frames- It said 0 [ARG0 the man , whom it did not name *T*-63 ,] had been found *-1 to [rel have] [ARG1 the disease] after hospital tests .
- [ARGM-ADV Unfortunately] , [ARG0 Japanese manufacturers] [rel have] [ARG1 neither good working conditions nor good compensation packages] .
- Another proposed reform is [ARG0 *] to [rel have] [ARG1 program traders answer to an `` uptick rule '' a reform instituted * after the Great Crash of 1929 that *T*-1 protects against stocks being relentlessly beaten *-2 downward by those seeking * to profit from lower prices , namely short sellers] .
- But this case is a stark lesson in how the failures of the traditional policy-making process have left the courts as [ARG1 the only forum] 0 [ARG0 this country] [rel has] *T*-2 0 * to debate risk , technology and innovation *T*-3 *T*-1 .
- `` [ARG0 The sharp stock market decline in late October] appears *-1 to have [rel had] [ARG1 little or no effect] on consumers , '' said *T*-2 Fabian Linden , executive director of the Conference Board 's consumer research center .
- [ARGM-TMP Until such action takes places] , [ARG0 the Treasury] [rel has] [ARG1 no ability * to issue new debt of any kind] .
- In the investment-grade corporate market , `` it 's rare that you get an opportunity * to buy [ARG0 a name] that *T*-1 [rel has] [ARG1 such broad appeal] and has such attractive call features , '' said 0 *T*-2 James Ednie , a Drexel industrial bond trader .
- In the investment-grade corporate market , `` it 's rare that you get an opportunity * to buy [ARG0 a name] that *T*-1 has such broad appeal and [rel has] [ARG1 such attractive call features] , '' said 0 *T*-2 James Ednie , a Drexel industrial bond trader .
- [ARG0 National Tyre , which *T*-1 has 420 branches throughout the U.K. ,] [rel had] [ARG1 1988 pretax profit of # 8.5 million *U*] .
- [ARG0 National Tyre] , which *T*-1 [rel has] [ARG1 420 branches] [ARGM-LOC throughout the U.K.] , had 1988 pretax profit of # 8.5 million *U* .
- [ARGM-ADV As chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee] , [ARG0 Mr. Dingell] [rel has] [ARG1 almost single-handed control over clean-air legislation] .
- Mr. Russell , who *T*-1 co-founded the Kansas City , Mo.-based local business publications concern here , said 0 [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel have] [ARG1 a five-year consulting agreement] with the company , which *T*-2 recently underwent an ownership change .
- Earlier this year [ARG0 Shaw Publishing Inc. , Charlotte ,] acquired 30 % of American City *T*-1 and [rel has] [ARG1 an agreement * to acquire a further 25 % from E.W. Scripps Co. next year] .
- Market sources said 0 [ARG0 Reliance] has already sold its entire UAL stake , and thus [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel have] [ARG1 any reason * to file the application simply * to boost the value of its stock] .
- He added , `` [ARG0 This] [rel has] [ARG1 nothing 0 * to do *T*-1 with Marty Ackerman] and it is not designed , particularly , *-2 to take the company private . ''
- [ARG0 All four areas] [rel had] [ARG1 higher revenue] [ARGM-TMP for the three months ended Sept. 30] .
- [ARG0 Mexico , which *T*-1 is normally a sugar exporter ,] has [rel had] [ARG1 production problems] [ARGM-TMP in the past two years] , analysts said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 The March delivery] , which *T*-1 [rel has] [ARG1 no limits] , settled at 14.53 cents , up 0.56 cent a pound .
- His appointment to [ARG0 that post] , which *T*-1 [rel has] [ARG1 senior administrative , staff and policy responsibilities] , followed a several-year tenure as Reuters 's editor in chief .
- A spokesman for the Stamford , Conn.based company said 0 [ARG0 operations] [rel had] [ARG1 a loss of $ 5.5 million *U* for the quarter] ; in addition , the loss was magnified *-1 by nonrecurring charges totaling $ 23.5 million *U* and $ 8.2 million *U* in asset-valuation adjustments that he described *T*-2 as `` unusual . ''
- [ARG0 NL , which *T*-1 closed *-2 unchanged at 22 3\/4 ,] [rel has] [ARG1 a stake of just under 10 %] .
- Most of the volume came from trades designed * * to capture the stock 's next dividend ; [ARG0 Texaco] [rel has] [ARG1 a yield of 5.6 %] and goes ex-dividend today .
- The company said 0 [ARG0 the restructuring] is n't expected *-1 to [rel have] [ARG1 any impact , adverse or otherwise , on its financial results] .
- [ARG0 The preferred stock] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel have] [ARG1 a dividend rate of $ 1.76 *U* a year] , would be convertible into Heritage common at a rate of four common shares for each preferred .
- RMS said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel had] [ARG1 a loss of $ 158,666 *U* , or 10 cents a share ,] [ARGM-TMP in the third quarter] , [ARGM-ADV compared with a year-earlier loss of $ 26,956 *U* , or two cents a share] .
- [ARG0 The sweetened offer] [rel has] [ARG1 acceptances from more than 50 % of Weisfield 's shareholders] , and it is scheduled *-1 for completion by Dec. 10 .
- [ARG0 The Van Nuys , Calif. , thrift] [rel had] [ARG1 net income of $ 132,000 *U* , or three cents a share ,] [ARGM-TMP a year ago] .
- [ARG0 The thrift] [rel has] [ARG1 assets of $ 3.2 billion *U*] .
- [ARG0 Midwest Financial] [rel has] [ARG1 $ 2.3 billion *U* in assets and eight banks] .
- [ARG0 The Spiegel family] [rel has] [ARG1 25 % of the common and 75 % of the votes] .
- * Possibly offsetting that , Columbia recently estimated 0 [ARG0 it] [rel has] [ARG1 unrealized gains on publicly traded equity investments of more than $ 70 million *U*] .
- Mr. Spiegel 's fans say 0 Columbia 's Southern California branches are highly salable , and [ARG0 the thrift] [rel has] [ARG1 $ 458 million *U* of shareholders equity underlying its assets] .
- [ARG0 Columbia] [rel has] [ARG1 only about 10 million common shares in public hands] .
- [ARG0 Lentjes] had 1988 sales of 800 million marks -LRB- $ 434.4 million *U* -RRB- and [rel has] [ARG1 a current order backlog of 2.5 billion marks] .
- [ARG0 Lentjes] [rel had] [ARG1 1988 sales of 800 million marks -LRB- $ 434.4 million *U* -RRB-] and has a current order backlog of 2.5 billion marks .
- But some analysts questioned [ARG1 how much of an impact] [ARG0 the retirement package] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel have] *T*-1 , because few jobs will end up *-2 being eliminated *-3 .
- [ARG0 Numerous other scandals , among them the ones at HUD ,] [rel have] [ARG1 the same characteristics as Wedtech] .
- They are our version of the East bloc 's Nomenklatura and [ARG0 they] [rel have] [ARG1 absolutely no wish * to see anything change] .
- [ARG0 Carnival] , which *T*-1 [rel has] [ARG1 three ships] on order from Waertsilae Marine , presented claims for $ 1.5 billion *U* damages in the bankruptcy court this week .
- [ARG0 The companies] are followed *-1 by at least three analysts , and [rel had] [ARG1 a minimum five-cent change in actual earnings per share] .
- [ARGM-CAU Because the drought reduced U.S. stockpiles] , [ARG0 they] [rel have] [ARG1 more than enough storage space for their new crop] , and that permits them to wait for prices to rise .
- [ARG0 Silver and platinum] , which *T*-1 [rel have] [ARG1 more of an industrial nature than gold] , were even weaker , he said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 USX] [rel has] [ARG1 about $ 5.5 billion *U* in long-term debt and 257 million shares outstanding] .
- [ARGM-TMP In the 1988 period] , [ARG0 USX] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel had] [ARG1 a $ 71 million *U* after-tax gain from a tax dispute settlement] .
- Two leading constitutional-law experts said 0 [ARG0 President Bush] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel have] [ARG1 the legal authority * to exercise a line-item veto] .
- The Orwellian `` New World Information Order '' would give government officials rights against the press ; journalists would be obliged *-1 to kowtow to [ARG0 their government] , which *T*-28 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel have] [ARG1 licensing and censorship powers and , indeed , duties * to block printing of `` wrong '' ideas] .
- [ARG0 Other countries , including West Germany ,] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel have] [ARG1 a hard time * justifying continued membership] .
