frames- In mid-October , Time magazine lowered its [rel guaranteed] [ARG1 circulation] rate base [ARGM-TMP for 1990] while *-1 not increasing ad page rates ; with a lower circulation base , Time 's ad rate *ICH*-2 will be effectively 7.5 % higher per subscriber ; a full page in Time costs about $ 120,000 *U* .
- [rel Guaranteed] [ARG1 minimum] 6 % .
- [ARG1 *] [rel Guaranteed] *-1 by [ARG0-by Svenska Handelsbanken] .
- People close to the utility industry said 0 [ARG0 Mr. Dingell 's proposal] appears *-3 to [rel guarantee] [ARG1 only an estimated seven-million-ton cut in annual sulfur-dioxide emissions that *T*-2 lead to acid rain] , [ARGM-ADV though additional cuts could be ordered *-1 later] .
- He told reporters in Wellington Tuesday that [ARG0 the government] had [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel guaranteed] [ARG1 the loans to DFC New Zealand Ltd. , an investment bank 80%-owned by the National Provident Fund] , and would n't bail it out .
- Freddie Mac for years has offered [ARG0 a so-called participation certificate] that *T*-184 [rel guarantees] [ARG1 0 it wo n't be prepaid *-169 for a set number of years] and offers semiannual payments .
- He added : `` How is a travel agent going *-1 to sell a holiday *T*-3 [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-NEG not] [rel guarantee] [ARG1 a return flight] *T*-2 ? ''
- Lawful demonstrations , such as peaceful picketing and other assemblages that *T*-265 do not disturb the peace or cause a public nuisance or interfere with the rights of others , are [ARG1 rights] [rel guaranteed] * by [ARG0-by any truly free system of government] .
- [ARG0 The new date] means that the tax will be officially repealed *-1 before the end of the current parliamentary term at the end of 1990 and *-2 [rel guarantees] [ARG1 its abolition] [ARGM-ADV even if the current center-right coalition loses the elections in December 1990] .
- Now there 's a new wrinkle *ICH*-2 in what young doctors want *T*-1 : More than half of 300 residents responding to recent survey said 0 they 'd prefer a [rel guaranteed] [ARG1 salary] over traditional fee-for-service compensation in their first professional position .
- In addition , Moody 's said 0 it downgraded Financiere Credit Suisse-First Boston 's senior and subordinated Swiss debt to single-A-2 from single-A-1 and lowered [ARG1 Financiere CSFB N.V. 's junior subordinated perpetual Eurodebt] , [rel guaranteed] * by [ARG0-by Financiere Credit Suisse -- First Boston] , to single-A-3 from single-A-2 .
- [ARG1 *] [rel Guaranteed] *-1 by [ARG0-by the South Australian Treasury] .
- Sony , for its part , could decide that the cost of a Warner settlement or court fight is too high , *-1 choosing instead *-2 to find someone else 0 *T*-3 to run Columbia , although that too would be costly given [ARG1 the financial arrangement] [ARGM-TMP already] [rel guaranteed] * to [ARG2-to Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters] .
- But [ARG1 success for Unilever and P&G] is [ARGM-ADV far] from [rel guaranteed] , as * shown *-3 by the many consumer-product companies that *T*-2 have tried and failed *-4 to master the quirky beauty business .
- But [ARG1 success for Unilever and P&G] is far from [rel guaranteed] , as * shown *-3 by the many consumer-product companies that *T*-2 have tried and failed *-4 to master the quirky beauty business .
- [ARGM-ADV While few lawmakers anticipated that the humanitarian aid would be cut *-2 off next month] , [ARG0 Mr. Ortega 's threat] [ARGM-ADV practically] [rel guarantees] [ARG1 that the humanitarian aid will be continued *-1] .
- [ARG1 An interest rate] is [rel guaranteed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP for between one and seven years] , [ARGM-TMP after which holders get 30 days 0 * to choose another guarantee period or to switch to another insurer 's contract without the surrender charges that *T*-2 are common to annuities *T*-3 *T*-4] .
- *-2 To mop up some of the 300 billion rubles in circulation , the government should encourage home ownership , including * issuing [ARG0 bonds] that *T*-1 [rel guarantee] [ARG2 holders] [ARG1 the right * to purchase an apartment] .
- [ARG0 The government] , [ARGM-DIS in turn] , [rel guaranteed] [ARG1 financing] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to complete the order backlog] and took control of the board .
- [ARG0 Maxicare] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel guarantee] [ARG1 that the banks will realize at least $ 7 million *U* on certain notes pledged * to them] .
- And it is how [ARG2 African-Americans and other minority groups] were [rel guaranteed] *-1 [ARG1 their equal rights as citizens in this nation] .
- Disabled Americans have had [ARG1 their civil rights] [rel guaranteed] [ARGM-LOC in all federally funded programs] since Section 504 was passed *-1 as a part of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act .
- [ARG0 He] [ARGM-MOD ca] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel guarantee] [ARG1 that he can use it any better] . ''
- We suspect that Justice will some day agree that [ARG0 only the complete repeal of RICO] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel guarantee] [ARG1 an end to injustices in its name] .
