frames- They will also tell you that even if [ARG0 you] [rel hate] [ARG1 heights] , you can still balloon .
- But the two groups have something very important in common : They are both havens for scared money , stocks for [ARG0 people] who *T*-167 [rel hate] [ARG1 stocks] .
- As for Lincoln , if you ca n't guess why he 's so sweet to his sister [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG0 everybody else] [rel hates] [ARG1 her] *T*-1 , then I 'm not going *-2 to tell you .
- Some entrepreneurs say 0 [ARG1 the red tape] 0 [ARG0 they] most love *-2 to [rel hate] *T*-1 is red tape 0 they would also hate *-3 to lose *T*-4 .
- Some entrepreneurs say 0 the red tape 0 they most love *-2 to hate *T*-1 is red tape 0 [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel hate] [ARG1 *-3 to lose *T*-4] .
- Ironically , the person who *T*-1 wants *-2 to run his or her own business is probably [ARG0 the active , results-oriented sort] most likely * to [rel hate] [ARG1 *-3 meeting the rules and record-keeping demands of federal , state and local regulators] .
- Mr. Thal says that [ARG0 Elizabeth Taylor , a client ,] `` [rel hates] [ARG1 *-2 being called *-1 ` Liz] . ' ...
- `` [ARG0 People] [rel hate] [ARG1 *-1 to write] , '' he says *T*-2 .
- This is particularly good news for [ARG0 those] who *T*-2 [rel hate] [ARG1 risk] , who *T*-3 are incapable of * doing extensive amounts of planning and who *T*-4 refuse *-5 to see their life styles hurt *-6 in any way .
- [ARG0 Con men] [rel hate] [ARG1 snow] .
- `` [ARG0 I] [rel hate] [ARG1 *-1 to dignify the publication by *-1 commenting on the obscene rating] , '' Mayor Carolyn Robinson says *T*-4 , *-2 adding that cities have no way 0 * to rebut the book *T*-5 .
- When the Congress -LRB- I -RRB- lost the 1977 election , following Mrs. Gandhi 's [rel hated] [ARG1 emergency] rule *T*-1 , a similar coalition took power and then disintegrated .
- At the last minute , however , Pakistani officials sent in Gulbuddin Hekhmatyar , perhaps the [ARGM-EXT most] [rel hated] and feared of [ARG1 the extremists] , with a demand that the surrender be made *-1 to his forces .