- [ARG0 Free markets , free minds and free elections] [rel have] [ARG1 an appeal that *T*-32 seems *-1 to get muddled *-3 only when * delivered *-4 through U.N. organizations -- which of course *T*-33 are made *-5 up largely of governments that *T*-34 fear these principles at home *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 This] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel have] [ARG1 its purposes] [ARGM-TMP at times] , but there 's no reason 0 * to cloud the importance and allure of Western concepts of freedom and justice *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-DIS Yet] , [ARGM-ADV despite the judge 's imperial bearing] , [ARG0 no one] [ARGM-TMP ever] [rel had] [ARG1 reason 0 * to suspect possible wrongdoing *T*-2] , says 0 *T*-1 John Bognato , president of Cambria County 's 150-member bar association .
- [ARGM-TMP When the judge bought his new Sunbird from James E. Black Pontiac-Cadillac in Ebensburg five years ago *T*-1] , [ARG0 the dealership] [rel had] [ARG1 `` certain apprehensions '' about the judge 's reputation] , [ARGM-ADV according to the grand-jury report] .
- [ARG0 The certificates] , which *T*-174 [rel have] [ARG1 an average life of 10.05 years] , were priced *-159 at 1.31 percentage points over the benchmark Treasury 10-year note .
- [ARG0 Berthold] is based *-1 in Wildbad , West Germany , and [ARGM-DIS also] [rel has] [ARG1 operations in Belgium] .
- [ARGM-TMP Earlier this year] , [ARG0 Blackstone Group , a New York investment bank ,] [rel had] [ARG1 no trouble * selling out a special $ 570 million *U* mortgage-securities trust 0 it created *T*-1 for Japanese investors] .
- Does [ARG0 this team] [rel have] [ARG1 a viable strategy for * improving shareholder values] , and does this strategy require implementation over an extended period ?
- At the end of this period , the poison pill would be eliminated *-174 automatically , unless a new poison pill were approved *-175 by [ARG0 the then-current shareholders] , who *T*-189 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel have] [ARG1 an opportunity * to evaluate the corporation 's strategy and management team] [ARGM-TMP at that time] .
- Does [ARG0 this corporation] [rel have] [ARG1 a high-quality management team with a good track record] ?
- `` [ARG0 Those] who *T*-1 [rel have] [ARG1 no money] and *T*-1 are n't buying think 0 it *EXP*-3 's right * to refrain , but those with money who *T*-193 want *-4 to buy for themselves pay no attention , '' says *T*-2 an official of the Japan-U.S . Business Council .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-ADV to Mitsubishi Estate] , [ARG0 the acquisition] [rel has] [ARG1 just the elements that *T*-194 should win support from both sides] .
- [ARGM-DIS Finally] , [ARG0 Mitsubishi Estate] [rel has] [ARG1 no plans * to interfere with Rockefeller 's management beyond *-1 taking a place on the board] .
- That was just an early step in a relationship with government that *T*-196 has earned the Mitsubishi group the dubious moniker of `` seisho , '' literally government-business , [ARG0 a title] that *T*-197 [rel has] [ARG1 the pejorative connotation of * doing the government 's bidding] , but also suggests the clout inherent in * maintaining such close ties .
- It 's known *-1 for its cautiousness in part because [ARG0 it] has [rel had] [ARG1 little need for bold overseas ventures] : In the year ended March 31 , 57.4 % of its total revenue came from office building management .
- Mitsubishi Estate has n't decided how it will raise the funds for the purchase , which *T*-199 are due in cash next April *T*-1 , but [ARG0 the Marunouchi holdings alone] are estimated *-2 to [rel have] [ARG1 a market value of as much as 10 trillion yen to 11 trillion yen] .
- [ARGM-DIS Meanwhile] , [ARGM-LOC at home] , [ARG0 Mitsubishi] [rel has] [ARG1 control of some major projects] .
- Warner has surpassed Sony as the largest record company , but [ARG0 it] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel have] [ARG1 a powerful world-wide record club like CBS] .
- Still , it *EXP*-2 may be tough for [ARG0 the two] to [rel have] [ARG1 a smooth partnership in anything] , in the wake of sworn affidavits filed * over the last week .
- In his affidavit , Mr. Yetnikoff accused [ARG0 Warner Chairman Steven J. Ross] of *-2 [rel having] [ARG1 an `` antiSony , anti-Japanese bias ''] and said that Mr. Ross had tried *-1 to talk him out of *-3 letting Sony buy CBS Records two years ago for that reason .
- [ARG0 Time executives such as the company 's president , N.J . Nicholas , who *T*-207 will eventually be co-chief executive of Time Warner alongside Mr. Ross ,] [rel have] [ARG1 no personal relationships or ego] at stake [ARGM-LOC in the fight over the Guber-Peters duo] , and were never directly drawn *-1 into the fray .
- In separate statements , the two sides said 0 [ARG0 they] want *-1 to [rel have] `` [ARG1 further discussions] . ''
- [ARG0 The Guber-Peters duo] [rel have] [ARG1 50 projects in various stages of development and production at Warner , including `` Bonfire of the Vanities '' and `` A Bright Shining Lie] . ''
- [ARG0 Warner] [rel has] [ARG1 a five-year exclusive contract with Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters that *T*-200 requires them to make movies exclusively at the Warner Bros. studio] .
- [ARGM-PNC * To give Leche Fresca the creamier taste 0 Goya says 0 Hispanics prefer *T*-1] , [ARG0 the new brand] [rel has] [ARG1 a butterfat content of 3.8 %] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 cosmetics firms] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel have] [ARG1 one big marketing edge] : They motivate sales people with commissions .
- Others question the impact on Chivas 's upscale image of [ARG0 a promotion] that *T*-217 [rel has] [ARG1 customers soaking off labels] .
- `` [ARG0 Chivas] [rel has] [ARG1 an image of something 0 you would savor , rather than guzzle *T*-1] . ''
- It *EXP*-2 is still common * to read in the press that [ARG0 the church] [rel has] [ARG1 10,000 or more full-time American members and 25,000 `` associates] . ''
- [ARG0 Some components of the American church] [rel had] [ARG1 their budgets cut in half] [ARGM-TMP last year and again this year] .
- [ARG0 European politicians] were less reluctant *-1 to [rel have] [ARG1 their governments investigate and harass new religions] . -RRB-
- Moon 's Tong'Il industry conglomerate is now investing heavily in [ARGM-LOC China] , where [ARG0 church accountants] [rel have] [ARG1 high hopes of * expanding and attracting converts even in the wake of the bloody massacre in Tiananmen Square] *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-ADV In return] , [ARG0 he] [rel has] [ARG1 the government 's blessing * to build churches and spread Unificationism in that country] .
- The trust is considering a sale of its Manville holdings , but [ARG0 Manville] [rel has] [ARG1 the right of first refusal on any sales of its stock held * by the trust] .
- He liked the well-lighted lobby display of Honda 's cars and trucks so much that [ARG0 he] [rel had] [ARG1 Nissan 's gloomy lobby exhibit refurbished] .
- [ARGM-ADV Besides new styling] , [ARG0 the new Nissans] [rel have] [ARG1 more powerful engines and more sophisticated suspension systems] .
- [ARGM-TMP For all of 1988] , [ARG0 Bouygues] [rel had] [ARG1 consolidated profit of 519 million francs] , [ARGM-TMP after payments to minority interests] , [ARGM-ADV on revenue of 50 billion francs] .
- `` [ARG0 I] ate a bad tuna sandwich , got food poisoning and had *-2 to [rel have] [ARG1 a shot in my shoulder] *ICH*-4 , '' he says *T*-1 , * making it *EXP*-3 too painful * to row .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 that development] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel had] [ARG1 little effect on traders ' sentiment] .
- [ARG0 The forest-products concern] [ARGM-TMP currently] [rel has] [ARG1 about 38 million shares outstanding] .
- [ARG0 Some women] [ARGM-ADV clearly] [rel have] [ARG1 no trouble * eventually conceiving again] : The studies have reported repeaters in their programs .
- -LRB- [ARG0 Roussel] [ARGM-ADV reportedly] [rel has] [ARG1 every pill marked *-1 and accounted for *-1 * to make sure 0 none slips into the black market] . -RRB-
- Thus , [ARG0 a woman] who *T*-487 used RU-486 *-3 to [rel have] [ARG1 an abortion] would have *-1 to make three trips to the clinic past those picket lines ; an initial visit for medical screening -LRB- anemics and those with previous pregnancy problems are eliminated *-4 -RRB- and * to take the pill , a second trip 48 hours later for the prostaglandin , administered * either via injection or vaginal suppository , and a third trip a week later * to make sure 0 she has completely aborted .
- `` [ARG0 The stocks that *T*-1 have been the best] are [rel having] [ARG1 big pullbacks] , and the ones that *T*-2 have been the worst are getting clobbered *-4 , '' Mr. Mills said *T*-3 .
