frames- The sad reality is that the retail investor continues *-1 to pursue stellar performers first , while *-2 leaving [ARG0 institutions] to [rel grapple] with [ARG1-with basis points of performance on large sums of money] quarter by quarter *PPA*-3 .
- [ARGM-LOC There] , [ARG0 judges who *T*-1 saw few such cases and *T*-1 had no experience in the field] [rel grappled] with [ARG1-with some of the most technical and complex disputes imaginable] .
- As [ARG0 the Soviet Union] [rel grapples] with [ARG1-with its worsening economy] , leading reformers have drawn up a blueprint for change designed * to push the nation much closer to a free-market system .
- [ARGM-LOC Alongside the old problems of a non-convertible currency and an inpenetrable bureaucracy] , [ARG0 Western business executives] [ARGM-MOD must] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel grapple] with [ARG1-with new complexities linked * to perestroika , the restructuring of the Soviet economy] .
- For many companies , of course , there is still a slew of [ARG1-with nagging problems] 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel grapple] with *T*-3 , some of which *T*-2 have the potential * to become quite serious .