frames- The controversy began in 1987 when [ARG0 the National Institutes of Health , aware of the policy implications of its research ,] asked for an HHS review of its plan * to [rel implant] [ARG1 fetal tissue] into [ARG2-into the brain of a patient suffering from Parkinson 's disease] *T*-1 .
- In [ARG2-In one garden roomette] [ARG0 she] [rel implanted] [ARG1 a 43-foot square glass cube meant * to show off a plaid tile floor conceit , a `` zinc sink , '' a `` huge fishbowl with carp '' and a `` birdcage with cockatoos] . ''
- Three days later , before [ARG1 the new embryo] had become [rel implanted] *-2 in [ARG2-in the uterus] , it was washed *-1 out of the mother mouse .
- Another of Mr. Roberts 's criticisms is that [ARG0 Bank lending] has done more harm than good `` by *-1 [rel implanting] [ARG1 the wrong incentives] and deflecting energy away from economic development . ''