- Dr. Knudson found that some children with the eye cancer had inherited a damaged copy of chromosome No. 13 from [ARG0 a parent] who *T*-1 had [rel had] [ARG1 the disease] .
- He assumed 0 the missing piece contained a gene or genes [ARG0 whose loss] *T*-1 [rel had] [ARG1 a critical role in * setting off the cancer] .
- Despite the progress , Boeing indicated that [ARG0 the work stoppage] , now in its 27th day , [ARGM-MOD will] [rel have] [ARG1 `` a serious adverse impact '' on the current quarter] .
- [ARG0 The Toronto-based company] , [ARGM-MNR together with Tenneco Inc. of Houston] , has [rel had] [ARG1 an incomplete proposal filed * with Canadian regulators *ICH*-2] [ARGM-TMP since 1984] that it is now updating *T*-1 .
- `` One thing that *T*-1 is a little unnerving is that [ARG0 you] [rel had] [ARG1 three old men on the court of appeals in California coming up with a statement that Nancy Sinatra is not distinctive but that Bette Midler is *?*] .
- Nonetheless , Mr. Kurnit said that [ARG0 the latest decisions] are [rel having] [ARG1 a chilling effect] .
- `` It *EXP*-1 would be a shame [ARG0 *] to [rel have] [ARG1 a Chapter 7] after all the progress in this case , '' said *T*-2 Judge Abramson .
- Leucadia , New York , estimated 0 [ARG0 it] [rel had] [ARG1 a pre-tax gain on the transaction of $ 57 million *U* , including its part of Brae 's gain] .
- [ARG0 The world] [rel had] [ARG1 a big yuk] [ARGM-TMP recently] [ARGM-TMP when the Soviets reported a rash of UFO landings , one of them bringing tall aliens who *T*-1 glowed in the dark to Voronezh *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 He] [ARGM-ADV even] [rel had] [ARG1 sex] [ARGM-MNR with one] [ARGM-MNR -- sort of , and not intentionally --] [ARGM-ADV as readers learned in his `` Communion '' -LRB- a book recently described * in the New York Times as a `` nonfiction best seller '' -RRB-] .
- * To make matters even more confusing , the earlier U.S. experience made clear that [ARG0 Mr. Lawson 's tax cuts] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel have] [ARG1 profound effects on Britain 's international accounts and the value of sterling] .
- `` [ARG0 The fact that he is in the process of *-2 defending himself against the present charges] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-MNR conceivably] [rel have] [ARG1 an adverse impact] on Y&R , '' Mr. Kroll wrote *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP In the latest quarter] , [ARG0 Aetna] [rel had] [ARG1 a $ 23 million *U* loss] on its auto\/homeowners line , [ARGM-ADV compared with earnings of $ 33 million *U* last year] .
- [ARG0 We] [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel have] [ARG1 a recession] '' [ARGM-TMP at some point] .
- The implications for [ARG0 Britain , France and the rest of Europe] of * [rel having] [ARG1 their currencies tied *-1 to the economic policy of a neutral country] need considering before we judge Mr. Lawson 's resignation to be unfortunate .
- Mr. Peters claims 0 he reminded Mr. Ross that Robert Daly and Terry Semel , the top executives of the Warner Brothers studio , had `` repeatedly agreed that [ARG0 we] [rel had] [ARG1 every right * to accept '' an offer such as Sony 's] .
- Lawmakers , they say 0 *T*-1 , would avoid *-3 putting many spending projects into legislation in the first place for fear of the embarrassment of [ARG0 *] [rel having] [ARG1 them singled *-2 out for a line-item veto later] .
- [ARG0 The production] [rel had] [ARG1 actors playing Mr. Anderson and former hostages David Jacobsen , the Rev. Benjamin Weir and Father Lawrence Jenco] .
- Christopher Whittle , chairman of the Knoxville , Tenn. , media company that *T*-1 is 50 % owned by Time Warner Inc. , said that by December 1990 [ARG0 he] expects *-3 to [rel have] [ARG1 Channel One installed *-4 in about 8,000 schools with a potential audience of six million] .
- [ARG0 The maker of telecommunications management systems] [rel had] [ARG1 6,420,268 shares outstanding] [ARGM-TMP as of Sept. 30] .
- [ARGM-TMP After 11:30 a.m. or so] `` [ARG0 we] [rel have] [ARG1 them standing and waiting] , '' she says *T*-1 , as she whips out orders for hamburgers and the daily special -LRB- grilled roast beef , cheese and jalapeno pepper sandwich on whole wheat , potato salad , baked beans and pudding , plus coffee or iced tea .
- [ARG0 The fact that stock pickers have bested a randomly selected portfolio in eight of 12 months] [rel has] [ARG1 no bearing on the efficient-market theory] .
- Does the Journal really believe that [ARG0 people] ignore the prospect of * [rel having] [ARG1 a substantial part of their capital confiscated *-1] when they decide whether *-2 to save or how *-2 to invest *T*-3 *T*-4 ?
- Elizabeth Holtzman , district attorney for Brooklyn , N.Y. , said , `` The appellate division has agreed with our view that [ARGM-ADV despite federal worker-safety laws] , [ARG0 state prosecutors] [rel have] [ARG1 the power * to protect working people] . ''
- [ARG0 Environmental concerns] are beginning *-1 to [rel have] [ARG1 as much influence in oil-industry spending plans as the price of crude does *?*] .
- In the U.S. , the search for oil had been headed *-1 toward [ARG0 environmentally sensitive areas] believed * to [rel have] [ARG1 vast reserves] .
- [ARG0 Most of the measures] would probably only start *-1 to [rel have] [ARG1 an effect] on beleaguered Soviet consumers [ARGM-TMP in two to three years] [ARGM-TMP at the earliest] .
- Often , Mr. Dinkins 's procrastination prevented [ARG0 him] from * [rel having] [ARG1 a say] in the way 0 things turned out *T*-1 , critics claim 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 The $ 1.5 billion *U* Fidelity High Income Fund] has [rel had] [ARG1 a net outflow of about $ 150 million *U*] [ARGM-TMP in the past two months] .
- He adds : `` [ARG0 Our fund] has [rel had] [ARG1 -LCB- positive -RCB- net sales] [ARGM-TMP every month for the last three years -- until this month] . ''
- [ARG0 Their junk funds combined *] have [rel had] [ARG1 net outflows totaling nearly $ 500 million *U* , or about 13 % of their junk fund assets ,] [ARGM-TMP in the past two months] .
- [ARGM-ADV Unless Mr. Lawson 's resignation leads to a change in British interest-rate policy -- Mrs. Thatcher 's administration firmly supports high interest rates * to keep inflation in check -- or * posturing toward full inclusion in the European Monetary System 's exchange-rate mechanism] , [ARG0 Mr. Lawson 's withdrawal] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel have] [ARG1 little long-term impact on exchange rates] , Mr. Chandross concluded 0 *T*-1 .
- `` [ARG0 The 486] is going *-1 to [rel have] [ARG1 a big impact] on the industry , '' said *T*-2 Hewlett-Packard 's Mr. Archuleta .
- [ARG0 This bug] is not going *-1 to [rel have] [ARG1 any affect on that] [ARGM-MNR at all] . ''
- [ARGM-ADV In addition to *-1 increasing costs as a result of greater financial exposure for members] , [ARG0 these measures] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel have] [ARG1 other , far-reaching repercussions] .
- [ARG0 Norwood , Mass.-based Phoenix , a once-high-flying maker of software for personal computers ,] has [rel had] [ARG1 substantial losses] [ARGM-TMP in the past two quarters] .
- [ARG0 He] 's [rel had] [ARG1 other brushes with the law] .
- Not only is Mr. Boyd giving the theater a new sense of adventure and excitement on stage , the balance sheet is the best [ARG1 0] [ARG0 the theater] has [rel had] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP in 10 years] .
- Nevertheless , Rep. Gerry Studds of Massachusetts was handily re-elected *-2 because of the candor with which he handled revelations that [ARG0 he] [rel had] [ARG1 sex] [ARGM-MNR with a male congressional page] [ARGM-TMP in 1983] *T*-1 .
- `` [ARG0 We] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel have] [ARG1 a reasonably flat year] [ARGM-TMP this year] , '' Mr. Schwarz says *T*-1 .
- Mr. Schwarz 's great-grandfather founded the New York toy store F.A.O. Schwarz , but [ARG0 his family] [ARGM-NEG no longer] [rel has] [ARG1 ties to the company] .
- [ARG0 The next step] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel have] [ARG1 a larger effect on businesses] , will come early next month , when the Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs is *-3 to hold its first auction of foreign currency *T*-2 .
