frames- Dealers said 0 [ARG0 institutions] were [ARGM-TMP still] [ARGM-ADV largely] [rel hugging] [ARG1 the sidelines] [ARGM-CAU on fears that the market 's recent technical rally might prove fragile] .
- Mr. Guber , in his affidavit , says that when he advised Warner President Terry Semel of the Sony offer at lunch on Sept. 25 *T*-3 , [ARG0 Mr. Semel] `` [rel hugged] and congratulated [ARG1 me] , and expressed joy that we had finally realized our long-term ambition of * running *RNR*-1 and having an equity position in *RNR*-1 a major entertainment company . ''
- Traders said 0 [ARG0 retail investors] seemed *-1 to be [rel hugging] [ARG1 the sidelines] [ARGM-TMP until a measure of volatility is wrung out of the market] .