financial leveraging] , [ARG0 actual legislation] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-ADV probably] [rel impose] [ARG1 considerable harm] .
- And some other segments of California 's political and media culture may yet start *-1 to point out that [ARG0 the initiative] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel impose] [ARG1 significant costs] on [ARG2-on the state 's less affluent citizens] in the form of higher food prices and lost jobs .
- [ARG0 The industry] sought *-2 to [rel impose] [ARG1 conditions that *T*-1 would have delayed funds for the project until Denver and the airlines had agreed to leases for 50 % of the gates] .
- [ARG1 A temporary prohibition] was [rel imposed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in March 1988] .
- As the 1992 economic integration approaches , [ARG0 Europe 's cultural curators] have taken to the ramparts against American `` cultural imperialism , '' *-1 threatening *-2 to [rel impose] [ARG1 quotas against such pop invaders as `` Dallas , '' `` Miami Vice '' and `` L.A. Law] . ''
- -- [rel Impose] [ARG1 a tax] on [ARG2-on ozone-depleting chemicals , such as those used * in air conditioners and in Styrofoam ,] [ARGM-LOC beginning at $ 1.10 *U* a pound] [ARGM-TMP starting next year] .
- -- Increase to $ 6 *U* a person from $ 3 *U* the international air-passenger departure tax , and [rel impose] [ARG1 a $ 3-a-person *U* tax] on [ARG2-on international departures by commercial ships] .
- [ARG0 The plan] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel impose] [ARG1 a brief freeze] on [ARG2-on physician fees] [ARGM-TMP next year] .
- So do *T*-2 those who *T*-1 seek a `` re-energized concept of citizenship , '' [ARG0 a concept] [rel imposing] [ARG1 stern obligations] as well as conferring rights .
- Big Board and Merc officials expressed satisfaction with the results of [ARG1 two limits] [rel imposed] * on of [ARG2-on the Merc 's Standard & Poor 's 500 contract , as well as `` hot-line '' communications among exchanges] .