- That may have pleased the secretary , but H. Erich Heinemann , chief economist of the investment firm of Ladenburg , Thalmann & Co. , suggests that Mr. Brady may figure 0 [ARG0 he] [ARGM-TMP already] [rel has] [ARG1 all the power 0 he needs *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-TMP Now] , [ARG0 sterilized intervention] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel have] [ARG1 some effect] .
- But it 's generally accepted that [ARG0 sterilized intervention] [rel has] [ARG1 little or no lasting impact on currency values] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Drabinsky] , who *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel had] [ARG1 the right * to vote those shares for two years] , said 0 the purchase , subsequently rejected * by regulators , was aimed *-1 at * consolidating his control of the company .
- Hoechst AG 's Chairman Wolfgang Hilger said 0 [ARG0 the company] wants *-1 to [rel have] [ARG1 a substitute product 0 *T*-2 to completely replace ozone-damaging chlorofluorocarbons by 1995] .
- It *EXP*-3 is difficult , if not impossible , for [ARG0 anyone who *T*-2 has not pored over the thousands of pages of court pleadings and transcripts] to [rel have] [ARG1 a worthwhile opinion on the underlying merits of the controversy] .
- Richard Breeden had n't noticed that [ARG0 his new desk] [rel had] [ARG1 just four telephone lines and one phone] .
- `` It was a fairly stressful weekend , but my sense is 0 if [ARG0 you] had [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel had] [ARG1 Richard Breeden] [ARGM-LOC there] , it would n't have made much of a difference . ''
- If [ARG0 start-ups] [ARGM-MOD ca] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel have] [ARG1 early access to research being conducted * at institutions] , `` we have *-2 to replicate it ourselves or do without the research , '' says 0 *T*-1 Ruth Emyanitoff , manager of business development at Applied bioTechnology Inc. , a Cambridge , Mass. , concern .
- It 's a good strategy in a rising market , where a 25 % leveraged portfolio in effect allows [ARG0 investors] to [rel have] [ARG1 125 % of their money working for them] *T*-1 .
- Employees were told *-1 that if they really wanted the publications , [ARG0 they] would have *-2 to [rel have] [ARG1 them sent home instead] .
- [ARGM-TMP So far] , they say 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 it] has [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel had] [ARG1 any noticeable effect on response rates] .
- Their reluctance * to support the proposal is another blow to [ARG0 the capital-gains cut] , which *T*-1 has [rel had] [ARG1 a roller-coaster existence] [ARGM-TMP since the beginning of the year , when it was considered *-2 dead *T*-3 and then suddenly revived *-2 and was passed *-2 by the House] .
- [ARGM-DIS Separately] , [ARG0 attorneys for the 42 or so limited partners] have [rel had] [ARG1 serious discussions that *T*-1 could lead to the distribution of the partnership 's assets] .
- [ARG0 The rumor , which *T*-1 has been neither confirmed nor denied *-2 ,] [rel has] [ARG1 China buying 125,000 to 200,000 bales for near-term delivery] .
- [ARGM-DIS However] , [ARG0 the French merchant] [rel has] [ARG1 about 200,000 tons of old crop Ivory Coast cocoa stored * in the Netherlands from an agreement 0 it had negotiated *T*-1 with the Ivory Coast last spring] .
- [ARG0 Adults with AIDS] have [rel had] [ARG1 access to AZT] [ARGM-TMP since FDA approved the drug 's usage for adults in March 1987] .
- If [ARGM-ADV indeed] [ARG0 Mrs. Thatcher] [rel has] [ARG1 one opponent that *T*-1 could throw her off political course] it is Britain 's mysteriously intractable inflation problem .
- `` It should read , `` [rel Have] [ARG0 You] [ARG1 Anything Left] ? ''
- The maker of [ARG0 software products and services] , which *T*-1 [rel had] [ARG1 a net loss] [ARGM-TMP in the 1988 third quarter] , earned 200,000 , or a penny a share , in this year 's quarter .
- [ARG0 The companies] are followed *-1 by at least three analysts , and [rel had] [ARG1 a minimum five-cent change in actual earnings per share] .
- Then , he asked Mr. Pilson *-2 to raise his offer anyway : `` If [ARG0 we] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel have] [ARG1 a number that *T*-1 starts with a three] , you can have a dea . ''
- Then , he asked Mr. Pilson *-2 to raise his offer anyway : `` [ARGM-ADV If we can have a number that *T*-1 starts with a three] , [ARG0 you] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel have] [ARG1 a dea] . ''
- `` It 's made me more committed to CBS , '' says *T*-2 Philip A. Jones , the president of [ARG0 Meredith Corp. 's broadcast group] , which *T*-1 [rel has] [ARG1 two CBS affiliates] .
- [ARG0 Bosses] [rel have] [ARG1 big ears] [ARGM-TMP these days] .
- And while [ARG0 sellers of the equipment and companies `` monitoring '' employees] [rel have] [ARG1 few qualms] , right-to-privacy advocates and some lawmakers are alarmed .
- When Mr. Lang asked Mr. Lorin whether [ARG0 he] had taken [ARGM-MNR steps] 0 * to [rel have] [ARG1 Mr. Laff killed] *T*-2 *T*-1 , the witness again said no .
- [ARG0 Disabled Americans] have [rel had] [ARG1 their civil rights guaranteed in all federally funded programs] [ARGM-TMP since Section 504 was passed *-1 as a part of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act] .
- In fact , it 's barely begun for Mr. Corry , who *T*-1 faces tough decisions before [ARG0 he] has [rel had] [ARG1 a chance * to get settled into his new job] .
- [ARG0 Boston Co. , the upper-crust financial services concern that *T*-2 was rocked *-1 by a management scandal late last year ,] has [rel had] [ARG1 a sharp drop in profitability] -- [ARGM-CAU mainly because a high-risk bet on interest rates backfired] .
- He added that , after an initial surge triggered * by an advertising blitz in March , Sears expected that [ARG0 the pricing program] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel have] [ARG1 any effect on revenue] .
- Recent surveys by Leo J. Shapiro & Associates , a market research firm in Chicago , suggest that [ARG0 Sears] is [rel having] [ARG1 a tough time] *-1 attracting shoppers [ARGM-CAU because it has n't yet done enough * to improve service or its selection of merchandise] .
- But a spokesman said 0 [ARG0 the quake] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel have] [ARG1 as big a financial impact on Allstate as Hurricane Hugo did *?*] .
- [ARG0 Such orders] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel have] [ARG1 a wide-ranging impact on third parties who *T*-1 do business with the defendants , including clients , vendors , banks , investors , creditors , dependents , and others] .
- And we certainly do not believe that [ARG0 Mr. Gorbachev or any of his emissaries] yet deserve *-1 to [rel have] [ARG1 the West take their word for it] .
- `` [ARGM-TMP Eight years] [ARG0 I] 've [rel had] [ARG1 it] .
- [ARG0 The Poles] have [rel had] [ARG1 it] [ARGM-TMP all along] .
- Given the prelude 's thematic connections with the music preceding the last act , the idea is more worn than bad , though as [ARG0 luck] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel have] [ARG1 it] , for a change there actually was a conductor in the pit whom we wanted *-1 to hear *T*-2 , Carlos Kleiber , trying * to make memorable music while we all waited for the bed lump to stir into song .
- With 15 seconds of trading 0 *T*-2 to go , Mr. Jacobson , with [ARG1 what voice] [ARG0 he] [rel had] *T*-1 [ARGM-ADV left *-3] , announced to the trading mob : `` We 're going *-4 to trade one price on the bell . ''
- Although [ARG0 Axa] has been rebuffed *-3 by Farmers and has [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel had] [ARG1 any meetings with management] , Mr. Bebear nonetheless appears *-1 to be trying *-2 to woo the company 's executives with promises of autonomy and new-found authority under Axa .
- But Showtime has continued *-2 to sign new contracts with Hollywood studios , and yesterday announced 0 it will buy movies from [ARG0 Columbia Pictures Entertainment Inc.] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP currently] [rel has] [ARG1 a non-exclusive arrangement with HBO] .
- [ARGM-ADV For travelers] , [ARGM-DIS though] , [ARG0 the industry 's problems] have [rel had] [ARG1 some positive effects] .
- [ARG0 All the tie-ins] , [ARGM-DIS though] , [rel have] [ARG1 some marketing experts questioning whether the party may go too far] .
- Ms. Raptopoulos said 0 [ARG0 the settling of strikes in Canada and Mexico] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel have] [ARG1 little effect on supplies of copper] [ARGM-TMP until early next year] .
