frames- The appeals court held : `` [ARGM-TMP When] [ARG1 a distinctive voice of a professional singer] is widely known *-3 and is [ARGM-MNR deliberately] [rel imitated] [ARGM-PNC in order * to sell a product] *T*-2 , the sellers have appropriated what *T*-1 is not theirs . ''
- Peter Laird , a Los Angeles lawyer for Ms. Midler , said , `` We believe that the verdict reaffirms her position *RNR*-1 and our position *RNR*-1 that [ARG0 advertisers and advertising agencies] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-NEG not] [ARGM-MNR with impunity] [rel imitate] [ARG1 the voices of well-known performers] .
- But the Pennsylvania measure also includes [ARG1 an `` informed consent '' provision] that *T*-1 may become * [ARGM-MNR widely] [rel imitated] *-3 by [ARG0-by abortion foes who *T*-2 want *-4 to make women contemplating abortion as uncomfortable as possible with the procedure and with themselves] .
- With one she is pregnant , with Major Battle she is knitting an American flag , and as the vice president 's wife [ARG0 she] rushes in with white hair , *-1 wearing a tailored suit and pearls , *-1 [rel imitating] [ARG1 Barbara Bush 's gestures] [ARGM-MNR down to the last detail] .