frames- The Sun concluded that Mr. Pierce is only part of the problem -- and [ARG1 a part] that *T*-31 's [rel gone] .
- [ARGM-DIS Still] , [ARG1 Boeing] [rel went] through [ARG2-through its normal verbal gymnastics] and played up the downside .
- [rel Gone] is *T*-1 [ARG1 D. Joseph Corr , the airline 's chairman , chief executive and president , appointed * only last December] .
- TW 's junk bonds were n't , as [ARG1 junk bonds] [rel go] , unusually weak .
- [ARG1 Airlines in 1989] `` came in like a bang and are [rel going] [ARGM-DIR out] [ARGM-MNR like a whimper] , '' said 0 *T*-1 Kevin Murphy , an airline analyst at Morgan Stanley & Co .
- This year , the NFL also imposed an 80-player limit *ICH*-1 on [ARG0 teams] [rel going] into [ARG2-into training camp] , down from 120 , in a move meant * to trim payroll costs .
- [ARGM-DIS Why] , [ARG1 even 20 % of the Republican vote] is [rel going] to [ARG4-to Dinkins] . ''
- When they halt trading *T*-2 , [ARG1 all market liquidity] is [rel gone] .
- But Mr. Guber figured that Warner Communications Inc. chairman Steven Ross , would empathize and let [ARG0 the producers] [rel go] , *-1 knowing 0 the Sony offer was `` the culmination of a life 's work . ''
- [ARG1 Taxes] are [ARGM-NEG not] [rel going] [ARG2 out of business] . ''
- `` You go to any medium-sized town in the U.S. and [ARG0 you] 're [rel going] *-1 to see H&R Block tax services . ''
- That is , with capital gains cut *-1 , [ARG1 the glue of the 1986 accord] will be [rel gone] , and political realities will push up income-tax rates .
- [ARG1 Those days] are [rel gone] .
- But its auditor , Ernst & Young , said 0 Enviropact 's financial situation raises `` substantial doubt about its ability * to continue as a [rel going] [ARG1 concern] . ''
- New York money manager Mario Gabelli , an expert at * spotting takeover candidates , says that [ARG1 takeovers] are [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-EXT totally] [rel gone] .
- [ARG1 Mr. Greenberg] got out just before the 1987 crash and , [ARGM-ADV to his regret] , [ARGM-TMP never] [rel went] [ARGM-DIR back] [ARGM-TMP even as the market soared] .