- `` [ARGM-DIS But] , '' he added *T*-1 , `` [ARG0 we] have [rel had] [ARG1 that exact same perception] [ARGM-TMP six times] [ARGM-TMP in the last six years] . ''
- In the past [ARG0 Mr. Threlkeld] has been known *-1 to [rel have] [ARG1 substantial long positions] that is , he had bought copper futures in anticipation of rising prices -- in the copper futures market .
- So , while [ARG0 KKR] [ARGM-TMP today] [rel has] [ARG1 an estimated $ 250 million *U* *ICH*-1 sunk * in now-shaky SCI TV , including equity and debt] , the LBO firm still is $ 1 billion *U* ahead on the SCI TV buy-out after * taking cash up front .
- I have never had as many [ARG1 calls] as [ARG0 I] [rel had] *?* [ARGM-TMP this morning] .
- [ARG0 Almost 40 % of schizophrenic men *ICH*-1] [rel have] [ARG1 an impaired sense of smell] [ARGM-ADV vs. fewer than 10 % of schizophrenic women] , reports 0 *T*-2 the American Journal of Psychiatry .
- [ARG0 The private , non-profit cemetery] has [rel had] [ARG1 trouble] *-2 competing against its for-profit counterparts , which *T*-1 use direct mail and other advertising *-3 to sell lots .
- [ARG0 A Ford takeover of Jaguar] [ARGM-MOD would] `` [rel have] [ARG1 such implications for the balance of power in the 1990s that General Motors ca n't afford *-1 to step aside] .
- [ARG0 The failed rights issue] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel have] [ARG1 a modest impact on British Air shares] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 British Air 's withdrawal from the UAL buy-out] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel have] [ARG1 further repercussions] .
- Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas says 0 [ARG0 it] has [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel had] [ARG1 any problem] *-1 recruiting , [ARGM-TMP even after a nurse contracted the virus while *-2 injecting an AIDS patient] .
- Triad Solutions says 0 software producers had each invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in [ARG0 programs] that [ARGM-TMP now] *T*-1 [rel have] [ARG1 no use] .
- [ARGM-DIS In fact] , [ARG0 we] [rel have] [ARG1 agents assigned * full time * to assist the MPD in drug-related crimes such as homicide and other crimes of violence] .
- Others point out that [ARG0 lawyers in small communities] have [ARGM-TMP always] [rel had] [ARG1 a feel for public sentiment] -- and used that to advantage .
- `` It 's one of the smoothest [ARG1 commutes] 0 [ARG0 I] 've [ARGM-TMP ever] [rel had] *T*-1 , '' said *T*-2 Charles Catania , an insurance broker on the bus from Mill Valley in Marin County .
- Because [ARG0 the CD] [rel had] [ARG1 an effective yield of 13.4 %] [ARGM-TMP when it was issued *-1 in 1984 *T*-4] , and interest rates in general had declined sharply since then , part of the price 0 Dr. Blumenfeld paid *T*-3 was a premium -- an additional amount on top of the CD 's base value plus accrued interest that *T*-2 represented the CD 's increased market value .
- `` I am convinced that a monetary policy for this country that *T*-2 would return interest rates to the historical level of 4 % or 5 % would have not only an immediate impact on housing starts , the housing stock , our industry in America , the refurbishing of our industrial system , it would help the Third World economies considerably and [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-ADV particularly] [rel have] [ARG1 a favorable impact upon our budget deficit] , '' Mr. Kemp said *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP At the end of the third quarter] [ARG0 McDonald 's] [rel had] [ARG1 10,873 units operating *-1 world-wide] .
- [ARGM-ADV If the ships are n't delivered *-2] , [ARGM-DIS however] , [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-ADV likely] [rel have] [ARG1 an effect] on the company 's earnings [ARGM-TMP as soon as the 1990 fiscal year , which *T*-1 begins Dec. 1] .
- One participant prematurely declared that [ARG0 America] has [rel had] [ARG1 a free market in goods but a planned economy for environmental protection] , [ARGM-ADV while Poland represents the opposite] .
- Decades of educational research tell us unequivocally that [ARG0 even smaller classes] [rel have] [ARG1 zero effect on the academic performance of the pupils] -- [ARGM-ADV though they may sometimes be desirable for other reasons] .
- `` This suggests 0 [ARG0 the bailout law] is [rel having] [ARG1 a more dramatic effect than anyone would have imagined *?* so soon] . ''
- [ARGM-TMP During the five-year period ended * 1986] , [ARG0 roughly 80 % of the names] [rel had] [ARG1 money tied up in money-losing syndicates] , [ARGM-ADV according to Chatset consultants] .
- `` [ARG0 Stocks] that *T*-1 [rel have] [ARG1 a high default risk] have started *-4 to underperform those stocks that *T*-2 have a lower default risk , '' said *T*-3 Eric Sorenson , director of quantitative analysis at Salomon Brothers .
- The company said 0 it had been notified *-1 unofficially that [ARG0 Waertsilae Marine Industries , a Finnish shipyard building three cruise ships for the company ,] is [rel having] [ARG1 financial trouble] and may already have filed for bankruptcy .
- Mr. Goodson , in his own statement , was less upbeat , *-2 saying `` unfortunately over the past few years , it *EXP*-3 has become increasingly clear that [ARG0 Ralph and I] [rel have] [ARG1 different agendas] , '' and that he feels `` more comfortable with a management team whose sole interest and responsibility *T*-1 is in the Goodson papers .
- [ARG0 Mr. Roman 's departure] is n't expected *-1 to [rel have] [ARG1 any enormous repercussions] [ARGM-LOC at Ogilvy] .
- [ARGM-ADV While the agency has done well in many parts of the world] , [ARG0 its flagship New York office] has [rel had] [ARG1 a dismal track record] [ARGM-TMP recently] ; it has won few new accounts while *-1 losing big ones , including Maxwell House .
- Hopefully , he 'll be the answer to [ARG1 the problems] 0 [ARG0 they] 've [rel had] *T*-1 [ARGM-LOC in New York] . ''
- `` The range of expectations is so broad , '' a dealer at another major U.K. brokerage firm said *T*-1 , `` 0 the deficit may have *-2 to be nearer or above # 2 billion *U* for [ARG0 it] to [rel have] [ARG1 any impact on the market] . ''
- According to the NHTSA , the new regulations will prohibit anyone other than an importer that *T*-1 has registered with the U.S. government , or [ARG0 a person] who *T*-2 [rel has] [ARG1 a contract with a registered importer] , from *-4 permanently importing a vehicle that *T*-3 does n't meet the U.S. auto safety standards .
- However , [ARG0 she] remembers the lean years and recalls with relish *-1 wearing her first major American purchase -- that turban 10 years later and [rel having] [ARG1 a Los Angeles boutique owner ask her if it was a Chanel] .
- Mr. Skase also disclosed a disagreement among directors of Qintex Australia over certain fees claimed * by Qintex Group Management Services Pty. , [ARGM-LOC a management-services concern] in which [ARG0 Qintex Australia executives] [rel have] [ARG1 an interest] *T*-1 .
- `` That 's [ARG1 the most important experience] 0 [ARG0 I] 've [rel had] *T*-1 [ARGM-MNR with any teacher] , '' he says *T*-2 , `` because she taught me how * to listen *T*-3 .
- Maidenform products are mainly sold at department stores , but [ARG0 the company] has quietly opened a retail store of its own in Omaha , Neb. , and [rel has] [ARG1 24 factory outlets] , [ARGM-ADV with plans * to add more] .
- `` [ARG0 A union] , sooner or later , has *-1 to [rel have] [ARG1 an adversary] , and it has *-2 to have a victory , '' Frederick W. Smith , Federal 's chairman and chief executive , says *T*-3 with disdain .
- `` A union , sooner or later , has *-1 to have an adversary , and [ARG0 it] has *-2 to [rel have] [ARG1 a victory] , '' Frederick W. Smith , Federal 's chairman and chief executive , says *T*-3 with disdain .
- `` [ARG0 Unions] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel have] [ARG1 a profound effect on the whole culture of the company] , '' says *T*-1 Bernard La Londe , a professor at Ohio State University at Columbus and a Federal consultant .
- In Europe , business suffered as [ARG0 Federal] bought several local companies , [ARGM-ADV only] *-1 to [rel have] [ARG1 the managers quit] .
- He admits that [ARG0 he] has [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel had] [ARG1 much luck] [ARGM-MNR * generating free publicity for his contest] .
- Last month , Saab-Scania Chief Executive Georg Karnsund said 0 [ARG0 his company] has [rel had] [ARG1 talks with Fiat about a broader alliance] .