- [ARG1 *] [rel Guaranteed] *-1 by [ARG0-by Mitsubishi Bank Ltd] .
- [ARG1 *] [rel Guaranteed] *-1 by [ARG0-by Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank Ltd] .
- [ARG1 *] [rel Guaranteed] *-1 by [ARG0-by Fuji Bank] .
- Apogee Enterprises Inc. said 0 profit for the third quarter ending Dec. 2 will fall below the year-earlier results because of an after-tax charge of $ 1.9 million *U* related * to [ARG1 a project] that *T*-2 was [rel guaranteed] *-1 by [ARG0-by the company] .
- Apogee said 0 the charge stems from [ARGM-LOC a building supply contract] in which [ARG0 the company] [rel guaranteed] [ARG1 a contractor 's performance] *T*-1 .
- Lawmakers in Moscow voted *-1 to deny the Communist Party its [ARG1 100] [rel guaranteed] seats in the Soviet Congress , * meaning 0 Gorbachev and other aides might have *-2 to face voters .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG0 a Norfolk affiliate , York Capital Inc. ,] [ARGM-MOD will] purchase all of the interests of Eagle 's secured lenders , which *T*-1 total $ 11.5 million *U* , and [rel guarantee] [ARG1 as much as $ 8.2 million *U* in payments to Eagle 's unsecured creditors] .
- A federal judge granted a temporary stay of [ARG0 the California Student Aid Commission 's] emergency action * to stop *-1 [rel guaranteeing] [ARG1 loans for National Technical Schools , a unit of United Education & Software Inc] .
- [ARG0 United Education & Software] posted a $ 250,000 *U* bond against potential losses to the student aid commission and to taxpayers in * [rel guaranteeing] [ARG1 any more loans for National Technical Schools students] [ARGM-TMP prior to the hearing] .
- But the financial rewards are n't expected *-1 soon , nor are [ARG1 they] [rel guaranteed] .
- This film did emphasize how long the Israeli\/Palestinian stalemate has existed *T*-3 by *-7 tracing the conflict to the days of World War I when [ARG0 the British] tried *-4 to [rel guarantee] [ARG1 both a Jewish state and a Palestinian state] [ARGM-MNR without *-6 specifying how it was * to be done *-1 *T*-5] *T*-2 .
- However a Qintex Australia spokesman said 0 [ARG0 his firm] had [ARGM-TMP never] `` promised or [rel guaranteed] '' [ARG1 *-1 to make the payment] .
- Naturally , one of [ARGM-MNR the best ways] 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel guarantee] [ARG1 visibility] for [ARG2-for your due-process system] *T*-1 is for top management to support it .
- [ARG0 *-3] To [rel guarantee] [ARG1 that Mexicana de Aviacion and other companies will really be privatized *-1] , Mexico needs a pluri-party political system that *T*-2 will ensure democracy and hence accountability .
- [ARG0 The Arab League-sponsored pact , drafted * during three weeks of talks at the Saudi Arabian resort of Taif ,] includes Syrian proposals for at least a partial troop pullout from Lebanon , and [rel guarantees] [ARG1 an equal number of seats for Moslems and Christians in the Parliament] .
- They commonly give two scenarios : One is based *-1 on [ARG1 interest rates] that [ARG0 the company] [rel guarantees] *T*-2 -LRB- usually 4 % to 4.5 % *U* -RRB- and the other on the rate 0 it is currently getting *T*-3 on investment , often 8.5 % or more .
- At a back-yard barbecue , for example , a friend boasts that she 'll only have *-1 to pay premiums on her John Hancock policy for seven years and that [ARG1 her death benefits] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-TMP then] be `` [rel guaranteed] *-2 . ''
- But Glenn Daily , a New York-based financial consultant , warns that many of these bonuses are `` just fantasies , '' because [ARG1 most] are [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel guaranteed] *-1 by [ARG0-by the companies] .
- An added feature is that [ARG1 the slighty improved return] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel guaranteed] *-1 by [ARG0-by Prudential] .
- [ARG0 These] [rel guarantee] [ARG1 protection against stock market declines] [ARGM-TMP while *-1 still passing along most gains] .
- The fund could invest $ 87 *U* for one year in Treasury bills yielding 8 % *-1 to return the [rel guaranteed] [ARG1 $] 95 *U* .
- According to the Illinois attorney general 's suit , Watson & Hughey sent mailings indicating that [ARG2 recipients] were [rel guaranteed] [ARG1 cash prizes] , and could win up to an additional $ 1,000 *U* on top of them , if they contributed as little as $ 7 *U* .
- Investors , for instance , may mistakenly assume that [ARG0 the bank or company that *T*-1 originally held the assets] is [rel guaranteeing] [ARG1 the securities] .
- The prospectus also notes that [ARG1 the securities] are [ARGM-NEG not] [rel guaranteed] *-1 by [ARG0-by any government agency] .
