frames- [ARG0 Mr. Hulings] [rel gloats] [ARG1 that he sold all his stocks a week before the market plummeted 190 points on Oct. 13] , and he is using the money * to help *-1 buy a 45-acre horse farm .
- Though [ARG0 Democrats] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel gloat] at [ARG1-at all this] [ARGM-TMP for now] , they may want *-1 to contain their glee .
- Afterward , [ARG0 Mr. Paul] is said by Mr. Guterman *-1 to have phoned Mr. Guterman , the New York developer selling the collection , and [rel gloated] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Paul] denies phoning and [rel gloating] .