- Saab said last week 0 [ARG0 it] `` has had *RNR*-1 and will continue *-2 to [rel have] [ARG1 *RNR*-1] contacts with other manufacturers . ''
- Owners say 0 they expect the league to demand a 50 % increase , despite the fact that [ARG0 televised football games] have [rel had] [ARG1 lackluster ratings] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 the 5-4 ruling] [ARGM-MOD may] have [rel had] [ARG1 as much immediate impact on those activities -- especially trespassing -- as on abortion rights] .
- [ARGM-LOC In Missouri] , [ARG0 those caught * * drinking and driving between the ages of 16 and 21] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel have] [ARG1 their licenses revoked for one year] , [ARGM-ADV while those 21 or older suffer only a 30-day suspension] .
- Bradford Crowe , director of the mayor 's City Economic Development Office , says : `` There is no question that [ARG0 Vermont-Slauson] [rel had] [ARG1 a halo effect] [ARGM-LOC on the surrounding neighborhood] .
- `` [ARG0 They] 've [rel had] [ARG1 this field] to themselves [ARGM-TMP for over a year now] , and they 've been greatly rewarded *-2 , '' said *T*-1 Bob Katsive , an analyst at Disk\/Trend Inc. , a market researcher in Los Altos , Calif .
- [ARG0 It] has sold billions of dollars of other assets and [rel has] [ARG1 more on the block] .
- [ARGM-TMP Since the 1970s energy crisis] , [ARG0 some efforts * to conserve energy by *-1 sealing buildings] have [rel had] [ARG1 an unintended side effect : high indoor pollution] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 Mr. Giuliani , a celebrated prosecutor ,] has [rel had] [ARG1 difficulty *-2 switching from his crime-busting , finger-pointing mode to a political stance that *T*-1 suggests 0 he might know something about * running this big , troubled city] .
- A Realist official said 0 [ARG0 the company] had [ARGM-NEG n't] yet received the full complaint and [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel have] [ARG1 a response] [ARGM-TMP until it had an opportunity * to review it] .
- Now , clients know that [ARG0 new associates] have [rel had] [ARG1 some practical training] [ARGM-TMP before *-2 working on their cases] , says 0 *T*-1 James J. Hanks , a partner at the firm .
- Henry Sargent Jr. , Pinnacle executive vice president , said 0 [ARG0 the action] `` [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-MNR really] [rel have] [ARG1 any effect] on us .
- [ARG0 It] [ARGM-TMP already] has [rel had] [ARG1 success in electroluminescence , another promising technology adaptable for high-definition television] .
- It said then 0 [ARG0 it] had had *RNR*-1 and would continue *-3 to [rel have] [ARG1 *RNR*-1] discussions with Anacomp 's management concerning its investment .
- Investors such as Marvin Davis of Los Angeles who *T*-1 have sought airline ownership this year have insisted 0 [ARG0 they , not the pilots ,] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel have] [ARG1 control] .
- The Beverly Hills , Calif.-based company said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel have] [ARG1 26.9 million common shares outstanding] [ARGM-TMP after the offering] .
- [ARG0 Lotus , Cambridge , Mass. ,] has been rumored *-1 to [rel have] [ARG1 the sale of the four-year-old unit] [ARGM-MNR under consideration] [ARGM-TMP for a year] .
- `` [ARG0 You] have *-2 to [rel have] [ARG1 clear feelings about someone] [ARGM-TMP before you can make jokes] , '' says *T*-3 an East German mother of two who *T*-1 loves swapping political barbs with her friends .
- The state has combed through records relating to architects , stockbrokers , lawyers in the New York City area , construction workers from out of the state , and homeowners who *T*-1 claim *-3 to be residents of other states -- especially [ARG0 Florida] , which *T*-2 [rel has] [ARG1 no personal income tax] .
- The owner of the company , Stephen Smith , who *T*-1 has since pleaded guilty to state and federal fraud charges , confided to investors that [ARG0 he] [rel had] [ARG1 a secret agreement with Amoco Oil Co.] and said 0 the location of his wells was confidential , according to a civil suit filed * in a Florida state court by the Florida comptroller 's office .
- But sooner or later , most of us have *-1 to think about life insurance , just as [ARG0 we] often have *-2 to think about *-3 [rel having] [ARG1 root-canal work] .
- The poll showed that [ARG0 company size] [rel had] [ARG1 a bearing on a manager 's view of the problem] , with 65 % of those in companies of more than 15,000 employees saying 0 stress-related problems were `` fairly pervasive '' and 55 % of those in companies with fewer than 4,000 employees agreeing .
- [ARG0 Four workers at GTE Corp. 's headquarters] have been diagnosed *-1 as *-2 [rel having] [ARG1 hepatitis] , and city health officials are investigating whether a cafeteria worker may have exposed hundreds of other GTE employees to the viral infection , company and city officials said 0 *T*-3 .
- `` We 're strongly recommending that [ARG0 anyone who *T*-1 has eaten in the cafeteria this month] [rel have] [ARG1 the shot] , '' Mr. Mattausch added *T*-3 , `` and that means virtually everyone who *T*-2 works here .
- In an apparent warning to currency traders who *T*-1 have lately been selling the British currency , he stated that [ARG0 the exchange rates] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel have] [ARG1 a `` major role in the assessment of monetary conditions] . ''
- As for property and casualty insurers , Moody 's said 0 `` preliminary estimates suggest that [ARG0 losses] [ARGM-MOD should] [ARGM-NEG not] [rel have] [ARG1 a significant impact on most insurers ' financial condition] , '' but it `` raises concerns about potentially substantial risks '' longer-term .
- He said 0 Western Digital has reacted swiftly to the movement to video graphics array , VGA , graphics technology from the old enhanced graphics adapter , [ARG0 EGA] , which *T*-1 [rel has] [ARG1 a lower resolution standard] , technology and now is one of the leading producers of these newer units .
- Skiing , after all , has mainly been for the young and daring and [ARG0 many baby boomers] have outgrown skiing or [rel have] [ARG1 too many family responsibilities 0 *T*-1 to stick with the sport] .
- Some have built health spas , business centers and shopping villages so [ARG0 visitors] [rel have] [ARG1 more 0 * to do *T*-1 than ski] .
- But he warns that [ARG0 banks] will have `` *-2 to [rel have] [ARG1 enough discipline '' 0 *T*-3 not to make loans that *T*-1 are too risky] .
- [ARG0 British Airways] may have begun *-1 to [rel have] [ARG1 second thoughts about the transaction] after the Transportation Department forced Northwest 's Airlines ' new owners to restructure the equity contribution of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines in that carrier .
- UAL 's advisers have indicated previously that it *EXP*-1 may take a while * to come forward with a revised plan since [ARG0 they] want *-2 to [rel have] [ARG1 firm bank commitments] [ARGM-TMP before *-3 launching a new bid] .
- [ARGM-MNR As the building 's new owner] , [ARG0 Chase] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel have] [ARG1 its work cut out for it] .
- `` [ARG0 You] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel have] [ARG1 a dozen competitors stealing your secrets at the same time] , '' Mr. Matchett said *T*-1 , *-2 adding : `` It 's a pretty good bet 0 they wo n't get caught *-3 . ''
- A spokeswoman would n't comment on whether the company had talked with any potential buyers for [ARG0 the New Hartford , Conn. , unit] , which *T*-1 [rel had] [ARG1 1988 sales of about $ 75 million *U*] .
- Darla St. Martin , of the National Right to Life Committee , says 0 [ARG0 exit polls from the 1988 election] [rel had] [ARG1 single-issue , pro-life voters giving Mr. Bush about five more percentage points of support than pro-choice voters gave Michael Dukakis] .
- Geoffrey Goodfellow , who *T*-1 dropped out of high school back in the 1970s *-2 to manage a computer network at a California research firm , says : `` Old network hands have started *-3 to turn off the network because [ARG0 they] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel have] [ARG1 time 0 * to wade through the muck *T*-4] . ''
- Some of this buying was by [ARG0 Japan] , which *T*-1 has [rel had] [ARG1 its supplies sharply reduced *-3 by long production stoppages at the Bougainville mine in Papua New Guinea , Highland Valley mine in British Columbia , and the Cananea mine in Mexico , which *T*-2 are major shippers to Japan] .
- [ARGM-ADV To the extent that Democratic legislators from the South have held a disproportionate share of power in Congress since 1932 and have been able *-2 to translate such clout into relatively more local benefits for their respective constituencies] , [ARG0 voters in the South] have [rel had] [ARG1 an especially strong incentive * to keep such Democrats in office] .
- *-1 Echoing the response of almost all big corporations in the Bay Area , Don Waite , Seagate 's chief financial officer , said , `` I would n't expect [ARG0 this] to [rel have] [ARG1 any significant financial impact] . ''
- Few specialists said 0 they expect [ARG0 the quake] to [rel have] [ARG1 much of an effect on most California property values] .
