frames- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 the FHA program] is [rel hemorrhaging] [ARG1 bad loans] .
- No doctor who *T*-1 fears malpractice liability would likely expose [ARG0 a non-pregnant patient] to the risk of [rel hemorrhaging] .
- [ARG0 Control Data Corp.] , which [ARGM-TMP just months ago] *T*-1 was [rel hemorrhaging] [ARGM-MNR financially] , thinks 0 it will be healthy enough *ICH*-2 soon *-3 to consider *-4 repurchasing public debt .
- [ARG0 It] had [rel hemorrhaged] [ARGM-LOC in its attempt * to get into Asia , where treaty restrictions forced it to fly some planes *-2 half-empty on certain routes *T*-1] .