- More than 200 catalog outfits are promoting [ARG0 a low-cost Federal Express service] that *T*-1 [rel guarantees] [ARG1 pre-Christmas delivery of orders made * by a certain date] .
- He also called on Nicaragua 's neighbors *-1 to accept [ARG1 a `` military equilibrium ''] [rel guaranteed] * by [ARG0-by both superpowers] .
- [rel Guaranteed] [ARG1 *] by [ARG0-by Societe Generale] .
- The NRC rejected Mr. Shannon 's argument that [ARG0 Public Service Co. of New Hampshire , which *T*-1 owns the largest share of Seabrook , and 11 other owners] are financially unable *-2 to [rel guarantee] [ARG1 the plant 's safe operation] .
- The Accumulation and Investment Group is responsible for the investment operations of all Capital Holding 's insurance businesses and markets [rel guaranteed] [ARG1 investment] contracts to bank trust departments and other institutions .
- [rel Guaranteed] [ARG1 minimum] 6 % .
- [ARG0 The U.S. Export-Import Bank] tentatively decided *-1 to [rel guarantee] [ARG1 commercial bank financing for the purchase of two Boeing Co. 767 airliners by Avianca , Colombia 's international airline , at a cost of about $ 150 million *U*] .
- `` I 've told my staff and clients that they still have the ability * to exercise their options , because [ARG1 they] are [rel guaranteed] *-1 by [ARG0-by the Options Clearing Corp.] , '' said *T*-2 Michael Schwartz , a senior registered options strategist at Oppenheimer & Co .
- SEC Chairman Richard Breeden said 0 [ARG0 the cooperation by the exchanges] would enable investors to buy and sell options listed * solely on the Pacific exchange , *-1 [rel guaranteeing] [ARG1 the liquidity of the market] .
- In Chicago yesterday , Options Clearing confirmed that [ARG0 it] [rel guarantees] [ARG1 the Pacific exchange options] .
- [ARG0 The CBOE , American Stock Exchange , Options Clearing Corp. and Stephen Fossett , owner of Fossett ,] joined in *-1 putting up $ 50 million *U* *-2 to [rel guarantee] [ARG1 the accounts at First Options] .
- [rel Guaranteed] [ARG1 *] by [ARG0-by India] .
- Art dealers say that while [ARG0 auction houses] [ARGM-TMP occasionally] [rel guarantee] [ARG2 the seller of a highly desirable work of art] [ARG1 a minimum price] , a financial commitment of this size is unprecedented .
- [ARG0 The Financial Services division] has [rel guaranteed] [ARG2 the Dorrance family] [ARG1 that it will receive a minimum of $ 100 million *U* for the collection , regardless of what the bids for the art works total *T*-1] , people close to the transaction say 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 *] [rel Guaranteed] *-1 by [ARG0-by Redland PLC] .
- Brokers handle such transactions through [ARG0 the Options Clearing Corp.] , which *T*-1 [rel guarantees] [ARG1 all option trades] .
- A Zimbabwean delegate argued that [ARG0 the ban] [ARGM-MOD would] `` [rel guarantee] [ARG1 the extinction of the elephant] . ''
- He said that other participants in the conference `` do not believe that [ARG1 the rights of Americans] [ARGM-MOD should] be [rel guaranteed] *-1 to [ARG2-to citizens who *T*-2 are homosexual] , '' but that `` I mean *-3 to persuade you to the opposite view . ''
- Thus , in an unprecedented arrangement underscoring the seriousness of the transfer , [ARG0 the CBOE , the American Stock Exchange and the Options Clearing Corp. , as well as the firm 's owner , Stephen Fossett ,] put up a total of $ 50 million *U* *-1 to [rel guarantee] [ARG1 the customer positions being transferred * to the bank holding company subsidiary] [ARGM-CAU in case the market plunged again yesterday] .
- [ARGM-DIS All told] , [ARG0 the federal government] [ARGM-TMP already] [rel guarantees] [ARG1 more than $ 900 billion *U* of mortgages] .
- However , Time executives used the same explanation when in October 1988 the magazine cut its [rel guaranteed] [ARG1 circulation] from 4.6 million to 4.3 million *T*-1 .
- In an announcement to its staff last week , executives at Time Warner Inc. 's weekly magazine said 0 Time will `` dramatically de-emphasize '' its use of electronic giveaways such as telephones in television subscription drives ; cut [ARG1 the circulation] 0 [ARG0 it] [rel guarantees] [ARG2 advertisers] *T*-1 by 300,000 , to four million ; and increase the cost of its annual subscription rate by about $ 4 *U* to $ 55 *U* .
- However , because the [rel guaranteed] [ARG1 circulation] base is being lowered *-1 , ad rates will be effectively 7.5 % *ICH*-2 higher per subscriber , according to Richard Heinemann , Time associate publisher .
- Since [ARG1 production costs] were [rel guaranteed] *-2 , it *EXP*-3 did n't matter that a program could n't be sold *-4 abroad or put *-4 into syndication , as most American programs are *?* *-1 .