- Nationwide Health said that although [ARG0 it] [rel has] [ARG1 the cash 0 *T*-1 to cover the 25-cent-a-share dividend] , its banks have denied the company 's request * to pay it because the trust has n't met certain terms .
- Traders said that [ARG0 a nearly 40-point gain in the Dow Jones Industrial Average , fueled * in part by news of a lower-than-expected price index ,] [rel had] [ARG1 little influence on the dollar 's moves] .
- In New Zealand 's tiny township of [ARG0 Kaitaia] , which *T*-1 has [rel had] [ARG1 direct dialing] [ARGM-TMP for less than a year] , about 30 angry phone-company customers questioned the size of their bills .
- The result : [ARG0 Chrysler dealers] [rel had] a bloated 82-day supply of the Cherokee as of the end of last month and [ARG1 a 161-day supply of the Comanche pickup , which Toledo also builds *T*-1] .
- The result : [ARG0 Chrysler dealers] [rel had] [ARG1 a bloated 82-day supply of the Cherokee] [ARGM-TMP as of the end of last month] and a 161-day supply of the Comanche pickup , which Toledo also builds *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Which types of stocks] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP currently] [rel have] [ARG1 the greatest earnings risks] ?
- Erik Keller , a Gartner Group analyst , said 0 organizational changes may still be required *-1 * to really take advantage of CIM 's capabilities -- [ARG0 someone on the shop floor] may not like *-2 [rel having] [ARG1 someone in an office using a personal computer *-3 to look over his shoulder] , for instance , and may be able *-2 to prevent that from happening .
- But he never took an official position on the bill and has steadfastly maintained that [ARG0 he] [ARGM-TMP already] [rel has] [ARG1 enough authority * to deal with buy-outs] .
- The report said that [ARG0 utilization management] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel have] [ARG1 more of an impact] [ARGM-TMP as federal research on the effectiveness of medical treatments helps *-1 lead to medical practice guidelines] .
- `` Regardless of whether one supports or opposes the right to an abortion , '' Mr. Freind argues *T*-1 , `` it *EXP*-2 is virtually impossible for any rational human being to disagree with the concept that [ARG0 a woman] has the right * to [rel have] [ARG1 all of the appropriate materials and advice made *-4 available to her] [ARGM-TMP before she makes a decision which , one way or the other , *T*-3 might remain with her for the rest of her life] . ''
- [ARGM-TMP When I was just a child And confronted *-3 by my fears *T*-1] , [ARG0 The things that I thought 0 *T*-2 would get me] [rel Had] [ARG1 fangs and pointed ears] .
- `` [ARG0 This decision] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel have] [ARG1 a very considerable impact] , '' said 0 *T*-2 Kenneth Abraham , professor of environmental law and insurance law at the University of Virginia , [ARGM-CAU because many commercial insurance policies are issued *-1 by companies based * in New York] .
- [ARGM-TMP During 1988] , [ARG0 the Datatronic subsidiaries] [rel had] [ARG1 combined sales in excess of $ 200 million *U*] .
- Several Wall Street officials say 0 [ARG0 the proposed legislation] [ARGM-TMP already] is [rel having] [ARG1 an impact] .
- In the short term , [ARG0 the move] is likely *-1 to [rel have] [ARG1 little effect] .
- The unprecedented transfer of accounts underscored [ARG0 the options industry 's] desire * [ARGM-NEG not] to [rel have] [ARG1 its credibility tarnished *-1 by potentially widespread trading defaults on Monday] .
- Industry officials say 0 [ARG0 the Bay Bridge -- unlike some bridges --] [rel has] [ARG1 no earthquake coverage] , [ARGM-ADV either] , so the cost of * repairing it probably would have *-2 to be paid *-1 out of state general operating funds .
- That may be difficult , the Jaguar chairman acknowledged 0 *T*-2 , `` when [ARG0 you] [rel have] [ARG1 somebody else breathing down your neck *T*-1] .
- `` The kinds of [ARG1 questions] 0 [ARG0 you] [rel had] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP before] have resurfaced , '' says *T*-2 Raymond A. `` Chip '' Mason , chairman of regional brokerage firm Legg Mason Inc. , Baltimore .
- [ARG0 Fireman 's Fund] [rel had] [ARG1 claims adjusters] [ARGM-LOC on the streets of San Francisco] [ARGM-TMP right after sunrise yesterday] and was paying as many claims as it could *?* right on the spot .
- But traders said 0 [ARG0 the quake] [rel had] [ARG1 only a minor impact on the trading of California state and local municipal debt] .
- [ARGM-DIS In fact] , [ARG0 the two men] have [rel had] [ARG1 strikingly similar career paths] , [ARGM-ADV both having served as chief of internal security before their rise to the top party position] .
- Commodore had been counting on its consumer business *-2 to stay sufficiently healthy * to support its efforts in other areas -- mainly in *-4 getting schools and businesses to use [ARG0 its Amiga] , which *T*-1 [rel has] [ARG1 slick graphics] yet has been slow *-3 to catch on because it is n't compatible with Apple Computer Inc. or International Business Machines Corp. hardware .
- Britain 's Monopolies and Mergers Commission Wednesday cleared Rhone-Poulenc S.A. 's purchase of a specialty bulk-chemical unit from Monsanto Co. , *-1 saying 0 [ARG0 the purchase] was unlikely *-2 to [rel have] [ARG1 any lasting impact on U.K. industrial consumers] .
- [ARG0 Boise , Idaho-based Morrison] [rel had] [ARG1 losses totaling $ 186 million *U* over the two years ended in December] , but it has surged back to profitability as a result of cost-cutting and * shedding of unprofitable operations .
- [ARG0 One old building , the Golden State Bank Building on Front Street ,] [rel had] [ARG1 its yellow brick facade sheared *-1 off by the shock of the quake , * leaving a wedge of its third floor open to the air , while piles of dusty bricks tumbled to the street below *-2 narrowly missing rush-hour pedestrians and cars] .
- `` [ARG0 The name Classic Coke] [rel has] [ARG1 tremendous value] , and they have n't merchandised that name before , '' says *T*-1 Jesse Meyers , publisher of the trade journal Beverage Digest .
- But some market players still think 0 [ARG0 earthquake speculation] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel have] [ARG1 more impact on the oil markets] .
- Why should it *EXP*-1 be so surprising that [ARG0 a 30 % cut in the capital-gains tax] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel have] [ARG1 such an enormous impact on the value of the nation 's capital stock] *T*-2 ?
- `` This is one of [ARG1 the worst trade releases] 0 [ARG0 we] 've [rel had] *T*-2 [ARGM-TMP since the dollar troughed out in 1987] , '' said *T*-1 Geoffrey Dennis , chief international economist at James Capel Inc .
- [ARG0 The number] [rel had] [ARG1 a troubling effect on Wall Street] , [ARGM-ADV * suggesting that more fundamental economic problems may underlie last Friday 's stock market slide] .
- `` [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG0 we] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel have] [ARG1 internal controls and discipline that we need *-2 to have *T*-1 * to spend $ 5 billion *U* properly] . ''
- `` I think 0 [ARGM-ADV if we had been allowed *-3 to go ahead] [ARGM-DIS then] [ARG0 we] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel have] [ARG1 the problems 0 we have *T*-1 now] , '' Mr. Sanford says *T*-2 .
- The representative responded that [ARG0 Noriega] [rel had] [ARG1 numerous assets] [ARGM-MNR in place] [ARGM-LOC in Nicaragua] and could accomplish many essential things , just as Noriega had helped -LCB- the U.S. . -RCB- the previous year in * blowing up a Sandinista arsenal . ''
- `` [ARG0 He] [rel had] [ARG1 an elegant uniform with gold buttons] [ARGM-LOC in a country where there was a cult of militarism *T*-2 , where officers were the elite with special privileges *T*-1] , '' recalls *T*-3 Darien Ayala , a fellow student in Peru and a lifelong friend .
- `` [ARG0 Capital spending and exports , which *T*-1 have been the driving force in this expansion ,] are showing clear signs of * [rel having] [ARG1 the steam taken out of them] , '' said *T*-2 Robert Dederick , economist for Northern Trust Co. in Chicago .
- `` What this is saying *T*-1 is that [ARG0 the surgeon general 's message] is [rel having] [ARG1 an impact] , '' said *T*-2 Melvyn Tockman , an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health in Baltimore .
- This year , a number of retail leveraged buyouts have failed , * causing jitters among suppliers , and Mr. Merksamer apparently wanted assurances that [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel have] [ARG1 delivery problems] .
- [ARG0 The release of several economic reports *ICH*-1] [rel had] [ARG1 little impact] on the market , including a report that the U.S. trade deficit expanded to a surprisingly wide $ 10.77 billion *U* in August , up from a revised $ 8.24 billion *U* in July .
