frames- [ARGM-TMP As Conservatives rally around Mrs. Thatcher during the crisis] , [ARG0 many] [rel harbor] [ARG1 hopes 0 last week 's debacle will prompt change] .
- [ARGM-DIS So] [ARGM-DIS after all] , [ARG0 even the bitterest critic of rural exclusivity] [rel harbors] [ARG1 a continuing yearning for those scarce , rural virtues thought * to exist amid fields , forests and country lanes] .
- China frequently lambastes [ARG0 the U.S. Embassy] for *-2 [rel harboring] [ARG1 astrophysicist Fang Lizhi , a political dissident who *T*-1 took refuge there after the massacre] .
- With a splendid cast led * by David Darlow as Alceste , Christina Haag as Celimene and , especially , William Brown as [ARG0 a Philinte] who *T*-1 plays the Hollywood game but [rel harbors] [ARG1 authentic values and feelings] , the Goodman production barrels through an all-night Hollywood party with exuberance and wit .