- Mr. Mehta observed that [ARG0 the U.S. merchandise trade deficit , which *T*-1 rose sharply in August] , [ARGM-ADV according to yesterday 's report] , has been [rel having] [ARG1 less and less impact on the gold market] .
- NASA said 0 [ARG0 the Galileo worm] [rel had] [ARG1 nothing 0 * to do *T*-1 with either delay] .
- [ARG0 The payments] are n't expected *-1 to [rel have] [ARG1 an impact] on coming operating results , Linear added 0 *T*-2 .
- The company had been experiencing softening margins because of increased sales of [ARG0 software applications] , which *T*-1 [rel have] [ARG1 lower margins than do *?* operating systems] .
- Dr. Wyndham Wilson , a cancer treatment specialist at the National Cancer Institute , said 0 [ARG0 the test] is widely used in research centers but is [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel having] [ARG1 a major impact] [ARGM-CAU because it is only occasionally useful in * choosing the most effective treatment] .
- [ARGM-LOC In Los Angeles] , [ARGM-DIS for example] , [ARG0 Central] has [rel had] [ARG1 a strong market position] [ARGM-ADV while Unilab 's presence has been less prominent] , [ARGM-ADV according to Mr. Harlow] .
- In his statement , Mr. Wolf said , `` We continue *-1 to believe 0 our approach is sound , and that it is far better for all employees than the alternative of [ARG0 *] [rel having] [ARG1 an outsider own the company with employees paying for it just the same] . ''
- The reason , ad executives say 0 *T*-2 , is that the entire magazine business has been soft -- and [ARG0 National Geographic] [rel has] [ARG1 some quirks that *T*-1 make it especially unattractive during a soft market] .
- -LRB- Trouble is , Mr. Bond has yet *-1 to pay up , and [ARGM-TMP until he does] , [ARG0 Sotheby 's] [rel has] [ARG1 the painting] [ARGM-MNR under lock and key] . -RRB-
- -LRB- [ARG0 Dong-A] had [rel had] [ARG1 a technology agreement with Jeep maker American Motors Corp. , now a part of Chrysler Corp] . -RRB-
- Creditors involved in the project contend , however , that [ARG0 the termination] [ARGM-ADV actually] [rel had] [ARG1 nothing 0 *T*-1 to do with these technical violations] .
- But it was [ARG0 the Quotron problems] that *T*-1 [rel had] [ARG1 lingering effects] .
- It was [ARGM-TMP the second time *ICH*-1] in less than a week that [ARG0 Quotron] has [rel had] [ARG1 problems *-2 calculating the industrial average] *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 Stocks] [rel have] [ARG1 a place in an investors ' portfolio] [ARGM-ADV along with real estate , bonds , international securities and cash] , he says 0 *T*-1 .
- Some takeover stock traders had been betting against Mr. Trump because [ARG0 he] [rel has] [ARG1 a record of * disclosing stakes in companies that *T*-1 are potential takeover targets , then * selling at a profit without * making a bid] .
- Investors may have reacted so strongly to Friday 's U.S. stock market loss because [ARG0 they] [rel had] [ARG1 vivid memories of the Frankfurt exchange 's * losing 35 % of its value in the 1987 crash and its wake] .
- [ARG0 McCaw] [rel has] `` [ARG1 no obligation * to purchase] and the definition of private market value is uncertain , '' the LIN board said 0 *T*-1 .
- Telephone service *ICH*-3 has been improved *-4 for customers trying * to reach their brokers , and [ARG0 specialists -- who I believe 0 *T*-1 should stay , despite the urgings of some post-crash critics --] [rel have] [ARG1 larger capital positions] .
- The real key is [ARG0 *] to [rel have] [ARG1 the economy working and interest rates down] . ''
- Nestor Hinzack , an analyst at brokerage firm Burdett , Buckeridge & Young Ltd. , described the market 's performance as `` sheep-like '' as investors fled to bluechip Australian stocks and shunned [ARG0 entrepreneurial companies] 0 they perceived *T*-1 as *-2 [rel having] [ARG1 any takeover premium built into the price] .
- Even if one buys into the whole greenhouse theory , it *EXP*-1 is inconceivable that [ARG0 reductions in a single state] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel have] [ARG1 any impact on what *T*-3 is billed *-2 as a global problem] .
- But if [ARG0 rational science and economics] [rel have] [ARG1 nothing 0 * to do *T*-2 with the new environment initiative] , what *T*-1 is going on ?
- [ARGM-ADV Interestingly] , [ARG0 the Environmental Defense Fund] is [rel having] [ARG1 nothing 0 * to do *T*-1 with this one] .
- Copper and crude oil reacted sharply to the concern that [ARG0 a crash] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel have] [ARG1 a potentially devastating effect on the economy] .
- `` I 've let the money build up , '' Mr. Lynch *ICH*-2 said *T*-1 , who *T*-4 added that [ARG0 he] has [rel had] [ARG1 trouble] [ARGM-MNR *-5 finding stocks 0 he likes *T*-3] .
- Indeed , a random check Friday did n't seem *-1 to indicate that [ARG0 the strike] was [rel having] [ARG1 much of an effect on other airline operations] .
- Meanwhile , Brazil is expected *-2 to increase its allowance from [ARG1 the 1.43 % share] 0 [ARG0 it] has [rel had] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP in recent years] .
- Friday 's consequent selling of futures contracts erased [ARG1 whatever supportive effect] [ARG0 the U.S. report] [ARGM-MOD might] have [rel had] *T*-1 and sent the November orange juice contract down as much as 6.55 cents a pound at one time .
- Separately , several Saatchi agency clients said 0 they believe 0 [ARG0 the company 's management shakeup] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel have] [ARG1 little affect on them] .
- Maxtor said 0 [ARG0 effects from * discontinuing the line] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel have] [ARG1 a positive effect on future earnings and revenue] .
- Spokesmen for Merieux and Connaught said 0 they had n't been informed *-1 of specific areas of concern by either the government or Investment Canada , but added 0 [ARG0 they] hope *-2 to [rel have] [ARG1 more information] [ARGM-TMP early this week] .
- [ARGM-CAU As a result] , `` [ARG0 major new products] are [rel having] [ARG1 significant impact] , [ARGM-ADV even on a company with very large revenues] , '' Mr. Riccardo said 0 *T*-1 .
- Though [ARG0 the argument] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel have] [ARG1 a common-sense ring] to it , even the S&L lawyers concede 0 there 's little precedent 0 *T*-1 to back their position .
- [ARG0 European drama] has [rel had] [ARG1 better , though still mixed , fortunes] .
- [ARG0 The 50-50 joint venture , which *T*-52 may be dubbed *-51 Eurodynamics ,] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel have] [ARG1 combined annual sales of at least # 1.4 billion *U* -LRB- $ 2.17 billion *U* -RRB-] and would be among the world 's largest missile makers .
- [ARGM-TMP At the same time] , [ARG0 several states in the South and West] have [rel had] [ARG1 their own population turnaround] .
- The Senate also dropped a plan by its Finance Committee that *T*-1 would have increased [ARGM-MNR the income threshold] beyond which [ARG0 senior citizens] [rel have] [ARG1 their Social Security benefits reduced *-2] *T*-3 .
- Still , he adds : `` [ARG0 We] [ARGM-MOD ca] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel have] [ARG1 this kind of thing happen very often] .
- `` [ARG0 I] have every intention of *-4 making this the best possible show and * [rel having] [ARG1 it run one hour] is the best way to it , '' said *T*-3 Rod Perth , who *T*-2 was named *-1 vice president of late night entertainment in August .
- `` [ARG0 I] [rel have] [ARG1 every intention of *-4 making this the best possible show] and * having it run one hour is the best way to it , '' said *T*-3 Rod Perth , who *T*-2 was named *-1 vice president of late night entertainment in August .
- [ARGM-ADV Though Dow has aggressively diversified into specialty chemicals and pharmaceuticals] , [ARG0 the company] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel has] [ARG1 a big stake in polyethylene , which *T*-2 is used *-1 in packaging and housewares] .
- With its mission for free speech and the capitalist way , the network 's staff says 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel has] [ARG1 plenty 0 * to do *T*-1] -- [ARGM-LOC in Hungary and in the `` Great Eastern Beyond] . ''
- A provision allowing grants *-2 to be applied *-2 to first-home purchases was added *-1 * to appeal to [ARG0 those] who *T*-3 had [rel had] [ARG1 enough of schooling] .
- And there was much criticism of [ARG0 the New York Stock Exchange 's] system of * [rel having] [ARG1 stock trades] flow through specialists , or market makers .